Friday, December 13, 2002


John 17:14
I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

The Grinch is stealing Christmas away in America. I am sure each one of you remember the excitement of this time of year when we went to school. Our teachers were our leaders and most of the ones I remember were Christians. Many taught Sunday School in our little town of Pooler, Georgia. Well our Jesus is not welcome in American Schools anymore and the scripture above explains the reason.

What is interesting to me is that there is not an outcry from the Christian Community! I am sick of the news broadcast discussing Trent Lott and just look at the Left and how they are attacking this man. Our Lord, who gave His life for each one of us, is being attacked and there is little outrage being expressed. The true Church of Jesus in America is slowly loosing its influence I fear because we have all become too comfortable in this Politically Correct environment. Once there was no room in the Inn for our Savior. Now there is no room for Him in American Institutions! How sad when this is the time we need Him the most.

God Bless


School bans saying 'Christmas'
Veteran teacher dumbfounded by order precluding mention of holiday

Posted: December 13, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Joe Kovacs
© 2002

At a time when Americans of many faiths – and even no faith – gear up to celebrate Christmas this year, a first-grade teacher in Sacramento Co., Calif., says she's been ordered by her principal not to utter the word "Christmas" at school.

The 24-year education veteran, who wishes to keep her name and the school anonymous at this time, claims she and two fellow instructors were told that use of the word "Christmas" in the classroom or in written materials was now prohibited.

"She was dumbfounded!" says Karen Holgate of the Capitol Resource Institute, a pro-family public-policy center based in Sacramento. "This is the first time you can't use the word."

The ban apparently only affects teachers, not students. The instructor contacted CRI, to find out if the school had the right to prohibit its mention.

According to Holgate, the second-year principal's "out of the blue" mandate was handed down Monday during the discussion with three first-grade teachers. One of them didn't agree with the policy, but agreed to go along with it. Another stated that Christmas should not be discussed in class anyway.

But the third teacher was stunned by the pronouncement, as she's been delivering a "Christmas around the world" program for more than two decades. The teacher also explains to children how Hanukkah and other holidays are celebrated in other nations.

"She's so discouraged now," says Holgate, "she doesn't know if she wants to keep on teaching. ... People need to stand up to all these wackos. It's nuts!"

The CRI says California standards not only allow for the Bible and religious topics to be mentioned in the classroom, but teachers are encouraged to discuss their social and cultural relevance.

As WorldNetDaily previously reported, other schools in the Golden State are having students pretend to be Muslims, simulating jihads with a dice game, while others pupils celebrate the "Day of the Dead" by creating altars to honor deceased loved ones or family pets.

The San Juan Unified District, which serves over 50,000 students in 85 schools, is where the alleged Christmas ban is centered. Its director of communications, Deidra Powell, tells WorldNetDaily she's heard nothing about the principal's purported action, but doesn't think the district's policy on religious matters would preclude the mentioning of holidays.

"You can say 'Christmas,' you can say 'Hanukkah,'" she stated. "It is nowhere written in any policy; I don't think our board of education or superintendent would prohibit that."

Powell says the policy is designed to protect all students and make them feel safe in their environment, adding "not everybody is a Christian. We're using public funds, [so] we can't endorse [Christmas]."

The United States Justice Foundation was requested by CRI to research the law on the matter, and responded with an open opinion stating any ban on using the word "Christmas" is an "abject violation" of the California Education Code.

"Christmas and other holidays are an integral part of this nation's heritage and cultural identity," writes litigation counsel Richard Ackerman. "Because of this fact, references to religious holidays, of cultural significance, have a protected place in the classroom. Schools are absolutely allowed to observe holidays and to reference the existence, date of, and cultural activities associated with the holiday."

The teacher plans on showing the USJF opinion to the principal and fellow instructors today, and will take it to the district's superintendent, if the campus remains a "no-Christmas zone."

Crackdowns on Christmas have made national news elsewhere this week.

As WorldNetDaily reported Tuesday, a public-interest law firm filed suit in federal court alleging that a "Holiday Displays" policy for New York City public schools is discriminatory against the Christian religion.

In its suit, the Thomas More Law Center said the district's policy "unlawfully discriminates against Christians" because it "prohibits the display of [Christian] Nativity scenes" in public schools during Christmas, while it "expressly permits and encourages" the display of the Jewish Menorah and the Islamic Star and Crescent during certain religious holidays and observances.

