Jerry Falwell whom I happen to respect very much has posted an article at World Net Daily.. His article covers some of the things churches "cannot do".
So here is printed fact that Uncle Sam and the IRS is issuing orders to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Take a look and see what you think. I wonder when the real God fearing pastors in this nation are going to start following the Lord's command to, "Come out from among them and be ye separate"! The truth is that when churches incorporated, they agreed in Contract with the ( 501(c) 3 regulations). Because of this Public agreement with IRS, the IRS can give orders on what not to preach out against. I am wondering what the IRS's consideration to the contract is. Could it be fear, intimidation and political correctness? To read the article, go to:
Politics In The Pulpit.
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Saturday, October 05, 2002
Thank You Burney!
A big thanks to Burney Brushears of Gamiliel Ministries for sending a quote by C.S. Lewis in one of his emails to me. This one statement, backs up the discussion I have posted below regarding, "Render to Caesar". Mr Lewis's opinion allows us all to think about the issue of 'rendering' our God given rights to a government in a different light.
C.S. Lewis once said:
"A man may have to die for our country: but no man must, in any exclusive sense, live for his country. He who surrenders himself without reservation to the temporal claims of a nation, or a party, or a class is rendering to Caesar that which, of all things, most emphatically belongs to God: himself." --C.S. Lewis

How bout' them Dem's!!!! When they don't like a state law, they just get their judge cronies to overule the law and make new ones. Why even have a Legislature?
This is truly scary!
An Article Of Interest At World Net Daily: It's About Federalism Stupid!
A big thanks to Burney Brushears of Gamiliel Ministries for sending a quote by C.S. Lewis in one of his emails to me. This one statement, backs up the discussion I have posted below regarding, "Render to Caesar". Mr Lewis's opinion allows us all to think about the issue of 'rendering' our God given rights to a government in a different light.
C.S. Lewis once said:
"A man may have to die for our country: but no man must, in any exclusive sense, live for his country. He who surrenders himself without reservation to the temporal claims of a nation, or a party, or a class is rendering to Caesar that which, of all things, most emphatically belongs to God: himself." --C.S. Lewis
How bout' them Dem's!!!! When they don't like a state law, they just get their judge cronies to overule the law and make new ones. Why even have a Legislature?
This is truly scary!
An Article Of Interest At World Net Daily: It's About Federalism Stupid!
Friday, October 04, 2002
What In The World Is Cognitive Dissonance?????
Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which has two major effects on learning:
One such effect of this phenomenon occurs when someone is called upon to learn something which contradicts what they already think they know — particularly if they are committed to that belief .— They are likely to resist the new learning.
Now I know where the phrase, "Don't bother me with the facts", comes from.
After we have believed something for so long and it is ingrained into our belief system, it is too painful to consider what we may have believed is lie. To realize that we have been deceived, causes pain and anger and disbelief. Therefore, it is easier to resist the truth and believe the lie!
An example of this term is the truth about the fraudulent income tax system in this country. People, we have absolutely been lied to and deceived about this issue. In spite of the truths that are being revealed daily about the fraud, many people still do not want to believe it and the only explanation I can come up with for this blind acceptance is the cognitive dissonance.
One area of this issue on taxation is the teachings that we are to, “Render to Caesar that which is Caesars”. Let me say that as a Christian, I am obligated to pay any taxes that I truly owe. But what taxes do we owe? The only people required to file 1040 tax returns are, withholding agents for non-resident aliens, foreign corporations and foreign tax exempt organizations earning income within the States. When we file tax returns, we are being forced to waiver our 4th and 5th Amendment Rights and there, is no law requiring U.S. Citizens to waive those rights.
I am not asking anyone to stop paying taxes they legally owe. However, I am praying that those I love and those who happen upon this blog site begin to ask questions and seek the truth. The links to the left of this post will take you to areas where the research can be found on this issue. These researchers are CPA’s, Ex- IRS agents, Doctors, Lawyers and a many more freedom loving Americans who have done their homework and discovered the truth.
