The Temple Mount is the heart of the Conflict. Take a look at this picture from
The Temple Mount Faithful:
Endowed with a Pure Spirit by the Temple Mount
The Shekinah of G d which never left the Temple Mount shines from the Temple Mount on the Western Wall through a ‘window’ in the Wall. It does not physically exist and comes from the gate of Heaven which is on the Temple Mount.
The holiness of the Temple Mount is an eternal holiness. Even when the Temple did not exist on the mountain, the holiness of the place was not removed. The Sages said that all the abundant good which exists in the world comes via the Temple Mount. They also say that because of the holiness, to stand on the Mount or even to look at it endows one with the property of perfection, the holy spirit and holiness. This is the reason that G-d commanded Abraham to lift his eyes and look to Mt. Moriah. Then He told him to stand on the Temple Mount together with his son, Isaac. In this way he and his son would be endowed with very high spiritual values.
It is so sad that the Temple Mount, the most holy place in the world, has been desecrated by the nations. The Arabs built mosques on the holy hill of G-d and continue to do so with their shrines. The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement is fighting to ensure the Temple Mount will no longer be desecrated and that the Israeli Government will remove the shrines and rebuild the Temple in our lifetime. We know that this will soon come about.
(Hear this message from the Lord to the world!)
Zechariah 12:9
And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
Are you watching Israel. Guys this is mushrooming into what could be the next event in prophecy and that is the rapture. Remember that we do not know the day or hour but we can know the times. It appears that President Bush is not quite sure which way to go with this new little problem.(Check out this Washington Post Article. The Bible states this will happen when another person or nation entangles themselves in Jerusalem and Gods Covenant Land! I am posting an article today from World Watch Daily and it will show you how determined the Muslim extremist are about driving out the Jews. Satan knows Gods Word and he knows his time is growing short and so he is bringing forth more and more violence and hatred to prevent prophecy from happening. Can you blame him? The Lake Of Fire is not a future I would like to think about either! What a day that will be to see his evil ended once and for all (AMEN)! Thank the Lord for his great salvation that he has given to all who trust in Him.
Hamas Warns Foreigners to Leave Israel
World Watch Daily- June 12, 2003
GAZA (Reuters) - The Palestinian militant group Hamas vowed on Thursday to carry out more attacks inside Israel following a bus bombing in Jerusalem and warned all foreigners to leave the Jewish state for their own safety.
Hamas had claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing near the city's main open-air market on Wednesday that killed 16 people, saying it was to avenge an Israeli assassination attempt against one of the Islamic faction's leaders.
"The Jerusalem attack is the beginning of a new series of revenge attacks... in which we will target every Zionist occupying our land," Hamas said in a statement faxed to Reuters. "We call on international citizens to leave the Zionist entity immediately to preserve their lives."
Hamas sources said the group was holding to its policy of not deliberately attacking foreigners. But Americans, Europeans and Asian guest laborers have been among those killed in its bombings during the 32-month-old Palestinian uprising for independence.
"We call upon all cells to work fast on an earthquake (news - web sites)-like response," the Hamas statement said. The group is pledged to the destruction of Israel and the creation of an Islamic state.