Meanwhile in Yonkers, N.Y., a superintendent who reportedly directed school officials to limit holiday decorations to generic season's greetings, has now clarified his order.

According to the White Plains Journal News, interim Superintendent Angelo Petrone had issued a memo last week stating that "decorations in the schools should be limited to 'Happy Holidays' or 'Season's Greetings.'"

Staff at 12 of 42 city schools tore down bulletin boards and scrapped lesson plans tied to the holidays based on what Petrone said was a misinterpretation of the previous memo, which also stated that it's difficult to decorate buildings to accommodate all the different cultures and asked officials not to promote "any particular religious tenor."

"My expectation was that they use common sense," he said. "It did not mean holiday decorations needed to come down. I just wanted them to have sensitivity to the diversity in this district."


Thursday, December 12, 2002

Faith Based Initiatives:

Good Morning Everyone.

I am posting an article by Knight Ridder Newspapers. Faith Based Initiatives. It all sounds so good and yet I fear it will lead to the control of religon in America. When any group takes Federal Funds, it places itself under the control of the Federal Goverment. Already in this article you can see the anti-religon crowd screaming. This I fear is the proverbial foot in the door to the control of America's pulpits. The famous phrase, Let The Buyer Beware, should apply here.

Back when the government came to the doctors, in the early 70's, with Medicare, they assured the physicians that the Federal Government would not control the practice of medicine. Well, take a look at healthcare in America today. It is in a mess and getting worse and soon the Goverment will be able to say we are in a crisis and totally socialize healthcare. People will then wait 6 to 9 months for a hip nailing to repair a fracture. That is exactly what is happening in Canada today.

I believe that it is wrong for the church to become unequally yoked with government and when she does, her freedom to preach forth the truth will slowly come to an end!

God Bless

Bush to bypass Congress on U.S. grants to `faith-based' charities
Knight Ridder Newspapers

WASHINGTON - (KRT) - President Bush on Thursday will issue a sweeping executive order directing federal agencies to let religious charities compete for social-service grants and contracts, bypassing Congress on a sensitive church-state issue.

With his "faith-based" initiative stalled in the Senate, Bush will push his agenda forward with the stroke of a pen at a conference of religious charities in Philadelphia. Administration officials said the order would help clear the way for government assistance to religious organizations that serve the poor.

The order is intended to make sure that faith-based groups can retain their religious identities, including the right to hire workers based on religion, while accepting federal tax dollars. But it will prohibit the use of federal tax money for worship services, religious instruction or other "inherently religious" activity.

Bush's plan to let religious groups tap into the federal treasury for charitable work was a key element of his "compassionate conservative" agenda in his 2000 presidential campaign. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives approved Bush's proposal six months after he took office, but it bogged down in the Democratic-controlled Senate because of concerns about the separation of church and state.

Rob Boston, a spokesman for the group Americans United for Separation of Church and State, called the president's action "an end run around the democratic process" that blurs the line between government and religion.

"What Bush wants to do is make it possible for religious groups to get federal funds and continue to discriminate on the basis of religion in hiring their staffs. That's essentially taxpayer support for religious discrimination," Boston said. "Discrimination on any grounds is anathema to the American people."

Although the executive order will accomplish much of what Bush wants to do, it won't end the debate over faith-based legislation. Administration officials said Bush would continue to press Congress to remove the legal barriers that make it hard for religious groups to get federal money.

"The president basically is making clear that he's going to do everything within his authority to seek to put an end to discrimination against faith-based groups," a senior administration official said Wednesday, speaking on condition of anonymity. "He's taking some pretty sweeping action to do what he campaigned to do. ... They're bold steps."

The plan has critics at both ends of the political spectrum. Some liberals fear that faith-based groups would use government money to promote religious views. Some conservatives worry that accepting federal money would dilute the spirituality and effectiveness of religious charities.

"This initiative recognizes the power of faith in helping heal some of our nation's wounds," Bush said at a White House event earlier this year. "I have faith that faith will work in solving the problems."

The president's executive order is welcome news for advocates of closer cooperation between the government and religious charities.

