Friday, July 30, 2004

2 Timothy 3:13   But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Watch Out America!

This week we have had the opportunity to view a nest of lies spewed forth out of the Democratic Convention.  Today I received a weekly update from Bill Koening and he has told the truth. America must beware of spin and lies as we approach this November election. I think before I cast my vote I will flash back to 911 and think of who I would rather be at the reigns of our great nation. May the Lord continue to grant us wisdom as we travel through these last days.
Have a great weekend.


I have included Bill's view on Prophecy for Today!

Talking Points -- Democrats Mask Extremism With Controlled Propaganda Plan; Exposed Deceptions Threaten To Unravel Presidential Bid

The identity of the Democrat Party was at stake this week at the Democratic National Convention. The media consultants found a little surprise in their polling data that indicated Americans would not vote for a presidential candidate espousing a radical leftist view of abortion rights, homosexual marriage, anti-war, soft on terrorism and hard on men and women of faith.

So they did what any self-respecting political spin doctor would do—they crafted a propaganda campaign like none seen since Hitler’s Third Reich. The Democrats took a hard right turn and reinvented their party for nationwide prime time consumption. Gone were the shrill references to the likeable President George W. Bush that he betrayed the country and lied and made up the reasons for war in Iraq. Gone were the radical feminists screaming about having the right to kill their unborn. The homosexual advocates were locked back in the closet for the week, and the American Civil Liberties Union attack on religion in America was swept under the rug.

In a very carefully managed public relations display, the Democratic National Convention played like a heartland America town meeting held at the local Baptist Church. It all looked pretty good. The right words were said. Chords were struck with the American people. The only problem was that it was a propaganda effort based on lies.

When the balloons settled and the floor demonstrations stopped and the flags and signs put away, we have to ask if the real Democrat Party would stand up. But to the discerning ear and eye, all you had to do was listen to the words that were spoken to understand there is a hard-core agenda to turn the United States of America into a West European Socialist nation by the most liberal presidential ticket in the history of the country.

Presidential nominee John F. Kerry spent over 50 minutes addressing the American people in his acceptance speech. He spent a lot of time trying to convince the people, and possibly himself, that he was as good as if not better than the current president when it comes to national defense and foreign policy. His experience as a Vietnam veteran, as a leader, as an experienced consensus builder among nations…and on and on. But the actual lie is in the truth that he has been a part of weakening our national defenses since he returned from Vietnam. His consensus building consists of yielding to the United Nations, on which he has been clear from the beginning of his campaign.

But the most sinister revelation at the convention was the hydrant spewing forth code words that the Democrats want a socialist secular nation. Former President Clinton, in the only truthful moment of his crowd-pleasing speech said that Democrats and Republicans hold very different views of how to meet America's challenges at home and abroad.  He said, "We Democrats want to build a world and an America of shared responsibilities and shared benefits. We want a world with more global cooperation where we act alone only when we absolutely have to."  Mr. Clinton zeroed in on the basic political tenet of the Democrat Party--that a socialist government should empower the people and that the U.S. government should be a part of a larger one-world order.

Teresa Heinz Kerry, in arguably the most bizarre political speech in history, underscored the secular when delivering the crowning statement of her speech, "Today, the better angels of our nature are just waiting to be summoned. We only require a leader who is willing to call on them, a leader willing to draw again on the mystic chords of our national memory and remind us of all that we, as a people, everyday leaders, can do; of all that we as a nation stand for and of all the immense possibility that still lies ahead. I think I've found just the guy. I'm married to him."

Calling on angels of our nature...drawing on mystic chords of our national memory?  Is this how Mrs. Kerry runs the Heinz Foundation, where she has given millions to leftist organizations?  One such group is the League of Conservation Voters, a radical environmental group that has run commercials against President George W. Bush, where, in essence, Mrs. Kerry paid for the attack ads against her husband's opponent.  Another group Mrs. Kerry gives money to is the Tides Foundation, a socialist oriented donor to organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose leadership has had direct ties with the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah.

