Saturday, May 17, 2003

Romans 11:33
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

Good Saturday Morning.

Today I hope the post will bless you as much as it has me. Yesterday morning I was touched by an email sent to me by a friend. Rev. Ralph Davis sends out a group emailing throughout the world named, The Encouragement Of The Day. Brother Ralph is a pastor and owns the local Southern Gospel Radio Station in Effingham County. I know when any of us send out encouragements to others we never know who is in need of it for that day and yesterday was a day that I needed to hear what he wrote.

When we look at all that is going on around us, we realize that it will take the Lord to straighten this old world out. When we look back at history and how God intervened, we can gain assurance that He Still Reigns! Brother Ralph shares some of these divine interventions in his writings and once again reminds us of this truth.

God will have the final say in world events and He will take care of His children. I am reminded of His greatness in the song, How Big Is God.
The words say that He is big enough to build a mighty universe and yet small enough to live within our hearts. Think about it! I pray that He is living in your heart today and if not all you have to do is ask him and he will.

Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Encouragement of the Day.

May 16, 2003


Someone ask me yesterday if some of the Scriptures in the Bible are
repeated over and over again. My answer is YES and this below is Jeremiah
50-51, and I am not giving you the last time these Chapters will be used.
They have been used at least three times in History, and of course I have
missed other times, but in case someone might not know; "I AM HUMAN!"

I am reminded of the WWII Pilot that saw the Angels flying all around
his Aircraft during the Invasion of Normandy and the Lady in the World
Trade Center who cried out to God for help. She found an oxygen mask on her
face and discovered that she was being carried down 83 flights of stairs. Then,
the Gentleman (Angel) said I am going to lay you over here where no debris will fall on you.
She opened her eyes, and to her amazement she was being carried, but there was
no one to see with her human eyes! She said, "Thank You Lord Jesus for you
watch care!

When 50,000 of our American boys were out in the middle of the Iraqi
desert a few weeks ago a DIVINE WIND blew across the desert for three
days followed by a drenching rain.
The Muslim media said it was the worst sand storm in 100 years, and the
Mullahs in 20+ Muslim countries proclaimed that the storm was sent by
Allah when our troops were bogged down and couldn't move.

The left-wing media [CNN, CBS, MSNBC & ABC, the New York Times, The
Chicago Tribune/L. A. Times and lots of others] trotted out politicians
and military experts that proclaimed we were in a "quagmire" and they
all made dire predictions of gloom and doom. What they didn't report
[all except for Fox News and many smaller regional and hometown
newspapers] was that after the weather cleared, the Marine group that
was mired the worst looked out at the plain they were just about to

What did they see?
Thousands upon thousands of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines that had
been uncovered by the wind and then washed off by the rain. If they had
proceeded as planned, many American lives would have been lost. As it
was, they simply drove around them and let the demolition teams destroy

Yes, it was a DIVINE WIND!

When George Washington was asked if he thought God was on his side, he
replied: "It is not that God should be on our side, but that we be on

May I remind you that General George Washington (Mr. White Hair, as
called by the Indians) was shot by a sharp-shooting Indian Chief. God's Man,
General Washington, had 7 holes in his front attire and back attire yet
no bullet holes in his heart where the bullets should have penetrated!

In Christian Love,

Ralph E. Davis
Springfield, GA

"Oh, What a Mighty God is our Lord Jesus Christ!"

Thanks again Brother Ralph for all you do for Jesus!



Thursday, May 15, 2003

"A man may have to die for our country: but no man must, in any exclusive sense, live for his country. He who surrenders himself without reservation to the temporal claims of a nation, or a party, or a class is rendering to Caesar that which, of all things, most emphatically belongs to God: himself." --C.S. Lewis

Good morning everyone!

Today I have found an article that says everything I think about what is happening in our government. With all of the Patriotism running high these days, it has been almost impossible to say anything about our government without being criticized. However in this article posted at Hal Lindsey's site, Oracle, Brian Dotzler verbalizes exactly what many have been saying for many years. The behavior by the Democrats right now ought to sicken every American but no hue and cry is going out. The call for tax cuts are being ignored and a defiant Congress that has grown fat with the taxpayers money refuses to give back the people's hard earned money that I might add has been extorted from them through unconstitutional laws. People such as Gene Chapman are screaming out for answers but IRS and our wonderful Government of the People will not answer. To read about his death fast go to: One Mans Fight For Answers. Don't let Gene's "Ghandi" like appearance fool you. He is a born again Christian who loves the Lord. He is the third person who has gone on this fast til death and due to publicity, the government promised answers to the last two who ended their fast but never received the answers.

In this article, Brian Dotzler hits two of the nails right on the head. One reason we are in this mess is because we are a nation where the people at the government feeding troughs outnumber the people (taxpayers) who are footing the bills. Secondly, the national debt has made us slaves to the Federal Reserve which is a private corporation controlled by a syndicate of millionaire banksters who want to rule the world and with their control, now own all the money and the politicians ( you won't see them admit that to Dan Rather)! Just watch one of our Senators or House Members run against anything the Money Changers want and you will very soon see them destroyed politically.

The only question I ask is, Will the people ever wake up? The answer is, not unless they want too! At this time it appears that they do not want to really see what has happened to us or our great country. The status quo is more comfortable. If Ben Franklin and George Washington and John Adams and the rest had been of this mind, we would still be paying taxes to England and singing, God Save The Queen.