"I'm as happy as I can be," said the Rev. Herb Lusk, the pastor at Greater Exodus Baptist Church in Philadelphia. "Churches have their hands on the pulse-beat of what's going on. There's a networking system that's beneath the radar of some big bureaucracies."

Bush also will direct the Federal Emergency Management Agency to revise its policies to let religious nonprofit organizations qualify for disaster relief. The White House became aware of the issue when the Seattle Hebrew Academy, a private religious school, was denied disaster aid after an earthquake.

Another executive order will create faith-based offices at the Agriculture Department and the Agency for International Development, to help religious charities tap into programs that those agencies run. Bush already has established similar offices at five other federal agencies.

His Philadelphia visit comes 10 days after John Dilulio, the former head of the White House office on faith-based programs, made headlines with some stinging criticism of his former boss.

In an interview with Esquire magazine, Dilulio said the Bush White House was consumed by politics and treated policy as an afterthought. Dilulio, now a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, later retracted his comments.


© 2002, Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services.


Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Revelation 6
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

I Am Sorry I Voted For This Man!

Jimmy Carter is in the news again. He has received a Nobel Peace Prize. The one time I voted Democrat was when he ran for President from Georgia. Since that time, I have repented of that vote. After becoming President, it did not take long to realize he was weak and was being controlled by others.

Jimmy Carter is a Baptist and claims to be a Christian. I cannot judge his heart but I can judge his actions. It is a known fact that this man is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. These Organizations have an ultimate goal in mind and that is a One World Government. Interestingly the Council on Foreign Relations Logo depicts a "rider on a white horse" waving his hand defiantly in a black circle. Remember that the rider on the white horse in Revelation represents the Antichrist.

In 1976 When Jimmy Carter became President, he immediately appointed Zbignew Brezinski as National Security Advisor and the head of the National Security Council. Brezinski is not only a CFR member but also co-founded the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller Sr.. So as you can see, Mr. Carter fits right in with the One Worlders. I ask this question. How can a born again believer in the Lord Jesus be a member of such evil institutions? THINK ABOUT IT!

God Bless

Here is an article from: The Washington Post.
Remember that this is a very liberal news organization.
With Warning, Carter Accepts Nobel
Former President Inveighs Against 'Preventive War'

By Glenn Frankel
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, December 11, 2002; Page A01

OSLO, Dec. 10 -- Former president Jimmy Carter, warning that "the world is now, in many ways, a more dangerous place," today accepted the Nobel Peace Prize with a ringing endorsement for the United Nations and a plea for the United States to seek multi- lateral solutions to international problems rather than rely solely on its military might.

A frequent critic of many Bush administration policies, Carter avoided direct references to the White House in his acceptance speech. But he endorsed international restrictions on global warming, outlawing of the death penalty and the establishment of an international court to try alleged war criminals -- all positions opposed by the administration.

And he took an indirect swipe at the White House's declared policy of preemptive action against threats to U.S. security. "For powerful countries to adopt a principle of preventive war may well set an example that can have catastrophic consequences," he told an audience in this capital's ornate city hall.

Citing the United States' status as the world's sole superpower, he said Americans traditionally have "not assumed that super strength guarantees super wisdom." He added that, "imperfect as it may be," the United Nations is "the best avenue for the maintenance of peace."

It was a day of high emotion and deep satisfaction for the 39th president, 78, who was denied the peace prize in 1978 on a technicality and was defeated for a second term by Ronald Reagan in 1980. In a brief interview this evening, Carter said that although he had been disappointed to have lost out on the prize 24 years ago, it was more gratifying to receive it now. "I'll make good use of it," he said.

The peace prize committee said it chose Carter for his "vital contribution" in brokering the 1978 Camp David peace accords between Israel and Egypt, for his emphasis on human rights in international politics and for the work of the Carter Center, the Atlanta-based research and advocacy organization that he founded after leaving office in 1981.

"Jimmy Carter will probably not go down in American history as the most effective president," said Gunnar Berge, chairman of the five-member Norwegian awards committee, in introducing the winner at this afternoon's ceremony. "But he is certainly the best ex-president the country ever had."

Berge noted that Carter had been denied the prize in 1978 because he was nominated after the deadline and declared ineligible to share the award with Israel's Menachem Begin and Egypt's Anwar Sadat. "It became increasingly obvious that the bypassing of Carter had been one of the real sins of omission in peace prize history," said Berge. "This year we can finally put all that behind us."