A class act, Elizabeth and John Edwards took the high road in the presentation of their vision of America. Still, Mr. Edwards danced upon the floor of socialism. Mr. Edwards stirred the crowd with a "Hope Is On The Way" theme to an America united.  He painted a vision of a strong "One America" where there is no difference between the schools, the healthcare, the childcare, the benefits, the jobs, and the opportunities afforded the wealthy and the rest of America.  He said that those hard working people still in poverty are doing their part and that the government should do its part. He said that the Kerry Administration would destroy terrorists and build a stronger military.  John Edwards would make even conservatives believe in the Democrat Party...until they realized what he was really saying.

John Edwards was saying that he wanted a society where there is no wealthy or poor--everybody is on the same level.  He said he wanted to reward work not wealth.  He said that the Kerry team would pay for this new society by taxing the rich--a clear intention to redistribute wealth.  John Edwards was painting the picture of a socialist nation, strong because of its government, not because of the rugged individualism of its people, its families, its faith in God.  If anything, this Democratic National Convention has tried to reach out to mainstream America, but it cannot shake the strong socialist leanings of the most liberal Presidential ticket in the history of the United States.

The Democrats bet the farm that the American people would swallow hook, line and sinker the enticing lie of socialism wrapped in fine words and images. But it is all just window dressing. Even the Spielberg-esque movie of Mr. Kerry’s Vietnam experiences shown at the convention had reenactments…the young John Kerry made the home movies to promote imagery that he was a hero, but some of the images taken under his direction during his four month tour in Vietnam, were staged. Draped in the campaign-theme rhetoric of “Take America Back,” the Kerry-Edwards campaign smacks of a bait and switch play for snookering Americans into accepting socialism where everybody is equal, except some are more equal than others. We must not only hear what Mr. Kerry says, but even more importantly, watch what he does and has done.

Insider’s Take: These are very dangerous people. We must remember that no matter how much the spin artists conjure up a centrist illusion of the Democrat Party, in reality it stands on a platform of extremist support for abortion on demand, radical homosexuality in civil unions and same sex marriages, and human secularism.  The Apostle Paul writes in II Timothy 3 that men shall be lovers of their own selves without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, traitors, and high-minded, "Having the form of godliness, but denying the power thereof."  And he warns, "from such turn away."  Weigh all things, discern all things against the word of God as "evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."  No matter how alluring the draw, remember to whom you belong.

Impact Segment — Undocumented Muslims Stream Across U.S.-Mexican Boarder; Prophecies of Jeremiah Coming To Pass?
The Muslim Population in the United States is unknown, but estimates range from 600,000 to six million. Muslim clerics estimate the number on the high end. They should know because they are dealing every day in their respective Muslim communities. Others estimate the number closer to two million.
The number of Muslims entering the U.S. is also a guess at best. But the number of people crossing the Mexican boarder with the U.S. illegally who are of Middle Eastern descent alarms boarder police. These are people of whom we have no idea whether they are friend or foe, are members of terrorist cells or are just looking for a job.
The prophecies of Jeremiah 50-51 speak of a land called Babylon that has a lot of similarities to the U.S. It describes Babylon as the least of nations; a nation that has contended against the Lord; a nation of mixed peoples; a land of carved images; and has powerful seaports. The U.S. is the youngest superpower; it has allowed the removal of the Lord from public places; is often called the “melting pot” for its diverse population; is known for its idols; and has powerful seaports.
The Lord tells Jeremiah in 51:14, “Surely I will fill you with men as with locusts, and they shall lift up a shout against you.” Locust in Hebrew means “Arab.” And considering that the Bible is full of types and shadows, could it be that the Muslim population explosion in the U.S. will lead to an eventual overthrow of the country or attacks from within the nation that render it desolate and impotent as a world power? This possibility is something that most do not want to consider, especially those running the Federal government, but the entire situation bears consideration, serious consideration.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is concerned about attacks within the U.S. from sleeper cells of Muslim extremists. But the federal government downplays a future significant onslaught of Muslims against the nation because it considers them law-abiding citizens. However, even the leadership of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has ties to the terrorist organization Hamas, has said Muslims should take over the United States.

And what of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of Muslims entering the U.S. from its porous boarders? The Arizona Tombstone Tumbleweed newspaper reported during the week of July 18, the presence of Arab-speaking males amid the waves of illegals recently captured. The article is based on separate, first-hand interviews with three U.S. government agents who confirmed that males of possible Syrian and Iranian descent have been detained in the past few weeks.