As for the term, “Render to Caesar”, If Caesar demanded I bow down to a huge statue of himself or herself three times a day and worship, what should I as a Christian do?
If Caesar demanded my money to perform abortions or promote immoral art that blasphemes my Lord, would I still be duty bound to give him money for this?
When our Founding Fathers went to England after the war and secured our permanent freedom from King George, he gave all rights and freedoms of our country to the Sovereigns of the United States. We the People are the Sovereigns in America and our Constitution gave us unalienable rights and protection from a corrupt Government.
Tomorrow’s Article will reveal some information about where all the tax money is going!
God Bless
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which has two major effects on learning:
One such effect of this phenomenon occurs when someone is called upon to learn something which contradicts what they already think they know — particularly if they are committed to that belief .— They are likely to resist the new learning.
Now I know where the phrase, "Don't bother me with the facts", comes from.
After we have believed something for so long and it is ingrained into our belief system, it is too painful to consider what we may have believed is lie. To realize that we have been deceived, causes pain and anger and disbelief. Therefore, it is easier to resist the truth and believe the lie!
An example of this term is the truth about the fraudulent income tax system in this country. People, we have absolutely been lied to and deceived about this issue. In spite of the truths that are being revealed daily about the fraud, many people still do not want to believe it and the only explanation I can come up with for this blind acceptance is the cognitive dissonance.
One area of this issue on taxation is the teachings that we are to, “Render to Caesar that which is Caesars”. Let me say that as a Christian, I am obligated to pay any taxes that I truly owe. But what taxes do we owe? The only people required to file 1040 tax returns are, withholding agents for non-resident aliens, foreign corporations and foreign tax exempt organizations earning income within the States. When we file tax returns, we are being forced to waiver our 4th and 5th Amendment Rights and there, is no law requiring U.S. Citizens to waive those rights.
I am not asking anyone to stop paying taxes they legally owe. However, I am praying that those I love and those who happen upon this blog site begin to ask questions and seek the truth. The links to the left of this post will take you to areas where the research can be found on this issue. These researchers are CPA’s, Ex- IRS agents, Doctors, Lawyers and a many more freedom loving Americans who have done their homework and discovered the truth.
As for the term, “Render to Caesar”, If Caesar demanded I bow down to a huge statue of himself or herself three times a day and worship, what should I as a Christian do?
If Caesar demanded my money to perform abortions or promote immoral art that blasphemes my Lord, would I still be duty bound to give him money for this?
When our Founding Fathers went to England after the war and secured our permanent freedom from King George, he gave all rights and freedoms of our country to the Sovereigns of the United States. We the People are the Sovereigns in America and our Constitution gave us unalienable rights and protection from a corrupt Government.
Tomorrow’s Article will reveal some information about where all the tax money is going!
God Bless
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Thursday, October 03, 2002
The Churches Lost A Battle Today! Think About It!
The Churches Lost A Battle Today! Think About It!
Yesterday, the House of Representatives defeated a bill that would have allowed the churches to preach about politics from the pulpit. Isn't it ironic that much of the rhetoric for the Revolutionary War came from the pulpits. To read the article go to: World Net Daily
How did this happen. How was the Infernal Revenue Service given power over the pulpits? In the article, "Rendering to Ceasar His Due" a Christian Response to the Income Tax, by Sam Adams, he states:
" The Church is actually immune from taxation under our Constitution rather than merely exempt from taxation as many churches have become incorporating under 501(c) 3 regulations. Churches have bowed their knee to Caesar by placing themselves in the same legal category as Corporations". He further states that when the churches incorporated, it was "in ignorance"." In essence, the church contracted with the State to become a creation of the state rather than an independent entity under the Sovereignty of God. I agree that it was done in ignorance as to the truth about contract law and all it would entail in the future by a corrupt government. However when you contract with Uncle Sam, you agree to the terms of the contract and some may be hidden for future use. Therefore the pulpits are muzzeled, preachers can be hauled off and church property confiscated if our churches do not obey the IRS "rules". In fact it is already happening. This should make everyone of us weep.