The ceremony began after Carter's entourage of 81 friends and relatives -- including his wife Rosalynn, four children, 10 grandchildren and many veterans of his administration -- took their seats in the front of the flower-festooned auditorium. The former president then made his way to the stage to a standing ovation, after which the king and queen of Norway entered. Berge spoke first, then opera singer Jessye Norman performed "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands."

Carter's address touched on many of the themes of his post-White House career. He bemoaned the growing gap between rich and poor nations, made a renewed plea for Middle East peace and denounced those who invoke religion to justify waging war or terrorism.

"In order for us human beings to commit ourselves personally to the inhumanity of war, we find it necessary first to dehumanize our opponents, which is in itself a violation of the beliefs of all religions," he said. "Once we characterize our adversaries as beyond the scope of God's mercy and grace, their lives lose all value."

Carter said this false justification applied not only to terrorists, but also to armed forces that use high-tech weapons. "From a great distance, we launch bombs or missiles with almost total impunity, and never want to know the number or identity of the victims," he told the audience.

He and his friends and family returned to the city hall later in the day to participate in a one-hour live interview program hosted by CNN. The crowd broke into spontaneous applause when interviewer Jonathan Mann told Carter that he was "arguably the most respected American on the planet today."

Carter follows Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson as the third president to receive the prize, which includes a check for $1 million. He said he would donate the money to the Carter Center. The prize, he said, "will obviously enhance our reputation around the world and make it easier to raise funds."

*****Note: I wonder what he will be raising funds for now. Watch Out!/ em***************

© 2002 The Washington Post Company

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Hello everyone. Today I am posting an article from World Watch Daily. Bill Koening has in the past chronicled all of the disasters that have happened to America since our politicians have tried to force Israel to give up her Covenant Land.

The Lord promised the Israelites that when they were brought back into the land, they would never be scattered again. It looks as if the entire world is beginning to hate that little country and when they dare to dabble into the affairs of Israel, they get into trouble. The United States is playing a dangerous game when it tries to force the "apple of God's eye", to give up her Coveant Lands. On one side America is supporting Israel. On the other side she is sending money to the Palestinians to placate the Arabs. God will not play games with Israel. Our country must decide if it for Israel or against her.

I believe as do many others that our destiny lies in what we do with this International problem. Bob and I watched a video last night called, Six Day War: Encounters with the Unexplained. This video caused us both to almost shout as we heard reports of how Israel defeated a campaign against her on 3 fronts. Egypt, Syria and Jordan with the backing of the Soviet Union went against Gods Covenant People. The reports from the front with the appearance of Angels and the Hand of God, astounded us. God did intervene in that war and Israel whipped them all! Praise the Lord! Everyone should view that video. You can order it from Cutting Edge Ministries for a very reasonable price.

Here is another article that I think will interest you.

God Bless

Airport Security, 9-11 and the
Road Map - Bill Koenig

December 4, 2002

I was in Bellingham, Washington, this past Friday and Saturday to speak at the Gates of Praise’s “Heart for Zion” conference. It was a very special time of fellowship, prayer, praise and worship.

On my way home I personally encountered the new federal security inspectors at the Bellingham, Washington, airport as I was preparing to board a 5:20 a.m. flight on Sunday to Seattle to connect with a flight to Washington, D.C.

As per the usual security-check routine, I was asked to take my computer out of my computer briefcase. I placed it in a plastic tub, put my computer case in a second tub, and folded my overcoat into yet a third tub. I then walked through the metal detector without a beep, but that wasn’t enough. I was asked to step aside for further inspection.

I was directed to sit down in a chair and lift my feet so my shoes could be scanned. After that I was instructed to stand on two yellow footprints that were painted on a rubber mat. I was then asked to lift my arms to the side and up in the air, whereupon I was scanned -- not once with the wand but three times over my back. There was no sound, until, that is, the inspector scanned near my wrist watch. He then told me to pull back my long-sleeve shirt so he could inspect my watch. He then scanned me in the front; the metal snap button on the waist of my pants set the wand off. He then asked me to peel back my pants at the waist to see if I was concealing anything.