A Border Patrol spokesman confirmed that since October 1, 2003, 5,510 illegal aliens designated as "Other Than Mexican" (OTM) have been apprehended while crossing the rugged terrain in southern Arizona. The term actually means "other than Mexico or other central and South American countries," the spokesman said. Border Patrol spokesman Andy Adame declined to say what countries the OTM illegals are from, although he admitted detainees include "people from all over the world." Adame added, "We apprehend them, process them, and turn them over to [the U.S. Department of] Homeland Security and the FBI and that is all I can say." 

According to the Tombstone newspaper, on June 13, 2004, Border Patrol agents from the Wilcox, Arizona, patrol station encountered a large group of illegal border crossers in the Chiricaucha Mountain foothills, just east of what is known as The Sanders Ranch. Agents estimated that the group comprised about 100 people. Border Patrol sources who were present at this mass apprehension state that they seized 71 illegal aliens, of whom 53 were males of Middle Eastern decent. The suspects clearly were speaking through an air vent in the transport vehicle. 

Border Patrol sources, at the risk of being in violation of orders and losing their jobs, offered a subsequent chilling revelation. On June 21, 2004, they and their colleagues from the Wilcox Border Patrol station apprehended another 24 Arabic-speaking males in the area of Pierce/Sunsites. These small towns are approximately 25 miles northeast of Tombstone and not far from the Chiricaucha foothills.  Even more worrisome, the agents say, is that the 24 men who were seized were only part of a larger group. At least half of the group apparently escaped capture and remain on the loose in the United States.

Meantime, the Federal government on July 24 reached an agreement with Russia to relocate some 7,000 Ahiska Muslims as U.S. citizens in the Philadelphia area near a mosque. Seems as though Russia would not let them become citizens and the refugees wanted to come to America. Little is known about this group, but that they practice the Sunni brand of Islam, which is one of the conservative sects that is fighting on the wrong side of the war on terror. The Ahiska Muslims are displaced from as far back as the Ottoman Empire and Russia wants to get rid of them. Turkey, where they originate, apparently doesn’t want them. Enter America who wants to improve relations with Turkey and Russia, who is at war with Muslim extremists who practice the Sunni customs.

Insider’s Take: The rising tide of Islam is alarming. Yes, many are peaceful. But for how long? The Koran requires Muslim believers to hunt down and kill infidels, that is, anyone who does not accept Islam. Jesus said in Matthew 24:10, “Then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.” And Genesis 16:11, 12 says, “And the angel of the Lord said unto her, behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” Ishmael is the father of the Arabs, the locusts who are at war with the world. These prophecies are being fulfilled before our very eyes. The hand of judgment is stayed by a praying Christian nation. But if immorality continues in the form of homosexuality, abortion, taking God from the public square and more, judgment can swiftly fall and there are an estimated six million Muslims in the United States who may be happy to assist.

I grew up in Southern Arizona sixty miles from the Mexican border. My father’s cotton and wheat farm was within a few miles of a large Indian reservation that bordered Mexico. Mexicans would come through the reservation frequently looking for work. The very long Mexico/U.S. and Canadian/U.S. borders are very porous so you can’t completely close them off. The federal government announced recently they plan to use Israeli designed drones to help monitor the borders, however, there still are not enough Border Patrol people to stop the traffic.

As we have seen in Israel, the United States, Kenya, Iraq, Bali, Turkey, Indonesia, and other nations that have been targets of terror a few people can create a lot of havoc and public fear. We know the United States is and will remain a target for radical Muslims. Today in Washington D.C. and many other U.S. cities, there are already many Middle Eastern people living in the United States. Many of the taxi drivers, operating in our major U.S. cities are Muslims who tend to be very angry people. Today they are an internal and external security threat. A major terror event or a suicide bombing in America would shake our country to its core. We can only hope and pray that the Lord will intercede, our homeland security comes from the Lord, but as I have stated many times before if we continue to apply pressure on Israel to divide her covenant land, the United States and the international community will continue to experience further judgment for their role in Israel’s internal affairs. Just this week Al Qaeda stated brashly that Europe was a terror target and there will be much blood spilled there, this was stated the very same week E.U. spokesman Javier Solana stated during his trip to Israel whether they [Israel] &ldquolike it or not,” the E.U. was going to be actively involved in the Middle East peace process.


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