There is an answer and that is that the churches can un-incorporate and go into such things as a Corporate Sole to protect herself from Ceasar.
Tomorrow I am going to write about the much used phrase: "Render to Caesar". It will cause you to at least think about it. And, if you have time today, look up on an internet search or dictionary the term, cognitive dissonance. We will talk about that too tomorrow.
God Bless and Have a Great Day.
Read the entire article on the bill just rejected at:
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Yesterday, the House of Representatives defeated a bill that would have allowed the churches to preach about politics from the pulpit. Isn't it ironic that much of the rhetoric for the Revolutionary War came from the pulpits. To read the article go to: World Net Daily
How did this happen. How was the Infernal Revenue Service given power over the pulpits? In the article, "Rendering to Ceasar His Due" a Christian Response to the Income Tax, by Sam Adams, he states:
" The Church is actually immune from taxation under our Constitution rather than merely exempt from taxation as many churches have become incorporating under 501(c) 3 regulations. Churches have bowed their knee to Caesar by placing themselves in the same legal category as Corporations". He further states that when the churches incorporated, it was "in ignorance"." In essence, the church contracted with the State to become a creation of the state rather than an independent entity under the Sovereignty of God. I agree that it was done in ignorance as to the truth about contract law and all it would entail in the future by a corrupt government. However when you contract with Uncle Sam, you agree to the terms of the contract and some may be hidden for future use. Therefore the pulpits are muzzeled, preachers can be hauled off and church property confiscated if our churches do not obey the IRS "rules". In fact it is already happening. This should make everyone of us weep.
There is an answer and that is that the churches can un-incorporate and go into such things as a Corporate Sole to protect herself from Ceasar.
Tomorrow I am going to write about the much used phrase: "Render to Caesar". It will cause you to at least think about it. And, if you have time today, look up on an internet search or dictionary the term, cognitive dissonance. We will talk about that too tomorrow.
God Bless and Have a Great Day.
Read the entire article on the bill just rejected at:
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
What An Irony! Think About It!
President Bush has signed a bill officially recognizing Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. It is said to have angered the Arab World. What is interesting here is the fact that in the Bible, God promises to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse it (Genesis 12:3). The US State Department is opposed to this move including Colin Powell. In this article, Bill Koening shares a perspective about this situation that the world as a rule does not want to consider. Isn't it interesting that in the Book of Zechariah, chapter 14: 1-9, the scriptures tell us of a future event that is going to take place regarding Jerusalem. The signs of the times are all around us. I hope Christian leaders in our nation will continue to stand for truth re: Israel.
Iraq, Jerusalem, and Thoughts
– Bill Koenig
October 1, 2002
Iraq and an Irony
The US has for the last year and a half told Israel they can’t dispose of their arch-enemy, Yassir Arafat, yet the U.S. is aggressively moving forward with strong intentions of eliminating Saddam Hussein and his regime.
It is usually the US State Department that leads the charge in chastising Israel for its desire to exile or minimize Arafat.
That changed after there were two back-to-back suicide bombings on June 18 and 19. President Bush stated in his June 24 Middle East address that Arafat must go. Yet the State Department continues to deal with Arafat’s people.
Israel has a major national security issue [Arafat] in their midst, while the US problem [Saddam] is thousands of miles away.
Hussein is a formidable risk to the US and Israel, but so is Arafat. Arafat is not happy about being minimized by President Bush. Hussein is also cooperating with the Palestinians and has attempted to incite an Israeli response, which always brings a chastisement by the world community. For the most part Israel has restrained their response, except for their entering of Arafat’s compound after a September 18 Tel Aviv suicide bombing.