At the same time, my computer was being brought over for another inspection after the main scan. It too passed.

After the personal scan I went over to get my computer case, but another man wanted to inspect that further. The inspector said the main x-ray machine could differentiate everything. He looked closely at my computer battery charger, my cell phone battery charger, and my cell phone. He also went through every pocket in my computer case.

Part of the problem is there were five energized inspectors with no one to inspect until the next flight was to board two hours later. So, why not search this guy, or that older lady or anybody in pants or a dress?

In Seattle I saw numerous 70 and 80-year-old grandparents being searched, scanned and inspected. There is no acceptable explanation for this. It is very obvious the new federal workers have not been instructed on profiling.

There were also tables at every gate manned by three federal people who were in charge of random inspections. The airline’s computers select those who are to be checked before boarding their flights. No, this wasn’t happening in the former Soviet Union or China; this is the United States of America.

Also, thanks to 9-11 we are seeing our civil rights evaporate. The Homeland Security bill that just passed would have started the impeachment process for Bill Clinton if he had of initiated the legislation. However Clinton didn’t have 9-11. The difference too is the nation feels much more comfortable with President George W. Bush than Clinton. Moreover, every time President Bush talks about Homeland Security he says it is for our personal security. And, if there was one way to get American’s attention and cooperation, personalize it.

Additionally, last week the Pentagon stated they want to search all our credit card transactions for our security. Yes, we are talking about America!

There will soon be a national ID card to satisfy those tired of the new inspection system at the airports and other places. Those who receive their national ID card will be pre-qualified. They will be tied into a national computer system, which will watch all records, just in case a person makes a questionable purchase. The ID card will also likely be used at some point to identify people when they pay with cash so their transactions could be observed.

There are also computerized optical systems now capable of face recognition in crowds of thousands of people.

Will the new Homeland Security department, and their 170,000 people and the billions of dollars they will spend make Americans more secure? Only the Lord can make America more secure just as he did prior to 9-11! Our homeland security comes from the Almighty God, and we are on a major collision course with Him over Israel.

Major Change in America

What caused this major life change in America? The 9-11 terror events and radical Islam. And, what precipitated 9-11?

As we discussed in our book, "Israel: The Blessing or the Curse," the Bush Administration -- with the help of the State Department – thirty days before 9-11 was preparing the most comprehensive message ever to be presented on the Middle East by an American President. The address was to be given by Colin Powell to the United Nations General Assembly on September 24, 2001. The State Department advised it was necessary to appease the Arab nations in the Middle East who felt President Bush was pro-Israel.

The work on the speech was finished on 9-10. Saudi Arabia Prince Bandar bin Sultan said he went from being "the happiest man in the world" on Monday night, 9-10, to experiencing the worst crisis of his career on 9-11. Dreams of a new Mideast peace initiative evaporated. The realization that most of the hijackers were Saudis "fell on me ... like the whole house collapsed over my head," Bandar said later. He couldn't imagine a way to "do more damage or worse damage to Islam or to Saudi Arabia."

On 9-11 our Lord lifted his hand of protection over America at a decisive moment. God did not stop the enemy’s tragic diabolic terror plan, as we have observed so many other times leading up to 9-11. Now we are actively watching an even more ominous potential event, flowing out of “the Quartet’s” (the US, UN, the EU and Russia’s) Middle East Road Map. This plan is about God’s covenant land. These nations and organizations do not have the right to determine what happens with God’s covenant land. Moreover, there has been a terror warning or articles associated with terror virtually every day since the September 27 Quartet meeting in New York.

What could be the timing of the next major event? US Secretary of State Colin Powell is scheduled to host fellow ministers of the Mideast Quartet, on December 20, with hopes to produce a final version of the plan and an agreement from all parties involved. (Note: Israel has requested the meeting be postponed until after their January 28 general elections, according to CNN the Dec. 20 meeting is still on.)

Will the Lord’s rebuke over the finalization efforts and the attempted implementation of the Quartet’s Road Map be greater than the 9-11 event that stopped the Bush concept plan from being presented? We will soon know that answer!


Monday, December 09, 2002


Just when I thought we could settle down and enjoy the Christmas festivities, I read this article at the World Net Daily site. Political correctness is still alive and is pervading the entire society in our country right on up to the White House.

