Saturday, December 07, 2002

Dick Armey's Farewell Speech: Think About It......

Sometimes it is not what you say but how you say it. This is a pretty powerful farewell speech from one of the Conservatives in Congress.
Continue to Pray For Our Beloved Country!

Fri Dec 06 2002 17:51:24 ET

Outgoing House Majority Leader Dick Armey addressed a National Press Club luncheon this afternoon in Washington.

He warned how the nation must guard against the "awful, dangerous seduction" of sacrificing freedom for safety in the fight against terrorism.

Joined in progress...

"America has always been a marvelous nation. I always say it. We have always loved freedom so much that we have been willing to sacrifice our peace to defend the freedoms of others. No other nation ever did that.

"And in doing so historically, we have always had the luxury of sitting safely here at home in America and sending our heroes abroad to fight for freedom.

"But today we face an insidious threat that comes right into our neighborhood. We live with it every day, this threat of terrorism. Our need, our anxiety about personal security is at a level that we've never seen before in America, and for the first time in America we call upon ourselves, each and every single one of us, to be a hero for freedom right here at home where I live, in my community.

"And so the courage of America is being called upon more than at any time in my lifetime. And what I fear I hear is an echo chamber of voices in America that are saying, ``Give us greater dominion over your personal liberties and we will make you secure.''

"Now, I can tell you, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be safe if we have a cop on every corner. We will be safe if we have a spy camera in every hall. We'll at least be safer. We will be safer if we have an elaborate system by which we, in the ordinary business of life, spy on one another and report it to the proper authorities. We will probably be safer if we have a national identification card. We may be safer, in fact, if we could snoop on the Internet and read everybody's e-mail.

"There are many authorities that we can extend to the government of this country that'll make us safer. But will we be free?

"We seek a balance on this. We worked hard on that with the PATRIOT Act. We worked hard on that with homeland security. And I think in terms of the law that has been written, we've cut a fine line that respects our freedom in the interest of our safety.

"But our freedom will only last through the implementation of these laws. And once again we are restored to that oldest adage: The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

"We, the people, had better keep an eye on we, the people; that is, our government. Not out of contempt or lack of appreciation or disrespect, but out of a sense of guardianship. How do you use these tools we have given you to make us safe in such a manner that'll preserve our freedom?

"That is a duty to our very essence as a nation. Who we are, what is it about us that has set us apart in the history of the world is our love for freedom.

"As I said earlier, freedom is no policy for the timid. And my plaintive plea to all my colleagues that remain in this government as I leave it is, for your sake, for my sake, for heaven's sake, don't give up on freedom. "

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Those people who are not governed by God will be ruled by tyrants. -- William Penn

Friday, December 06, 2002

Back To What The Bible Says!

I heard a preacher once in a sermon say , “When in trouble, call the Manager”. Of course the Manager for us is the Lord and I am grateful He is in control. No one in their right mind can look out at the world happenings and not know that something is about to take place and it is going to be big. Now is the time to call upon the Lord for he is the only hope for this world. Read John 3:16

I have honestly sat in front of this computer and cried out to the Lord with many questions about our situation. One question I have asked him is about Israel and how much longer we are going to see the blatant violence, murder and carnage there. I know that our Heavenly Father is longsuffering and not willing for any to perish but the evil is growing everyday and surely this thing must be coming to a head.

Just like the undercurrents at the beach, we are being drawn into a war not of our making. Interestingly the focus is on what Israel is going to do with the situation. David Dolan writes this morning in the World Net Daily and shares an opinion that is quite interesting. Israel cannot forever sit by and watch her people murdered and not retaliate.

Yes something is going to happen and I believe that it will be soon! It will start with a trumpet sound and a shout and then a lot of people disappearing. It is called the Rapture of the Church. The New World Order already has an explanation for it because they know they cannot prevent this event from happening. The demons some of them channel know the Word of God and so they are coming up with all kind of excuses for this soon coming event.

Yes Israel is going to have to fight the armies of Satan before this thing is over but we know the rest of the story. God fights for his people and the victory is sure.

