Good Sunday Morning.
Today I am posting exerpts from the
We The People Broadcast last Tuesday night. The program is entitled The Liberty Hour. Three minutes into the live broadcast, an expert hacker was able to disrupt the broadcast ( isn't that special!) and prevent the people from seeing the presentation. There are those in this country who do not want the people to waken from their slumber and learn the truth.
However, the broadcast was saved and copied. You can go to the We The People site to listen to the audio or download the video to view the program in its entirety. This week the technicians have worked to correct the problem that occurred last week. I will post the time and date tomorrow morning.
I am posting exerpts from the broadcast below to give you an idea of what was discussed. It is imperative that all Americans get informed of the dangers we face as a free people. There are those in our government who seek to hurl us into a New World Order and hate our Constitution. I know it is hard to believe but it is true. Go to the
We The People site and begin educating yourself as to what we can do to restore our government to sanity.
For the sake of our children and grandchildren we must do this! If people will just take one hour a week to listen in as Christians and fellow Americans reveal what can be done we just might be able to at least slow down the coming juggarnaut of the New World Order. May God help us to get this word out!
Elaine Moreland
WTP-TV January 7, 2003
with Bob Schulz WTP-TV
Bob Schulz: Good evening… and welcome to THE LIBERTY HOUR
We are glad you could join us.
I’m Bob Schulz, Chairman of the
We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education and the We The People Congress.
The Liberty Hour is brought to you by concerned citizens – ordinary, non-aligned citizens -- who love our country and our Constitution but who have grave concerns about our government because our government no longer honors our Constitution.
An arrogant, out-of-control and unaccountable government that has no respect for the precious liberties of every American citizen is destroying our sacred Bill of Rights – our Rights, Liberties and Freedoms.
The People, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, have reached a crossroad. We will either act together to focus our spiritual and earthly energies toward solving this problem or we will languish in ambivalence and indecision until our Republic, our Constitution, our way of life and eventually our freedom are gone.
We, the People, must not allow the Constitution to become a dead letter.
Later, during this broadcast, I will outline a bold but doable PLAN that the We The People Foundation and Congress will spearhead – a plan designed to bring our servant government back under the control of the People and our Constitution.
We CALL on all concerned Americans to unite behind the PLAN. The hour IS late.
At the heart of the PLAN, which I will soon outline, is a Mission Statement as follows:
"With the grace of God and with malice toward none, and to force the leaders of the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government to respond to each of the four Petitions for Redress of Grievances that were recently served on every member of the Congress and President Bush, we will do everything in our power, including the creation of a Legal Defense Fund, to get three hundred thousand (300,000) employers, employees, retirees and self-employed people to immediately begin retaining and keeping in their possession the money that they would otherwise have turned over to the federal government."
Now, Before getting into some of the details of the PLAN, I believe it necessary to provide the rational behind the PLAN and some information about who we are and our philosophy.
We will begin by hearing from one American who has heard THE CALL. He is one of America’s finest citizens, an Officer and a gentleman, a successful businessman, a family man, a man who loves God and Country, a man who HAS served America well, Charlie Beall. Charlie ….
Charlie Beall: Good evening. I’m Charlie Beall. Welcome to the first live broadcast of the Liberty Hour from We The People Foundation. This evening, you are witnessing history in the making. This live broadcast represents the beginning of an unprecedented multi-media communications initiative by We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education.
In the coming months, through regularly scheduled live broadcasts, we intend to reach millions of Americans with the truth about our Constitutional form of government; our God-given, unalienable rights and freedoms; and the sacred duty that We The People have to support and defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education is a non-partisan, pro-Constitution, network of patriotic citizens who love our country, and are dedicated to America’s founding principles of faith in God, limited government, equal justice, due process of law, and respect for personal freedom and private property.
For the past three years, we have been leading the fight to restore our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and bring our government back under the control of the People, where it belongs.
We The People come from all walks of life, and our numbers are growing daily. We are truck drivers and active duty military personnel, we are welders and carpenters, doctors and attorneys, judges and police officers, CPAs and ex-IRS agents, schoolteachers and religious leaders. We are from every ethnic background, faith tradition, color and creed. Simply stated--we are Americans---and we share a Constitution and Bill of Rights that sets us apart as one nation, under God.
This past week, We The People Foundation delivered personal notices of tonight’s live broadcast to hundreds of thousands of people nationwide. Personal notices were delivered to President Bush, Senior Cabinet Officials, every member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, State Legislators, Federal Circuit and Appellate Court Judges, Tax Court Judges, Supreme Court Justices, the Governors of every state, the Mayors of our largest cities, Newspaper Editors, Radio Talk Show Hosts, Religious Leaders, Police Chiefs, County Sheriffs, IRS Officials, CPAs, Tax Attorneys and thousands of other government officials.
Tonight, our servant government is being put on notice: Obey the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, or We The People will take whatever non-violent measures that are necessary to bring you back under our control where you belong.
America’s founders clearly understood and accepted God’s design and purpose for civil government, and were willing to sacrifice there lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor –everything they had--- to be free. They established a Constitutional Republic that recognized the People’s unalienable right to their lives, their liberty and their property, with minimal government interference. Thus, America was conceived as a magnificent experiment in freedom that was unique in the annals of human history. And while the journey was tumultuous at times, the freedom won by our forefathers was ultimately extended to all citizens regardless of race, color, religion or national origin---a testament to who we are as Americans, and what we truly stand for, as "One Nation, Under God".