The White House is going to be inclusive of all faiths during this holiday season and I still cannot figure out how that action fits in with Christmas.

We are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior. This nation has celebrated Christmas since its beginnings. Now in order not offend anyone, we must recognize other beliefs and religions at the same time. We do not want to " hurt anyone's feelings". Isn't that special! This is the touchy, feely things secular humanism is made up of.

In spite of what man does or says, there is still the Truth. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Son of God. He came and was born of a virgin in a stable in Bethlehem. He was crucified on an old rugged cross on Mount Calvary and He rose from the dead on the third day. Soon, he is coming again for His church and the final years of earth as we know it will begin. If people reject the free gift of salvation from God through his son, the they will not go to heaven. John 3 tells the peoples of the world that they must be born again.

This world does not want the Lord Jesus Christ to rule over it. The New World Order crowd is doing what they can to mix all of the religions of the world into one big world religion that does not offend anyone. However this does not change the Word of God one bit. It tells us that one day, "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;" Phillipians 2:10.
Sadly our White House is going along with the Politically Correct crowd.

As for me and my family and I am sure for yours also, We will remember the real reason for the season.

God Bless and Have a great week

White House Celebrates Secularly

There's something for just about every faith at the White House this holiday season.

During the course of 24 hours last week, President Bush helped light a menorah for Hanukkah and the national Christmas tree, and visited a mosque at the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The effort is as much about not offending as about including.

The official cards from the president and first lady do not mention Christmas. Little about its cover painting of a Franklin Roosevelt-era Steinway piano in the White House's grand foyer, save red draperies and flowers, calls the holiday to mind. One recipient even mistook it, especially given the card's early arrival, for a Thanksgiving greeting.

And what could be more secular than the White House holiday decorations theme: a history of presidential pets?
The president has no plans for anything more than a written proclamation of Kwanzaa, the historical and cultural holiday that celebrates traditional African values and begins Dec. 26.

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said the president cannot put every holiday on his schedule and that he tried to focus on the ones representing most Americans. "You do reach a point where you can reach so far into America's cultural richness that you can dilute the events," Mr. Fleischer said.

The Bushes' holiday card includes a verse from the 100th Psalm praising God: "For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations."

As usual, a large creche of 18th-century Italian terra cotta and carved wooden figures fills an East Room alcove. The only obvious religious symbol among the White House's gilded red-and-gold holiday decor, the creche depicts the manger scene at Jesus' birth. Few Americans will see it, because public tours of the house have been curtailed since the September 11 attacks.

Formal party invitations ask guests to a "Christmas reception."

Mr. Bush was reared Presbyterian, became Episcopalian and is now United Methodist, the denomination of his wife, Laura. The importance of his faith is a main reason for his celebration of other religious observances, Mr. Fleischer said.
"It is a real, visible manifestation of the president teaching the importance of tolerance and openness and celebrating faith," Mr. Fleischer said. "The purpose is not to preach a particular faith. The purpose is to celebrate faith itself."

On Wednesday night, Mr. Bush presided over a simple ceremony for the Jewish Festival of Lights by lighting candles on a donated menorah in the ground-floor Bookseller's Lobby. Hanukkah has taken on added importance because it allows Jews to recognize their faith at a time of year when Christianity is omnipresent.

By midday Thursday, the president was in a Washington mosque on the occasion of the Muslim feast of Eid Al Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan. Inside the building, Mr. Bush paid tribute to Ramadan's emphasis on charity and tolerance.

Sunday, December 08, 2002

Today I am posting an article by Hal Lindsey that is packed full of truth and common sense reasoning. Remember that as you see world leaders build up Islam and tear down "Fundamental Right Wing Christians", you are seeing the begining attack on those who believe the Bible and refuse to compromise their doctrines. The New World Order crowd plans a one world religion that is a melting pot of all faiths which will compromise the truth to achieve their goal of world domination. I encourage you to watch as these things develop and take note of the increasing verbal assault on Fundamental Christianity and Judiaism.

God Bless

Global Intelligence 12/8/2002

The 19 homicide bombers of 9/11 all thought they were ‘affirming God’s justice and being morally responsible to him’. They thought they were going to be instantly transported to Paradise because they were performing the ultimate service to God.