What we need to do now is stay close to Jesus and trust His Word and He will see us through every single bit of this mess we find ourselves in. He is coming soon. Are you ready to meet him? If not you can be. Just call upon his name, repent of your sins and ask him into your heart as Savior and Lord and he will save you, write your name down in the Lambs Book Of Life, and send you the blessed Holy Spirit to guide you through these difficult times.

Acts 2:21
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Have a blessed day.

Israel's Options
David DolanPosted: December 6, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2002

It is increasingly apparent that al-Qaida terrorists carried out the twin attacks on Israeli targets in Kenya last Thursday. The nefarious group has issued a statement claiming responsibility for the blast that destroyed an Israeli-owned resort hotel in Mombasa, along with the SAM-7 surface-to-air missile firings that narrowly missed a packed Israeli jet taking off from the city's international airport. The statement linked the attacks to the August 1998 destruction of the American embassy in Nairobi, boasting that the "fighters of al-Qaida returned to the same place where the Crusader-Jewish coalition was hit four years ago."

Islamic jihad warriors have once again tossed in the "Christian" West – and especially the Mother of All Satans, America – with the Jewish people (notice the statement did not read "Crusader-Israeli coalition"). And so they should, since contemporary Western culture and values are historically rooted in Judaism and the Hebrew Bible. It is also a fact that Israel's closest allies are located in the western half of the globe, although diplomatic and economic ties with Asian powers like India and China have blossomed in recent years.

Despite these realities, many Western leaders and media outlets hope or pretend that Israel can be kept out of the U.S.-led global war against Islamic terrorism. A recent example of this was Sunday's New York Times article by Jerusalem-based reporter James Bennet, titled "Israel's War Is Like America's. With a difference." In typical fashion, the author frets that the "hard-right Likud" leader Ariel Sharon will actually carry out his vow to pursue the terrorists who spilled the blood of Israelis visiting Kenya. Bennet obviously disapproves of the prime minister's pledge, maintaining that this would exactly play into al-Qaida's obvious desire to "draw Israel into a high profile role in the American war on terrorism."

When did Washington receive an exclusive patent for this war? If a French oil tanker is attacked by Arab terrorists (as happened a couple months ago), do officials in Paris need American approval to respond? Does Australia need to get a White House stamp before its security agents attempt to track down the terrorists who sent dozens of young Aussies to premature graves in Bali? Do officials in Bonn need to come with cap in hand before they can pursue the killers of German tourists gunned down while visiting a Tunisian synagogue earlier this year?

Everyone understands that Osama bin Laden (if he is still alive) wants to draft Israel into a starring role in his jihad war against "Crusader" civilization. As Bennet points out, that was clearly Saddam Hussein's goal as well when he blasted Tel Aviv with nightly Scuds in 1991. But if someone comes to punch you in the face – or massacre over 250 of your citizens taking off on a commercial airplane – what exactly are you supposed to do? Do you have to be "hard right" to protest such actions? If a democratically elected leader decides he must go after the terrorists, is he merely seeking revenge? Is this yet another example of the biblical (and thus Jewish) eye for an eye doctrine, no longer Politically Correct in the enlightened West?

Who started this war anyway? According to the bleeding-heart consensus around the globe, it was initiated by the United States and allies like Great Britain and Israel. After all, these countries oppress, uproot and colonize the rest of the world with gleeful impunity. Indeed, such a description is historically not too far off the mark, especially when looking back at the vast British Empire that the sun never set upon, or the treatment of natives "discovered" when Europeans occupied the New World.
According to the militant jihadists and their worldwide sympathizers, the worst example of Western oppression is the modern Jewish state that arose, with "Crusader" backing, inside of the boundaries of Judaism's ancient biblical heartland. They fiercely condemn Jews from Morocco, India, the Ukraine, etc. for moving to their 3,500-year-old religious center, rebuilding their ancient cities and speaking their ancestral language. How dare the Jewish people, whose forefathers were expelled by the very Westerners who are supposedly their co-conspirators today, return to the biblical Promised Land!

