Thursday, March 10, 2005

We are headed into the New World Order like Bee Martins to the gourde and the people in this country are asleep!

For the most part, Republicans are just as guilty as Democrats for getting us to this juncture of our history. Most of the Republicans are supporting the Bankruptcy Bill that is being voted on in the Senate today. This will take away the relief that the people of this country have had in the past for over-extention of their debts. Bankruptcy has grown in America and it is not just that people are poor stewards.
If you add up Slavery Income (voluntary)Tax, State tax, property tax,county taxes, sales tax, gasoline tax, telephone tax, environmental tax, day care, medical bills, clothing bills, church tithe, use taxes, car tags, car insurance, rent or mortgage payments and on and on, you can see why the American people are strapped to the hilt with indebetness. Now the Banksters and the Congress have joined up to enslave them more.

Also, thanks to a treaty the the U.S. signed with the World Trade Organization, we are now under a law that as of June will prevent us from buying Vitamins and Supplements from anyone but Pharmaceutical Companies. If the US. refuses to abide by this law, they will be taken to the World Court! Hmmm! Now that is interesting.

The article I am posting today is from News With Views. It speaks the truth about what is going on in America today.



John Newby
March 10, 2005

If it wasn’t so serious, I’d chuckle reading the latest quote from the news media’s intellectual owners, the AP wire service, it reads, “Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan seems like he’s everywhere these days, peering out from black horn-rimmed glasses and waxing on about Social Security, Medicare, deficits, consumption taxes, FINANCIAL ILLITERACY, even liquefied natural gas.” The key words here are ‘financial illiteracy.’ This is the state of mind our mainstream media occupies and thus so does the majority of otherwise intelligent Americans. Why do I say this? I say this because your average American hasn’t a clue as to the devastation dished out by the banking cartel called the Federal Reserve System which was created in secrecy on Jekyll Island.

To better explain. First, let’s determine what the Federal Reserve System isn’t. It isn’t a government entity as most believe. While the name was carefully crafted to deceive, it isn’t a Federal institution nor does it have any reserve. The only system likeness is that of a mafia-like arrangement set-up to fleece the American people. The fact of the matter is, it’s an international banking cartel made of the largest banking and financial personalities in the world. Now if that doesn’t at least raise an eyebrow, this should. The federal income taxes you pay don’t go to run the government, this ceased years ago. The federal taxes you pay go to the Federal Reserve to be loaned to the USA and other countries. Just imagine; we pay all our taxes to the fed who in turns lends that and more back to us with interest. Let me further explain.

All tax dollars go to Federal Reserve. For every $1 the Federal Reserve receives, it loans $10. Where does this $10 come from? It’s simply created from absolutely nothing. But the real kicker, the Fed charges interest on the entire $10, so in essence they’re collecting high interest on nothing from the American people. Then to make matters worse, they artificially induce inflation to increase interest payments on that nothing. Just imagine the amount of money going into the coffers of the international cartel at our expense. The interest being received from purchases, mortgages and so forth in our country is far more than our minds can comprehend. Quite a productive scam if I might say so myself. Some might even classify this as criminal.

Let’s get back to the quote by Greenspan. He and the Federal Reserve System are banking (no pun intended) on the FINANCIAL ILLITERACY of the American people. We go to work each day and pay far more than is due Caesar. Fifty years ago, Americans paid 3% of their income in taxes. Today that 3% has grown to over 52%. But at least there is a bright side. Our 52% assures that millions are aborted each year, assures dictators around the world will stay in power, assures the UN will continue to siphon off our dollars in massive ways, assures corporate welfare will continue, assures many continue in a state of perpetual poverty and continue to fund the international bankers drive for more power, corruption and gain.

I guess what is even more alarming is the mindset of the American shee-ple. Most appear not to care or worse, they know something is wildly wrong and refuse to acknowledge it and do their own homework. In fifty years we have gone from 3% to 52%, the chickens will come home to roost. What will our children be shackled with? Even worse, what will our grandchildren be shackled with? But at least we’ll go to our graves not having rocked the boat and let our children and grandchildren deal with the outcome of our fears, apathy and ignorance.

I’ve used the word ‘patriots’ in the past, most really don’t know what that means. For the sake of keeping it simple, a true patriot is one that will stand up and say, enough is enough without fear of reprisal because they are fighting for their children’s future. However, on the other hand, apathy and fear create a common coward. Unfortunately, we have far too many cowards than patriots willing to stand up and be counted and that is an indictment that we; no, our children will have to live with.

© 2005 John Newby - All Rights Reserved

John Newby is currently the Circulation Director and Columnist for the Moline Dispatch Publishing Company. Prior to his current 15 year career in the media industry, he served his country as a Weather Forecaster in the Air Force. He's a regular speaker at industry training sessions and enjoys the opportunity to present his ideas.

While not adored in most newsrooms, his columns consistently generate excellent response as he concentrates on media biases, fact-less reporting and the ongoing attacks on the Constitution. John is happily married to his eternal partner Kathy and have been blessed and kept busy with their nine wonderful children.

Those people who are not governed by God will be ruled by tyrants. -- William Penn