Mr. Al-Mansur observed, “As a non-white from a non-Western (i.e. Muslim) country, I am not obliged to be politically correct … unlike many of my fellow visitors to this website. So let me make it loud and clear … there is no such thing as ‘Militant Islam’! Islam IS militant! You certainly do not use the term ‘White Caucasian’ or ‘Yellow Chinese’, do you?”

I completely agree with this analysis and gave proof of it in my book, The Everlasting Hatred, the Roots of Jihad.”“ Why do I say that Islam is at its core militant?

First, because of its Teachings in its sacred writings and the example of its founders Mohammad. What other religion commands its believers to conquer by force, to kill, to rape and to pillage until the whole world embraces their religion?

According to the Muslim teachers, the Koran records the direct spoken Word of Allah and is not subject to interpretation. Therefore, the moderate statements of the Koran cannot be used to modify its commands to hunt down and kill all unbelievers who will not surrender to Islam and become a Muslim.

Second, its historical record. What other religion has continuously sought to spread itself by force? Since its founding thirteen centuries ago, Islam has been on the offensive, conquering Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Animists, etc.

And today, they dominate world news. This is because Muslim Fundamentalists are threatening all western civilization and non-Muslim countries with acts of terrorism.

Of the 1.3 billion Muslims in the world, about 85% of them do not choose to personally to war against the unbelievers. These are people who choose to ignore the violent verses of the Koran and focus on the verses that speak of justice, morality and kindness.

They also choose to overlook the example of Mohammad’s use of violence in spreading the faith. But it should always be remembered that a mild mannered Muslim can be manipulated with a sense of guilt and obligation by a devout fundamentalist. If they can’t actively fight, they can be manipulated to contribute money and lend aid and comfort to those who ‘give their lives in the service of Allah.’

If they stay, they can at least pay and pray. What should alarm the entire Western world is that all Muslims are potentially convertible to Fundamentalists. They are like ‘sleeper agents’ in our midst.

Bush’s Blind Spot
President Bush continues to reveal his complete lack of understanding Islam. He is a good Christian man who is getting very bad advice and counsel.

When our Christian President says that “Islam affirms God’s justice”, we have to recognize that he is not a well-taught Christian.

Allah is not the same as the God of the Bible. So a Christian who understands the Bible has to ask, “What god and what justice are you talking about?” The Bible says “the god of this world disguises himself as an angel of light.”

Unfortunately, President Bush is not listening to the Christian leaders who know the Bible and do understand Islam and related issues.

Al-Mansur, a man born and raised in a Muslim culture, made an incredibly astute observation, “I'm sorry to say that it [i.e., America’s war on terror] is not a war on terrorism, nor a war on a terrorist version of Islam. It is a war against the ideology/teachings of Islam! Although I don't share their religion, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Franklin Graham, Jimmy Swaggart are right!” Allah is not the same God as the God of the Bible.

It is paradoxical that Bush is condemning the Christian leaders who helped get him elected, while most Muslims are not condemning the terrorist and the Muslim clerics whose teachings inspire them.

Can’t Beat An Enemy You Don’t Recognize
No one can win a war when he doesn’t recognize precisely who is the enemy and gives them the freedom to move about within the country with no special surveillance of their activity.

We can’t even ‘profile’ the group that statistically are predictable to be terrorists – Muslim men between the ages of 17 and 40 years old.

We call Muslim nations friends whose leaders give phony lip service to our war against terrorism. While at the same time they have populations that hate us and support terrorist organizations. They not only support them logistically and give them money, but they also provide them with lethal weapons – even weapons of mass destruction.

We need to ignore the concept of “political correctness” that is being peddled by an ill-informed media. They have managed to frame the whole situation in terms of their own ignorant assessment.

Very few in the media have studied the history of the Muslim religion and its teachings. Even fewer accurately understand the history and dynamics of the current Middle East Crisis.

America’s war against terrorism as it is now being fought is doomed to failure. Unless we recognize that the true enemy is the basic teachings and ideology of the Muslim religion itself, we will not be able to focus our limited forces against the growing menace that threatens our very survival.

America is in a war of survival that is unlike any war we have ever fought. Time is not on our side. We need to pray that our leaders will soon be awakened to what we are really fighting before it is too late.

By: Hal Lindsey

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