On my Saturday visit to the Walmart this weekend I discovered that the Left Behind Series Movie, TRIBULATION FORCE, was out and so I purchased it. That night, Bob and I watched the video and we were thrilled at how well this movie was done. I especially got goose bumps when the Two Witnesses at the Temple Mount spoke to our hero's and finished off a few of Antichrist's soldiers. If you have not seen both video's I would encourage you to get the family together, pop some popcorn and get ready for a thrilling evening.
No student of Bible Prophecy can believe any thing other than the fact that we are nearing the end of the Church Age with great rapidity. Today's
World Net Daily articles fit right in with the scriptures in Matthew 24 and remember that the Church has to be gone when these events take place. We are enduring the birth pains of this final series of end time events! Jesus foretold these signs to the disciples on that day spoken of in Matthew 24 and he told of, earthquakes (Alaska, Pakistan, Italy, the Midwest, ( this weekend) in diverse places(different locations at one time) , famines, pestilences, distress of nations, kingdom against kingdom, because iniquity shall abound (much evil) the love of many shall wax cold (hardened hearts), wars and rumors of wars and an apostasy(departing from the truth) in many churches.
Now many sceptics laugh and say "we have always had many of these signs and Jesus has not come back yet"! Well the scriptures speak of them too when it speaks of "end time scoffers who would do this very thing (2 Peter 3: 3-14). Also, many people in churches have not been taught prophetic truth's and I have heard them say that it "scares" them to hear about such things. Why should a child of God fear the coming of our Savior and Redeemer? Why should we fear our Heavenly Father who loved us so much that he sent the Lord to die in our place and reconcile us back to himself through faith in His Son? He loves us and He must judge evil. Praise God, that he is going to take us out of here before the real Tribulation Period begins. For those who do not believe in the Rapture, I challenge them to find the Church mentioned after Revelation 3!
There is one clincher for me that thrills my soul in regards to us living in the end times and that is the verse in Matthew 24 that states, " Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, til all these things be fulfilled (Matthew 24: 32-38). Bible scholars tell us that the fig tree has always stood for Israel in scripture. So, what generation is this one specifically mentioned to the disciples by our Lord? The one that see's Israel bloom again like a fig tree. When did that happen? June 1948, Israel became a nation again after 2000 years of wandering. Praise the Lord! This generation shall not pass away (I was born June 12 1948)! I believe, with my whole heart, that we are the generation to witness the greatest event the world has ever seen since the resurrection of our Lord! Although we do not know the day and the hour, we can know the signs and I belive that the Blessed Holy Spirt is quickening these truths in the hearts of all the saved everywhere.
I wrote a song about this great event and it goes like this:
Oh there's gonna be a rest for the saints of God someday
We are gonna be with Jesus and forever we will stay.
When He steps out on those clouds
and the angel blows his horn
We'll be caught up in the twinkling of an eye
And we'll be gathered home.
Do you know my Jesus? He loved you so much that he came and died on an old rugged cross to save you (John 3:16). I pray that today you will ask Him to forgive your sins and come into your heart and save you. This one great decision prepares you for all that is about to happen to this old earth. Romans 10:13 tells us that, "whosover shall call upon the name of the Lord shall (not might) be saved".
God Bless You All With A Wonderful Week.
***** New Event In Light Of Bible Prophecy: Turkey is mentioned in Ezekiel Chapters 38 & 39 and is known as Togarmah in those passages. This country goes with the Russian (Gog & Magog) Northern Alliance to attack Israel during the tribulation. Turkey has been an ally of the United States but has just voted in an Islamic Government!
Click Here To Read The Article:
Islamist See Victory In Turkish Elections
Here Is A Link To Hal Lindsey's Site For More Study:
Hal Lindsey's Oracle