The US introduced a resolution to the UN Security Council on Monday, September 23, reprimanding Israel's incursion, while eventually abstaining in the vote which allowed the measure to go into affect, the Council voted 14 to 0 demanding that Israel end its siege of Yasser Arafat's West Bank compound. (The day the US introduced the resolution Hurricane Isadore turned north in the Gulf of Mexico and headed towards the United States.)
On Iraq, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer stated yesterday that since 2000 there have been 1,600 incidents of Iraqi attacks against United States and British Aircraft. And since September 16th, the date that the Foreign Minister of Iraq sent a letter to the United Nations saying they would allow for so-called unconditional inspections, Iraq has attacked coalition aircraft 67 times.
Fleischer stated this is a reminder again of how the words of Iraq continue to change, but their actions don’t. Their actions are in defiance of international law and international rule, as they are military attacks on coalition aircraft that are flying to patrol the no-fly zones that Saddam Hussein agreed to in 1991. This should be a very living and vivid display of Iraq’s military intentions.
What about the Palestinians’ words and actions?
Russia’s foreign minister issued a statement criticizing British and U.S. recent air strikes against Iraq, saying the increase in the pace over the last couple of weeks is making diplomacy harder. Other nations have also concurred.
The world community -- while not in favor of Arafat being eliminated or with the US’s plans to dispose Iraq of Saddam -- are more concerned with the Israeli–Palestinian peace talks.
Isn’t it ironic that the US is facing the same international opposition with Saddam as Israel has with Arafat?
Now Secretary Rumsfeld is using attacks on American planes as a justification for American action against Iraq. If the US is proposing a regime change in Iraq, then why should they restrict Israel’s desire to depose or exile Yassir Arafat? The US government has been given volumes of information documenting Arafat’s role in terrorism in Israel and the theft of millions of dollars -- possibly billions -- of his people’s money, but it doesn’t carry the same weight, because Israel is the source of the information and the Arabs have the oil.
Israel has also been asked not to respond if Iraq hits them.
It looks like the Lord is allowing circumstances to play out, where the situation in Israel is similar to the situation the US is facing. Fortunately, we have passionate people in the US Congress who will speak out for Israel.
Jerusalem Capital Decision
Congress recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital yesterday, but the White House, in a statement letter, will argue the language on Jerusalem reflects a “sense of the Congress” and is not binding for US policy, a senior official said.
Again this is an attempt by the Bush Administration (and the State Department) to “appease” the Arabs at the expense of God’s covenant land. It was the State Department who had persuaded the Bush Administration to give a comprehensive address to the UN General Assembly to “appease” the Arabs last summer. The 45 days of preparation for that address had been completed, but it was interrupted by the 9-11 events.
(To review the commentary on 9-11: please click here.)
The Washington Post reported President Bush, at the risk of angering the Arab and Muslim worlds, signed legislation requiring the administration to identify Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a US official said.
Faced with a choice of between endorsing the controversial legislation passed by Congress and shutting down US diplomatic activity, Bush put his name to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act for 2003, which gives the administration more than $4 billion for running the State Department.
Administrations have promised to make the move but have repeatedly put it off because of the ill feeling it would create in the Arab world, which considers East Jerusalem to be occupied territory and the capital of a future Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza.
Koenig's International News · ·
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Iraq, Jerusalem, and Thoughts
– Bill Koenig
October 1, 2002
Iraq and an Irony
The US has for the last year and a half told Israel they can’t dispose of their arch-enemy, Yassir Arafat, yet the U.S. is aggressively moving forward with strong intentions of eliminating Saddam Hussein and his regime.
It is usually the US State Department that leads the charge in chastising Israel for its desire to exile or minimize Arafat.
That changed after there were two back-to-back suicide bombings on June 18 and 19. President Bush stated in his June 24 Middle East address that Arafat must go. Yet the State Department continues to deal with Arafat’s people.
Israel has a major national security issue [Arafat] in their midst, while the US problem [Saddam] is thousands of miles away.