Ariel Sharon understands the radical Islamic agenda concerning his re-born country. To the chagrin of many right-wing political allies, including his current foreign minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, he has resisted consistent pressure to take tougher measures against Yasser Arafat and his blood-soaked comrades in terrorist arms. He realizes that the Iraqi dictator, the stifling Islamic regime in Iran, and the Arabian Osama all need Israel as an enemy to help justify their violent cruelties. He knows that "America's war" will be made more difficult, at least politically, if his country is deeply drawn into it (although quiet Israeli assistance on the ground is actually immensely helpful, say informed military analysts).
Despite comprehending the Islamic extremist game plan, Sharon cannot just sit back and take al-Qaida's blows, as Israel absorbed Saddam's attacks during the Gulf War.

The situation is very different this time around. Israel is not facing a month or two of unpleasant assaults. Today, her Muslim attackers openly declare that they will not rest until Israel is destroyed, just as they threaten to wipe America off the world map.
Whether Western leaders and media pundits like it or not, Israel is fully involved in "America's war." Indeed, she has been at the forefront of radical Islam's jihad sword for many decades now. Asking Sharon to meekly absorb al-Qaida's latest blows is not going to alter anything, apart from further encouraging Islamic true believers that they will ultimately triumph in the first war of the 21st century.

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Another Day In The Life Of America. Think About It!

Last week I posted an article on Henry Kissinger. This interesting political figure seems to jump in and out of the news and it is interesting to watch the news personalities sit with baited breath as he speaks. Joseph Farah in World Net Daily tells us a little more about this man and what he has done in the past.

You see, the government does not like to be criticized. If you don’t believe that, take a look at Mr Daschle after the conservative talk shows exposed his real agenda. Big Government fears one thing and that is an informed and angry citizenry.

Mr Kissinger it seems has been tapped once more to calm the masses and dumb down the truth. Just as it was in the Kennedy murder, we will never learn the truth as to what government knew about 911.

The sad fact is that Americans are being lulled back to sleep with half-truths and it seems as if no one cares. I firmly believe that we are marching so quickly now to a New World Order that they do not care if a few voices cry out against it. There is a plan for those who oppose this system. The New Agers contend that there are those who will not fit in to this New World Order and they will have to be moved on to higher plane to be rehabilitated (then we can re-incarnate to join them). If you look closely the ones who will need this are Christians, Jews and Big Mouthed Conservatives who won’t change their views. Of course any Bible believing Christians know the only place we will be going is up when that blessed trumpet sounds and the shout goes forth for the Lords church to come home!

Even So Come Quickly Lord Jesus!

God Bless

Kissinger – cover-up artist

Posted: December 5, 2002

1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2002

The fix is in, folks.

The government doesn't ever want you to learn the truth of its own culpability in the Sept. 11 disaster.
So, President Bush is calling up one of its reliable old cover-up artists, Henry Kissinger, to whitewash the whole thing.
Last week, he named Kissinger to lead an "independent" investigation of the Sept. 11 attacks and said the probe "must uncover every detail and learn every lesson" of the terrorist strikes. Kissinger pledged to "go where the facts lead us."

Don't count on it.

Kissinger is 79 years old – and it's a little late for this self-aggrandizing politician to change his ways.
He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 with North Vietnam's Le Duc Tho for cease-fire negotiations during the Vietnam war. He no more deserved a prize for his efforts than did terrorist Yasser Arafat, who won it a few years later. In his negotiations with the Vietnamese, it is revealed in horrifying detail in a new book, "Reagan's War," by Peter Schweizer, that Kissinger sold out U.S. fighting men, sold out our allies and sold out our national interests.

And, speaking of Arafat, Kissinger is responsible for masterminding one of the biggest cover-ups in American history – the cold-blooded assassination of two U.S. diplomats by Arafat in 1973. WorldNetDaily blew the lid off that cover-up two years ago with the help of former National Security Agency operative-turned-whistleblower James Welsh.