What kind of government do we have in America today? Does our federal government function according to God’s design and purpose? Do our federal, state and local government officials defend and protect the most vulnerable among us from evil and injustice? Are the majority of our highest elected officials and government leaders in Washington honest, honorable and loyal Americans who can be trusted to protect and defend our Constitution? Do our judges acknowledge God’s ultimate authority over our nation and our nation’s laws, or do they kneel at a different altar?
Unlike most politicians--who seldom fight the wars that they start--those of us who have honorably served our nation in uniform have a special duty to protect America’s future generations from the deception and exploitation of false patriots in our government. There is no honor in the slaughter of innocent, helpless civilians for any political end. Our forefathers intended America to serve as an example of strength, justice and liberty to the world.
We must recognize that the powerful political and economic interests that have dragged America into war after senseless war over the past 50 years, have betrayed the ideals, the honor and the values of our forefathers, and have compromised the sovereignty and independence of our great Nation. Their perfidious conduct is repugnant to our Constitution and the principles upon which we stand as a Nation. For over 225 years, America has stood as a beacon of light and hope to the world. People of all nations, creeds and religions have come to our shores yearning to be free.
The cause of enduring freedom belongs to all Americans. But, We The People must demand honest, just and accountable government, or we cannot hope for God’s continued blessing upon our nation.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are at a critical juncture in the history of our Republic. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are hanging by a thread. America, as envisioned by our founders, and preserved by the blood of those who have fought to keep us free, will not survive without constant vigilance by We The People. Today, the majority of our elected representatives, our judges, and the heads of our federal law enforcement agencies, are systematically, and with impunity, violating their oaths of office.
They have betrayed their sworn and sacred obligation to support and defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Every day, more and more of our People are being denied equal justice in our courts, protection of our private property, and respect for our unalienable rights and dignity as free Americans. We have allowed career politicians, government bureaucrats and federal judges to gradually assume vast powers that were NOT delegated to them by We The People in our Constitution.
If America is to survive as the hope of the world, we must resolve to bind our government down once again by the chains of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Let me give you an example of what has been happening behind the scenes in our nation’s capitol. On October 3, 2002, in a public, recorded debate on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Ron Paul of Texas reminded Congressman Henry Hyde of Illinois, the Chairman of the House Committee on International Relations, that the Constitution requires a Declaration of War before the armed forces of the United States can be deployed in hostilities overseas. In response to Congressman Ron Paul, Congressman Hyde then had this to say about our Constitution and Bill of Rights:
And I quote:……": There are things in the Constitution that have been overtaken by events, by time. There are things that are no longer relevant to a modern society—things that are inappropriate, anachronistic"…end quote.
To those who love our country, who honor and cherish the ideals and principles upon which our great nation was established, we must ask ourselves---how have we come to this point where our government leaders can openly express such contempt and disrespect for our Constitution, and our God-given rights as Americans. To the millions of military veterans, law enforcement officers and other patriotic Americans who have taken an oath to support and defend our Constitution, Congressman Hyde’s comments should be viewed as nothing less than treason.
But tragically, the majority of our elected representatives in both political parties---as well as the powerful financial, corporate and special interests that control them, share Congressman Hyde’s arrogance and disrespect for our Constitution. These people have come to believe that our Constitution is a dead letter. That our sacred Bill of Rights is anachronistic and irrelevant in our modern times. That America’s independence as a sovereign nation, and our tradition of personal freedom should be exchanged for membership in a New World Order.
A New World Order that despises our faith in God, our Constitutional form of government and our unalienable freedom as Americans. I proudly served our country as an officer in the United States Marine Corps, and like millions of American veterans, intend to keep my oath to support and defend the Constitution and protect our nation against all enemies foreign and domestic---including politicians and government officials like Congressman Hyde who have no respect for our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
While average Americans have been preoccupied with earning a living, raising our children, and trying to be law-abiding citizens, our government, for decades, has been diligently working behind the scenes to assume more and more power and control over our daily lives. Working Americans have been economically enslaved by a fraudulent income tax system that steals the fruits of our labor and squanders our financial resources on unconstitutional government programs, aid to corrupt foreign governments, and preemptive military intervention across the globe. It is sad but true--the average American family today pays more in taxes-- than it pays for food, clothing and shelter combined.
After years of exhaustive legal research and public hearings in Washington, DC, We The People Foundation has irrefutably proven that our personal income tax system in America is fraudulent in its origin, and illegal in every aspect of its operation. It is immoral, unjust and dishonest. It is not required to fund the lawful, constitutional functions of our government. Our elected leaders are well aware that they have other, constitutional means, such as excise taxes, corporate taxes, tariffs, imposts and duties, to raise sufficient revenue for the legitimate operations of government.
So, why do our government leaders allow this fraud to continue against the working people of America? Simply stated, it is nothing more than greed and the desire for absolute political power and authority over the People. Let’s be clear, the fruits of our labor do not belong to Caesar, and we are not commanded by our Creator to kneel before false idols or submit to civil government that is immoral, coercive and unjust. The personal income tax system in America undermines everything that we stand for as a free people.....
To be continued tomorrow.COMMENT:
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Those people who are not governed by God will be ruled by tyrants. -- William Penn