Hussein is a formidable risk to the US and Israel, but so is Arafat. Arafat is not happy about being minimized by President Bush. Hussein is also cooperating with the Palestinians and has attempted to incite an Israeli response, which always brings a chastisement by the world community. For the most part Israel has restrained their response, except for their entering of Arafat’s compound after a September 18 Tel Aviv suicide bombing.
The US introduced a resolution to the UN Security Council on Monday, September 23, reprimanding Israel's incursion, while eventually abstaining in the vote which allowed the measure to go into affect, the Council voted 14 to 0 demanding that Israel end its siege of Yasser Arafat's West Bank compound. (The day the US introduced the resolution Hurricane Isadore turned north in the Gulf of Mexico and headed towards the United States.)
On Iraq, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer stated yesterday that since 2000 there have been 1,600 incidents of Iraqi attacks against United States and British Aircraft. And since September 16th, the date that the Foreign Minister of Iraq sent a letter to the United Nations saying they would allow for so-called unconditional inspections, Iraq has attacked coalition aircraft 67 times.
Fleischer stated this is a reminder again of how the words of Iraq continue to change, but their actions don’t. Their actions are in defiance of international law and international rule, as they are military attacks on coalition aircraft that are flying to patrol the no-fly zones that Saddam Hussein agreed to in 1991. This should be a very living and vivid display of Iraq’s military intentions.
What about the Palestinians’ words and actions?
Russia’s foreign minister issued a statement criticizing British and U.S. recent air strikes against Iraq, saying the increase in the pace over the last couple of weeks is making diplomacy harder. Other nations have also concurred.
The world community -- while not in favor of Arafat being eliminated or with the US’s plans to dispose Iraq of Saddam -- are more concerned with the Israeli–Palestinian peace talks.
Isn’t it ironic that the US is facing the same international opposition with Saddam as Israel has with Arafat?
Now Secretary Rumsfeld is using attacks on American planes as a justification for American action against Iraq. If the US is proposing a regime change in Iraq, then why should they restrict Israel’s desire to depose or exile Yassir Arafat? The US government has been given volumes of information documenting Arafat’s role in terrorism in Israel and the theft of millions of dollars -- possibly billions -- of his people’s money, but it doesn’t carry the same weight, because Israel is the source of the information and the Arabs have the oil.
Israel has also been asked not to respond if Iraq hits them.
It looks like the Lord is allowing circumstances to play out, where the situation in Israel is similar to the situation the US is facing. Fortunately, we have passionate people in the US Congress who will speak out for Israel.
Jerusalem Capital Decision
Congress recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital yesterday, but the White House, in a statement letter, will argue the language on Jerusalem reflects a “sense of the Congress” and is not binding for US policy, a senior official said.
Again this is an attempt by the Bush Administration (and the State Department) to “appease” the Arabs at the expense of God’s covenant land. It was the State Department who had persuaded the Bush Administration to give a comprehensive address to the UN General Assembly to “appease” the Arabs last summer. The 45 days of preparation for that address had been completed, but it was interrupted by the 9-11 events.
(To review the commentary on 9-11: please click here.)
The Washington Post reported President Bush, at the risk of angering the Arab and Muslim worlds, signed legislation requiring the administration to identify Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a US official said.
Faced with a choice of between endorsing the controversial legislation passed by Congress and shutting down US diplomatic activity, Bush put his name to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act for 2003, which gives the administration more than $4 billion for running the State Department.
Administrations have promised to make the move but have repeatedly put it off because of the ill feeling it would create in the Arab world, which considers East Jerusalem to be occupied territory and the capital of a future Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza.