Welsh was the NSA's Palestinian analyst on duty when Arafat gave the order to his Black September terrorists to machine-gun Ambassador Cleo Noel and Charges d'Affaires George Curtis Moore in Khartoum, Sudan. The U.S. government continues to deny its knowledge of these murders to this day. "He was definitely involved in the destruction and concealment of the White House and State Department files pertaining to Khartoum," says Welsh. "Some GS-9 didn't initiate the cover-up. Yep, he's the guy. No doubt in my mind." The families of Sept. 11 victims should know this history. Kissinger has initiated massive cover-ups for political reasons in the past and he will do it in the future. He is not the "independent" investigator needed for such an important and serious task.

In addition to serving as secretary of state, Kissinger also was national security adviser for Nixon and Ford from 1969-75. He made history in July 1971 when he made a secret trip to China, ending a Sino-American estrangement that had lasted for more than two decades.
After making a one-sided, phony cold peace with China, Kissinger benefited personally with millions of dollars in consulting contracts with Beijing businesses and U.S. corporations eager to invest in the burgeoning new market. He should be registered as a foreign lobbyist – an agent of a foreign government. That's not the kind of person who can be entrusted to get to the bottom of the Sept. 11 fiasco.

Kissinger also is well known for his efforts to achieve detente with the Soviet Union. Kissinger's approach ran contrary to the successful approach of "peace through strength" orchestrated by President Reagan. Kissinger extended the Cold War, weakened America unilaterally and did untold damage to our national interests during this period.

In short, Kissinger should be a candidate for political exile. He ought to be investigated himself for crimes against this country. At the very least, he ought to be forced into a long-overdue retirement – one he endures in shame and disgrace.
Instead, he is being tapped on the shoulder once again by yet another U.S. president. The same old faces and the same old motives are not going to find the truth about Sept. 11. Kissinger has too much at stake. He cares only about his own reputation and pocketbook. He is not the kind of personality who will find government culpability and failures and expose them accordingly.

To say this is a bad choice is an understatement. It's a disastrous choice. It's a choice that speaks volumes about the government's unwillingness to open itself to real criticism.

It's sad to see President Bush make this tragic mistake. If Kissinger remains at the helm of this investigation, we will never learn the truth, we as a nation will not make the right decisions about our future security and the families of the victims will never have closure.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Good morning everyone and thanks for allowing me to tell you about the Seasilver Product we have discovered. I hope it will benefit many of you and give you better health. Now! Today we go back to the business at hand and that is exposing the truth in our economic, political and religious lives.

I found a fabulous op-ed piece written by Walter Williams in the World Net Daily this morning.

The article is entitled: Taxation 101. Doctor Williams is a Professor at George Mason University and I greatly admire him.

This article once again proves Sir Issac Newton's Second Law Of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the case of taxation, the opposite reaction is the plunder of the middle class in America. Take a look and think about it.

God Bless

Taxation 101

Posted: December 4, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2002 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

We need government, and that means taxes. But when we think about government spending, and the taxes needed to finance its spending, we should also think of the effects of taxation.

Suppose I hire you to repair my computer. The job is worth $200 to me and doing the job is worth $200 to you. The transaction will occur because we have a meeting of the mind. Now suppose there's the imposition of a 30 percent income tax on you. That means you won't receive $200 but instead $140. You might say the heck with working for me – spending the day with your family is worth more than $140.

You might then offer that you'll do the job if I pay you $285. That way your after-tax earnings will be $200 – what the job was worth to you. There's a problem. The repair job was worth $200 to me, not $285. So it's my turn to say the heck with it.

This simple example demonstrates that one effect of taxes is that of eliminating transactions, and hence jobs. But politicians have what we economists call a zero elasticity vision of the world. They think people will behave after taxes just as they behaved before taxes and the only effect of a tax is to bring in more revenue. Here's a question for you: Would we and society be better off if you and I agreed to the repair job but did not tell anybody? I'd say yes, but we'd be criminals.

Here's another tax question: Which worker receives the higher pay on a road construction project: a worker moving dirt with a shovel or a worker moving dirt atop a giant earthmover? If you said the guy on the earthmover, go to the head of the class.

But why? It's not because he's unionized or that employers just love earthmover operators. It's because he's more productive and the reason is that he has more capital (tools) with which to work. In general, the more capital workers have to work with, the higher their pay.