God Bless
Elaine Moreland

It’s not the Economy, Stupid; It’s the Government

It was bad enough trying to get unbiased information during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Politicians told us only what they wanted us to hear and most media outlets were more concerned with pushing a political agenda than they were in reporting the truth. Of course, the truth is of little importance these days since opinions are so much easier to defend.

And now, with the return of our soldiers from the Middle East, comes the heated debate over tax-cuts and America’s economic situation. But just how serious is this problem?

Like the truth, the economic situation in America is relative to whom it is that has a podium; it’s more a matter of opinion than a fact.

For instance, some politicians argue against tax-cuts for the simple reason that America’s budget can not afford it right now. They feel that the budget has been stretched too thin due to the war in Iraq and that right now is simply the wrong time to return tax dollars to the taxpayers.

On the surface, such an argument makes sense; it sounds responsible. However, there is a fundamental problem with this mentality: it is based on opinion.

So what is the truth? Are tax-cuts warranted or just a bad idea?

Before making such a decision, it might be wise to look at the Federal Government’s 2002 Annual Report and see exactly how much our government is spending and where our money is going.

In 2002, taxpayers spent nearly $310 billion dollars on defense, comprising 13.5% of the federal budget. Defense spending increases 7% from FY 2001 to 2002. One would think that, in the post 9-11 era, defense spending would be the big winner when it comes to government spending, but such is not the case.

Social programs paints another story. Last year the government spent nearly $1.4 trillion on the following programs: National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities; Departments of Agriculture, Education, Housing & Urban Development; National Labor Relations Board; EEOC; and the list goes on. (It might be helpful to point out the $2.75 million for the United Nations, the $2.5 billion in subsidies to the U.S. steel industry, and the $800,000 for … (get this) … THE GRAMMY FOUNDATION. Tragically, spending on social programs increased 9% from FY 2001 to 2002.

But not to be outdone is the huge chunk of cash being paid to … “no one.” That’s right; “no one” received 14% of this country’s budget in 2002, a whopping $333 billion!

You may be asking, “Who is this no good “no one” and why are we as a nation paying him so much “Johnny” (cash, that is)?

Well, “no one” is the interest we pay on the national debt, a debt that currently sits at close to $6.5 trillion. That’s quite a bit of “Robert” (dinero) to shell out with no services rendered.

So, what should we do? Whose plan is better, the conservative or the liberal? Should taxes be cut, increased, or just remain the same? Before coming to that conclusion, ask yourself a few more questions.

Is it true that tax-cuts can create jobs, lower unemployment, and spur the economy? Or is the opposite true, that only by increasing taxes can we fix the “sluggish” economy. (By the way, what exactly is it that determines a sluggish economy? Either the economy is growing at a desired rate, or it is not. Why not just say that the economy is growing slightly slower than we would like it to?)

Regardless of your political affiliation or economic background, it should be crystal clear that the government is ignorant when it comes to fiscal policy. The mere fact that in 2002 military spending increased at a slower rate (7%) than social spending (9%) is a colossal example of the government’s inability to control itself. Shouldn’t defense spending have grown at a greater rate since we are facing an enemy here at home, an enemy that has infiltrated our borders and has proven to strike with extreme prejudice? And what about the social programs, why are they growing at a faster rate than the economy?!

Speaking of social programs and all that is spent on them, are our children getting better educated? Are welfare recipients getting jobs? Is the unemployment rate falling? Are all medically uninsured children now insured? With all these tax dollars going to solve the ills of society, one can only assume that something must be improving. But in reality, nothing has improved; nothing has changed (except the amount of money being spent). The government hasn’t fixed anything. It never has and it never will. (History, my friends…read your history.)

About the only thing our government has had great success implementing is a competent military. Without question our Armed Forces have risen to the challenge time and time again without hesitation. Even when under-paid, poorly-fed, and greatly neglected (Valley Forge), the military has never despaired. It simply follows orders and marches ahead.

Yet when it comes to financing our soldiers, we have our priorities completely mixed up. How is it possible that the interest on our national debt comprises more than our defense budget? But an even bigger crime is the social spending.

As stated earlier, the social spending programs dwarf all others, yet produce almost nothing. (Some even argue that they produce less than nothing).

However, the military has been a giant success. Even with the mediocre (if not small) paychecks, military personnel (and their families) can live comfortably. They have health care, dental, housing, and incredible educational opportunities. As a matter of fact, you would be hard-pressed to find any type of educational incentives that can compete with the military’s G.I. Bill, College Loan Repayment Plan, and ROTC Programs. The billions of dollars wasted each year by the Department of Education would go much further as incentive programs for military personnel and their families instead of being thrown into the bureaucratic windstorm that succeeds in spending too much money on absolutely nothing.

The irony in all of this is that the many benefits the military successfully implements (medical, dental, housing, education, etc) are the same types of programs the federal government fails to make work. (But that’s another story.)

When it comes to government spending, how much bang are Americans getting for their buck? Is the money reaping any benefits, or is it going in someone’s pocket that didn’t earn it, doesn’t need it, and refuses to return it?

The government has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it has no willingness to spend our money responsibly, it ignores all the financial principles that govern business and industry, and continues to bleed the taxpayer regardless of his income or situation.

Whether or not tax-cuts can stimulate the economy is irrelevant. That issue has no bearing on what this nation’s fiscal policy should be. While it is true that a large segment of the population believes social programs are a necessity, history proves these programs as utter failures; they simply cannot work because they lack accountability and competition.

Whoever coined the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid” obviously failed to look at all the facts. Someone needs to tap that fella on the shoulder and whisper, “Hey stupid, it’s the spending.”