Koenig's International News · ·
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
Do you remember when we were kids and the proverbial bully would lord it over everyone when he displayed his candy? We would all salivate and want some of that candy and when we finally got the nerve up to ask the bully to share, he or she would snatch it away, say no, and have the audacity to eat it all right in front of us!!! Well, how bout them Dem's? Can you believe it. Let the rule of law be flushed right down the toilet!. The Democrats must win New Jersey or the bully will loose. These people are beyond conscience. The fat is truly in the fire now!! Where will it lead? I don't know but the fire works are about to begin. Flashback to the presidential election is about to happen. I don't believe that these people understand the concept of election fraud! Jack Kinsella has a very good article regarding this new development and I think it will amaze you. You can read it at: Oracle News
It is really going to be interesting to see what happens this election. I hope you plan to vote. More than that, I hope you know where the candidates stand on the issues.
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
It is really going to be interesting to see what happens this election. I hope you plan to vote. More than that, I hope you know where the candidates stand on the issues.
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Monday, September 30, 2002
Where Can You Find The History Of The Graduated Income Tax!
Before I post my Think About It for the day, I want to congratulate Doug Kenline for being on the Radio today discussing the Freedom Drive. He did a great job! To learn more about We The People go to: Give Me Liberty.Org
Now for the Post: Where did the ideas on a Graduated Income Tax like the fraudulent one we have had forced upon us come from? Take a look and please think about it.
God Bless
Karl Marx And The Communist Manifesto
If our children got good schools they would not be brainwashed, if our
government did not meddle unconstitutionally in medicine the prices would be
lower, if they taxed according to the laws the companies would have no
reason to move offshore. If they did those things as they should they would
fail in following the Communist Manifesto:
1. The people must be made to feel their utter helplessness and their
inability to solve their own problems. While in this state of mind, there is
held up before them a benign and all-wise leader to whom they must look for
the cure of all their ills. This state of mind is most readily developed in
a time of economic stress or national disaster.
2. "The principle of local self-government must be wiped out, so that this
leader or group in control can have all political power readily at hand.
3. The centralized government, while appearing in form to represent the
people, must dutifully register the will of the leader or group in control.
4. Constitutional guarantees must be swept aside. This is accomplished in
part by ridiculing them as outmoded and as obstructions to progress.
5. Public faith in the legal profession and respect for the courts must be
6. The law-making body must be intimidated and from time to time rebuked, so
as to prevent the development of public confidence therein.
7. Economically, the people must be kept ground down with high taxes, which,
under one pretext or another, they are called upon to pay. Thus, they are
brought to a common level, and all income above a meager living is taken
from them. In this manner, economic independence is kept to a minimun, and
the citizen is forced to rely more and more upon the government that
controls him. Capital and credits is thus completely within the control of
the government.
8. A great public debt must be built up so that citizens can never escape
its burdens. This makes government the virtual receiver for the entire
9. A general distrust of private business and industry must be kept alive,
so that the public may not begin to rely upon its own resources.
10. Government bureaus are set up to control practically every aspect of the
citizen's life. These bureaus issue directives without number, but all under
the authority of the leader to whom they are immediately responsible. It is
a government of men, and not of laws.
11. The education of the youth of the nation is taken under control to the
end that all may, at an early age, be inoculated with a spirit of submission
to the system and of reverence for the benevolent leader.
12. To supplement and fortify all the foregoing, there is kept flowing a
steady stream of government propaganda designed to extol all that bow the
knee, and to vilify those who dare to raise a voice of dissent.
These are the twelve points in the blueprint of the communists to take over
this nation via economic manipulation as presented by Samuel Pettengill.
Stop and go back over them and ask yourself how near to total completion and
fulfillment America is at this present moment to every one of them.
Remember Lenin said in 1921 "They will spend themselves into
bankruptcy..they will commit national suicide."
Where Are We? Think About It:: Visit Give Me Liberty.Org
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Now for the Post: Where did the ideas on a Graduated Income Tax like the fraudulent one we have had forced upon us come from? Take a look and please think about it.
