Psalm 18:2
The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
Hello Everyone. Wow are things hopping in our world. Today we remember those who lost their lives in 911, Israel is planning to expel Arafat (its about time) and evil is rearing its ugly head everywhere. Sounds kind of like the last days? Well Dave Dolan has posted a new article that I believe is good and sets the tone of what is happining in Israel.
Remember that I have always said to keep your eyes on Israel. God is once again going to intervene in that area and set up his kingdom that will never end!!! This article further confirms that belief. Once again I believe that we need to make sure our famlies are in the ark of salvation by knowing Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord!
Pray today that God will help us turn our blessed country around before it is too late and pray for many to be saved before it is everlastingly too late.
God Bless
SEPTEMBER 11, 2003
By Dave Dolan
On this second anniversary of the twin terror attacks in the United States, the Israeli public continues to mourn the loss of 15 precious lives in double suicide blasts on Tuesday near Tel Aviv and in Jerusalem. Funerals were held for most of the victims on Wednesday, including an Arab waiter from a village north of Jerusalem—not far from where the Hamas terrorists (both university students) hailed from. Meanwhile at least one more critically wounded person is expected to perish in the coming hours or days.
In several of the over 100 suicide attacks launched by Palestinian terrorists since late 2000, a well known Israeli has been slaughtered. In fact, the very first homicide attack of this cycle, which occurred here in Jerusalem in late November of that year, took the life of a daughter of a prominent Israeli Orthodox politician, former government minister Yitzhak Levy.
When someone widely known is killed, it only serves to deepen the anguish that the public feels over the attack. Such was the case with this week’s deadly blast at the Hillel coffee house in Jerusalem’s upscale German Colony neighborhood. Among the victims was a man who had often been interviewed on Israel television and radio networks after previous terrorist atrocities, American-born Dr. David Appelbaum. The Detroit native was in charge of the emergency room at Jerusalem’s second largest hospital, the Shaarei Tzedek (Gates of Righteousness) Medical Center. Colleagues at the Orthodox hospital said that he had saved many lives—some of them Arabs—by his quick and skillful responses in the wake of previous attacks in the holy city.
Dr. Appelbaum had only returned to Israel from New York just a few hours before the attack. Ironically, he had been in America to address a group of medical personnel at New York University on the topic of how to respond to mass terror attacks.
The Israelis public’s sense of grief over his untimely death was massively compounded by the fact that his lovely 20 year old daughter, Nava, was slain alongside of him. She had been innocently sipping coffee with her beloved father, happily discussing the final details of her impending marriage, set for last night at the Ramat Rachel kibbutz in southeast Jerusalem. It was to be one of the largest Jerusalem weddings of the summer, with around 600 guests expected to attend, many of them prominent Israelis. Instead, the same folks and many others found themselves standing around the graves of the father and daughter on Wednesday afternoon, just hours before the “simcha” (joyous occasion) was scheduled to begin.
Despite the fact that they are unfortunately all too used to reporting the details of such horrific terrorist attacks, several of Israel’s veteran newscasters could not conceal their emotions as they reported on the gripping father/daughter funeral last evening. It was as if the whole country was in mourning, as was surely the case. No one with a heart could look at the youthful face of Chanan Sand, the suddenly bereaved intended groom, or Debra Applebaum, the American-Israeli woman who lost both her husband and daughter in one critical second, and fail to grieve. Reports of Chanan putting the ring that he intended to place on his bride’s finger on her shrouded corpse instead brought tears to many eyes.
Most of you know that I wrote an article for World Net Daily earlier this week entitled “Unhappy Anniversaries.” It was published on the popular internet site on Tuesday—the day of the double Hamas terrorist attacks. Little could I know that it would coincide with fresh terrorist massacres, adding greatly to the sense of sorrow felt as Israelis remember the Al Qaida atrocities in America two years ago today, and the Oslo accord signing on the White House lawn in Washington ten years ago this Saturday.
Much thanks to those who have written to state that you are praying for me and others here in the Promised Land in these difficult days. Most experts agree that the situation will undoubtedly get worse before it gets better, probably much worse. If fact, unconfirmed media reports are circulating today that imminent Israeli action is being planned against PLO leader Yasser Arafat. Any Israeli military move against him will surely bring dramatic reactions in the country and region, if not around the world. The sense that “something big” is in the air is growing, amid intense security measures designed to thwart Hamas threats to carry out additional mass murders.
I have never seen my Israeli friends more determined to see their country’s renowned military forces wipe out the Palestinian terrorist infrastructure. In a visit to the Old City on Wednesday, I also learned that many Palestinians seem just as determined to continue their jihad war against the Jewish State (a Palestinian opinion poll conducted after the deadly bus attack in Jerusalem last month showed that over 60% support such attacks).
The only bright light in the deepening darkness is that more and more people—in growing despair—are looking to the heavens for an answer. One of the most popular songs currently being played on Israel radio stations reminds listeners that “Elohai Yisrael,” the God of Israel, created His people. Expressing “pain” over the current situation, the female singer then calls upon Him for help in the midst of trouble. May He hear and answer speedily in our time!
You can visit Dave's site at: Updates From Israel
As we view all of the things that are happening, let us hold fast to the truth of the Bible verse for today. God is our Rock and no matter what happens he will take care of His children even if that means finally rapturing them out of the evil.
Perhaps Today!
Those people who are not governed by God will be ruled by tyrants. -- William Penn