So what's a good policy for higher wages? One is to keep the cost of capital formation low so companies will do more of it. Policies that raise the cost of capital formation and lower risk-taking are high corporate income taxes, low allowances for depreciation and capital-gains taxes. Those who want to see higher productivity gains and higher wages, of which I'm one, should champion tax reductions.

How in the world can tobacco companies survive and remain profitable in the wake of punitive taxes, penalties and court settlements? If the government and the courts imposed these multibillion dollar sanctions on the beef industry, it would have been long gone. The answer's easy: Corporations do not pay taxes, penalties and settlements.

A subject area in economics, called the incidence of taxation, says that the party upon whom a tax is levied does not necessarily pay the tax. They might shift it onto some other party. That's precisely what corporations do. They are merely tax collectors.

In the case of tobacco, the punitive taxes, penalties and settlements are shifted forward to consumers in the form of higher prices – thus, government has punished smokers much more than tobacco companies.

If the government made a similar attack on the beef industry, it would be out of business. Why? There are many substitutes for beef that consumers would turn to, whereas there're few substitutes for tobacco. Imposition of oppressive taxes on goods having few substitutes is standard fare for government. King George III did it with what our ancestors called the Intolerable Acts (Stamp Tax, Tea Tax and others). But not for long. Americans of that day hadn't learned the lessons of submissiveness and compliance – they rebelled.

Walter Williams is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va.

Monday, December 02, 2002


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Good Evening Everyone.

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Check out the website today and see if Seasilver will not benefit your entire family. You can also call me if you have any questions.

God Bless

Go To: Seasilver For Your Health

Ezekiel 38
17 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them?
18 And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my face.
19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;

Scene I:
In this passage of scripture we read of the Lord's response to the Russian Federation who will come up against Israel during the 7 years tribulation. The stage is set for this battle to occur and all we are waiting for is the rapture and for the right world players to be in place.

Scene 2
The Temple Mount is set to be the site of a major jihad against Israel and it is all based on the fact that the Al Aqsa Mosque is built there. What is so interesting here is the fact that all of the archaeological finds under this mosque reveal the Jewish Temples built by Herod and earlier by King Solomon. This area was purchased by David and then Solomon built the first temple at this very place on Mount Moriah. Later during the Diaspora, Jeremiah received permission from the Babylonian king to rebuild the city and Herod built the Third Temple that was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70.

2 Chronicles 3:1

Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the Lord appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.

Scene 3
The Muslims were allowed to keep control of the Temple Mount after the 1967 war and it has been a spot of contention since then. I am sure that the Muslims know of the prophetic future of Jerusalem. They know that a Temple is going to be rebuilt and now are doing everything they can to prevent this from becoming a reality. All that is needed is for something to happen to Al Aqusa and boom! A war that will pull all of the Arabs into the conflict.

Everything is falling into place and we will soon begin to see events unfold that will shake the world. God has spoken it and it will happen.

God Bless


Nasrallah warns of retaliation if Al-Aqsa Mosque is harmed
Hizbullah hosts massive Jerusalem Day parade in nabatieh
Cilina Nasser and
Samer Wehbe
Daily Star staff

Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel Friday that any damage inflicted on Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque would lead to a wide-scale retaliation.

“Zionists and those behind them should understand that any harm caused to Al-Aqsa Mosque will ignite the entire region,” said Nasrallah during a rally held in Nabatieh to mark Jerusalem Day.

Al-Aqsa Mosque is sacred for Muslims. But Jewish extremists call for the mosque’s destruction, claiming that it was built on the Temple Mount.
“If they decided to destroy this mosque, then the nation of this mosque will destroy all of the Zionist entity with the blood of the great martyrdom attackers,” the cleric said.
Nasrallah added that those willing to become martyrs “fill the homes, families, villages and cities of Lebanon and Palestine and all Arab and Islamic states.”

Nasrallah was speaking to some 25,000 people who flocked to the southern town of Nabatieh to attend the Jerusalem Day rally, the first time the event has been held outside Beirut.
Jerusalem Day was declared by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979 following the success of the Islamic revolution in Iran. It is celebrated on every last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan.