God Bless
Karl Marx And The Communist Manifesto
If our children got good schools they would not be brainwashed, if our
government did not meddle unconstitutionally in medicine the prices would be
lower, if they taxed according to the laws the companies would have no
reason to move offshore. If they did those things as they should they would
fail in following the Communist Manifesto:
1. The people must be made to feel their utter helplessness and their
inability to solve their own problems. While in this state of mind, there is
held up before them a benign and all-wise leader to whom they must look for
the cure of all their ills. This state of mind is most readily developed in
a time of economic stress or national disaster.
2. "The principle of local self-government must be wiped out, so that this
leader or group in control can have all political power readily at hand.
3. The centralized government, while appearing in form to represent the
people, must dutifully register the will of the leader or group in control.
4. Constitutional guarantees must be swept aside. This is accomplished in
part by ridiculing them as outmoded and as obstructions to progress.
5. Public faith in the legal profession and respect for the courts must be
6. The law-making body must be intimidated and from time to time rebuked, so
as to prevent the development of public confidence therein.
7. Economically, the people must be kept ground down with high taxes, which,
under one pretext or another, they are called upon to pay. Thus, they are
brought to a common level, and all income above a meager living is taken
from them. In this manner, economic independence is kept to a minimun, and
the citizen is forced to rely more and more upon the government that
controls him. Capital and credits is thus completely within the control of
the government.
8. A great public debt must be built up so that citizens can never escape
its burdens. This makes government the virtual receiver for the entire
9. A general distrust of private business and industry must be kept alive,
so that the public may not begin to rely upon its own resources.
10. Government bureaus are set up to control practically every aspect of the
citizen's life. These bureaus issue directives without number, but all under
the authority of the leader to whom they are immediately responsible. It is
a government of men, and not of laws.
11. The education of the youth of the nation is taken under control to the
end that all may, at an early age, be inoculated with a spirit of submission
to the system and of reverence for the benevolent leader.
12. To supplement and fortify all the foregoing, there is kept flowing a
steady stream of government propaganda designed to extol all that bow the
knee, and to vilify those who dare to raise a voice of dissent.
These are the twelve points in the blueprint of the communists to take over
this nation via economic manipulation as presented by Samuel Pettengill.
Stop and go back over them and ask yourself how near to total completion and
fulfillment America is at this present moment to every one of them.
Remember Lenin said in 1921 "They will spend themselves into
bankruptcy..they will commit national suicide."
Where Are We? Think About It:: Visit Give Me Liberty.Org
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Sunday, September 29, 2002
What We Learned! Think About It......
Well Bob and I just got back from an awesome evening service at our church. The pastor preached on Iraq and her history as a part of the Old Babylonian Empire and the area for the last day prophecies of the Bible. Sitting here at my computer, I wonder what to tell you about tonight regarding what we learned at the Ex-Irs Agent Meeting in Atlanta. We did bring home video's and order tapes that we plan to share with those locally here and I hope that soom more people will take up the banner and help to inform America of what has happened to us. These three agents from 9am until 4pm spoke with a crowd of 150 people straight from their hearts and told us about the fraudulent income tax, how the tax courts are not ruling according to the constitution and how the Federal Reserve has stolen our money. They also told us that the people are waking up but that the news media will not tell you any of these truths. What is our hope? To have an informed citizenry rise up and demand our politicians either restore our Constitutional rights, or we vote them out and send people to Congress that will stand for the people. I am posting a link to Joe Bannister's site for you to visit. He has a video there that tells his story and the truth about what is happening with the IRS. Visit his site and order the video. You will truly be amazed at what you learn. Go To: Freedom Above Fortune
Next I encourage you to visit the We The People site and join today. Begin to learn what has happened and what can be done. The future of our children and grandchildren depend on it!
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand
Next I encourage you to visit the We The People site and join today. Begin to learn what has happened and what can be done. The future of our children and grandchildren depend on it!
"Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals - that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government - that it is not a charter FOR government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection AGAINST the government."
-- Ayn Rand