Devvy Kidd has posted an article to her site that gives advice about what we can do about this DARPA issue. I am thrilled that the word is getting out on this horrendous bill. As grassroots citizens, we can call our Congressmen and express our opposition to this intrusive piece of legislation. We do need homeland security but we cannot afford for Big Brother to take away anymore Constitutional rights.
Take a look at what Devvy has to say:
Call Your Member of Congress Now
Devvy Kidd
November 12, 2002
We have to make every effort to stop this so-called Homeland Security rot from passing by a lame-duck congress full of crooks, cowards and criminals. It is extremely unusual for Congress to come back into session after the elections. Bush wants this draconican Fatherland bill passed and he's back in DC right now bending arms to further the agenda of the destruction of our God-given rights.
House of Representatives:
Counterfeit U.S. Senate:
Make your voice heard. If you don't, the evil ones back in Washington, DC will believe there is no opposition to what they're about to pull off that will bring only more pain and misery to our Republic and her people.
Make that call and e-mail this to as many people as you can and ask them to do the same.
Thank you.
A short blip from Bob Chapman's International Forecaster today (special issue):
"Vice Admiral John M. Poindexter has described the Pentagon s new computer system as an electronic dragnet, searching for personal information as part of the hunt for terrorists around the globe. It will provide intelligence analysts and law enforcement officials with instant access to information from Internet mail and calling records to credit card and banking transactions and travel documents without a search warrant.
"This new surveillance is from the office of Information Awareness at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as DARPA. In order to display such a system, known as Total Information Awareness, new legislation will be needed, some of which has been proposed by Mr. Bush in the Fatherland Security Act that is now before Congress. It would amend the Privacy Act of 1974. This system would let government look into commercial transactions. This is one of the worst pieces of legislation ever.
"It allows government to peer into everything you do financially. Contact your Congressman and Senators immediately and help stop it from becoming law. This is the beginning of a surveillance state. And, this is only one of several systems the government is cooking up. This has little to do with terrorism and lots to do with control of the American people in the form of a widening police state.
"Brokerage firms say a global settlement to solve the conflicts of interest in Wall Street research would make it so expensive that both investors and brokerages could be damaged. These brokerage houses have a lot of nerve. Most of their principals should be in jail for robbing the public for years. Secondly, individuals can do their own research, buy research from independents or subscribe to newsletters. Brokerage house research is a selling tool for brokers. We don t agree with a global settlement.
"Every one of these companies should be hauled into civil or criminal courts for fraud and all fines should revert to investors. Letting these crooks off the hook does not bring confidence back to Wall Street; it rewards criminals. These people steal from their clients. These brokerage houses tell us, any solution must not distort or diminish the competitive balance of our industry. What, do they own the industry? This is enough to make you puke. Once the criminals are weeded out there will be plenty of people to take their places.
"One thing the election showed us in spades is that there really isn t a dime's worth of difference between the two major political parties. Ideology is dead. There is no vocal hard right and hard left. We are left with most everyone in the middle like a pile of mush. In the end politicians are almost all bought-off socialists. Politically we get to look more like Europe every day. We are saddled with a fascist government, which is inefficient and corrupt. The remnants are Lyndon LaRouche inside the Democratic Party, libertarians and constitutional conservatives who are now enemies of the state. They disdainfully are labeled patriots because they question the elitist new world order, and its manufactured war on terrorism.
"Our politicians are blindly obedient to their masters displaying unquestioned support for perpetual war for perpetual peace. That, of course, is as long as their children and grandchildren don t have to face poison gas and biochemical warfare. They look the other way as our economy is deliberately brought to a crawl and our investment markets crumble as elitists have their planned depression, so that we may all eventually share the benefits of world government. They don t care as long as they have theirs.
"The conservatives have lost. All they have to vote for with minor exception is the dregs of our society. Compromise is out of the lexicon. There is no reason to compromise anymore. There is only one program: the New World Order program. The only way our political and economic system can now be changed is by revolution and the only way that can come about is through economic destruction and the use of its aftermath, as happened during the French Revolution. You say it can t happen, but we say open your eyes and prepare yourself because it will happen whether you like it or not.
"The elitists disinformation program is picking up speed as wars and rumors of wars begin to emerge as the cover or scapegoat for economic and financial failure just as we predicted they would over three years ago. Just read history, it is replete with similar tactics. The knighted one s monetary fiasco, in his terms a soft spot, much more resembles a sinkhole. Sir Alan s assistance at rapid elevated economic activity has finally gone bust in a pervasive and toxic fallout from the bursting of the greatest speculative bubble in American history.
"Yes, largely created by the FED, which nurtured it and sustained it and then refused to acknowledge it existed, much less try to contain it. Now we have lower interest rates that benefit few and pitiable returns on savings, which is agonizing for the retired who already couldn t pay for their prescriptions. Sir Alan, you and your elitist crowd are to blame and we want to let you know we know it and consequences will follow.
"As we predicted, Wall Street, the banking and brokerage businesses are wildly laying off staff. Not only will they lose 50-70% of their employees before this is over, but the employment slump will be prolonged for long after the market rebounds. Last week Merrill cut 400 more hapless souls as Goldman cut 4% of its global-equities staff. Mergers are off 50%, IPO s lay dormant and retail volume is pitiful. Overall salary costs are off almost 30% over just the last two years. Remember we are 31 months into a bear market, so lots more pain is on the way. Wall Street has lost the public s confidence.
"What do you think will happen with the Dow at 4500 next year? Once a market bottom is reached and all the profits on shorts and gold and silver shares have been taken, we see stagnation or perhaps social dislocation and even longer and longer wars. How else can our masters control us? Even if it s not that dire, how can we restructure America with the burden of free trade and government default on debt? Even if there isn t default, how can debt be repaid under abject deflationary conditions? The only thing that has saved Wall Street and banking is the bond market.
"What happens when lack of liquidity and flight to quality forces interest rates back up? The losses by bondholders will be dreadful and that should take out 50% of Wall Street firms and banks, just like it did between 1930 and1936. Then we have the endless investigations of Wall Street, banking and corporate America that have at least five years to run. This time it is different. It is going to be worse than 1930-1938. These elitists still control Congress and the media but in the end it won t help. Once this juggernaut was underway there was no way to stop it. Life has a strange way of catching up with evil. What goes around comes around. All masters of the universe end up as goats." *End*
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The pretend elections on November 5, 2002 accomplished two things for the Unseen Hand:
1. Removed any further opposition to Mr. Bush's war for oil.
2. Removed any further opposition to getting this Nazi Homeland Security and massive consolidation of unconstitutional federal power passed.
The Homeland Defense nonsense was, I believe, created just to implement this one world government nightmare and to squash like a bug any resistance from Americans who will stand up to tyranny.