The rally included a military parade in which thousands of unarmed fighters braved the cold and driving rain to march in tight formation.
The parade was led by three brigades, including children as young as 5.
One brigade was named after Hussein Mussawi, who was killed at the age of six when an Israeli helicopter assassinated his father, former Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Abbas Mussawi in February 1992.
The brigade was made up of around 100 children wearing military uniforms and Palestinian black and white keffiyehs.
Another brigade consisted of the children of Hizbullah martyrs. “We are your soldiers, Hizbullah,” they shouted in unison as they jogged down the road.
The rally was held amid unprecedented security measures in Nabatieh. The town was divided into security zones, necessitating the evacuation of many nearby houses and apartments.
Cameras were set up on several buildings for surveillance, and jamming devices were also installed to prevent any remote-control bombs being detonated.

Public institutions closed down, though without direct instructions from Cabinet. Stores and banks were also closed.
Hizbullah’s security men were deployed on the roofs and entrances of the buildings and at road junctions. The police were present only at the entrance of the town. Policemen directed traffic away from Nabatieh’s main road, which was blocked, while Hizbullah was in charge of allowing people to enter the town center where the rally was being held.

While reporters were permitted to enter the blocked roads with their cars and park near the location, most people were forced to walk through the rain to reach the parade area.

Nasrallah watched the parade with other senior Hizbullah officials behind a bullet-proof window. But when the brigade of fathers of Hizbullah martyrs arrived, Nasrallah, all other dignitaries and the audience stood for about two minutes in respect for the sacrifices of these men. Parade music faded into the national anthem.

There were 52 brigades in the parade, all named after Lebanese, Palestinian and Arab martyrs, such as Fathi Shiqaqi, the head of Islamic Jihad, who was assassinated in Malta in 1995 and Mahmoud Abu Hannoud, a Hamas commander who was assassinated in November 2001 in the West Bank city of Nablus.

Aside from the parade, more than a dozen Hizbullah members rappelled from an eight-story building.
At the end of the parade, all 4,500 Hizbullah members who took part in the rally, except for the children, lined the road and shouted: “A pledge for you, Khomeini; we swear by Al-Aqsa and God’s soul; for Abbas, who is God’s martyr; we will remain on this path, Nasrallah.”
Nasrallah told the rally that it was the resistance that forced Israel to pull its troops from Lebanon, and not UN Resolution 425. He therefore urged the Palestinians not to wait for UN resolutions to obtain their rights.
“What will restore Palestine and protect it is the path that has been chosen by the Palestinian people, through its martyrdom seekers who astonish the world by shattering the Zionist entity and the security of its settlers with their bodies,” he said.

“Today the resistance in Palestine is … self-defense. The Palestinians do not attack others. They did not go to Russia to kill Russian Jews, Ukraine to kill the Ukrainian ones, Poland to kill Polish Jews …

“The Zionists are the ones who came from all over the world to usurp the land, holy places, cities and villages of others. What the Palestinians are doing with the martyrdom operations is legitimate, legal, Islamic and moral because they seek to end injustice.”


Sunday, December 01, 2002

"About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up, who will turn their attention to the prophecies, in the midst of much clamor and opposition."
Sir Isaac Newton


Good Morning Everyone.

This morning I was trying to decide what to post and the Lord brought to mind a website that might be of interest to you all. It is called, Gods News Behind The News, and it is truly an awesome source of reference. My sister Nancy and I went to a GNBN Conference in Tampa about four years ago and we were so blessed. Gods News was founded in 1947 by Roy and Darlene Brubaker and they have faithfully preached the Word of God. I just learned that Darlene went home to be with the Lord in October. What a precious and faithful saint she was.

The Gods News Behind The News website will give you streaming audio and video sessions of the Prophecy Conferences and you can hear some of the worlds top Christian experts speak on the subject. I encourage you to click on the link below and visit the site. You will want to to bookmark this one so that you can go back and listen to these men of God share prophetic truths and connect them to what is happening in our world. I know you will be blessed at what you hear.

Click here: Gods News Behind The News

God Bless