Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Hello Everyone. Joseph Farah today wrote an article that is wonderful to think about. I am reminded of the phrase adopted by Jack Van Impe, "Perhaps Today"!
God Bless

When will Jesus return?Joseph Farah: World Net Daily

Posted: December 22, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2004

"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness. From then on and forevermore ..."
– Isaiah 9:6-7 (NASB)

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this week and prepare for 2005 next week, I can't help but think about how close we must be to the Second Coming – when the Lord will return for His church and personally rule over the Earth for 1,000 years.
Oh, I know, some of you don't believe in such things. You think it's just a bunch of silly superstition. Even some Christians don't believe in the Second Coming. Many prefer I stick to writing about news events of the physical world rather than arcane spiritual matters.

But, as a journalist, I can't ignore hard evidence – no matter where it may lead me. And the more I study the prophetic scriptures of the Holy Bible and look at the condition of our world today, the more convinced I become that we are nearing that time. In fact, I think we are very close.

For just as Jesus' virgin birth in Bethlehem was foretold by the Hebrew prophets hundreds of years earlier, so, too, was His return to Earth predicted. The only question is when.

The most dramatic evidence for His imminent return our generation has witnessed was the rebirth of the nation of Israel more than 50 years ago. The Jews, God's chosen people, were, as prophesied, scattered over the whole earth for nearly two millennia beginning shortly after Jesus' death on the cross. Yet, in my opinion, the scriptures leave no doubt that the Jewish state would exist once again before He returned.

Interestingly, Orthodox Jews have long taught that the world would last for 6,000 years before the Messiah would come and usher in a 1,000-year period of restful human history. Since God created the world in six days, according to Genesis 1:31, and rested on the seventh day, according to Genesis 2:1, they reasoned the world's history would climax the same way. They cite Psalms 90:4, which says: "For a thousand years in Thy sight are like yesterday when it passes by."
Likewise, Christians have looked to II Peter 3:8: "But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

The early church understood this "six-day theory" of world history. It was widely accepted teaching for the first three centuries of the church. From the time of Adam, we've got genealogical records to show that 4,000 years passed until the time of Christ. From Jesus' time until the present age represents another 2,000 years for a total of 6,000 years or six days.

There's also a three-day theory: Jesus rose on the third day. Would the beginning of the third millennium – or thousand-year period – not be the likely time for His return to Earth? There is even strong scriptural evidence for such a theory provided in Hosea 6:2: "After two days will he revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight." Note that this prophecy is not about the Resurrection of Jesus – it's either about the resurrect

ion of Israel after 2,000 years of dispersal or the physical return of the Lord.
In 1772, Edward Gibbons published "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," in which he cites early documents suggesting the Christian disciples of the first century were taught that Jesus would return after 2,000 years. We'll soon find out if they were right.

For many reasons, I believe Jesus is returning soon. But I'm especially drawn to II Timothy 3:1-5, which describes the state of the world in the "last days." Tell me if this doesn't sound like our world:

But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.

To me, that sounds like our world today.

Christmas represents a time of great hope for Christians. Of course, we're grateful that Jesus came about 2,000 years ago and died for our sins. Now we should be hopeful and expectant of His imminent return.

Merry Christmas. And happy birthday, Jesus.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


1 Corinthians 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

Hello to all my friends in cyberland. Can you believe that Christmas is this Saturday? It is astonishing how fast time is passing. My mother always said, "the older you get the faster it goes" and now I believe her!

I wish I could post a happy Christmas article today but I have found this one at World Net Daily and felt that we all need to know what is really happening. I do not wish to think badly of anyone but the actions speak louder than words and I will simply post the facts and then you can decide. Be prepared to see more of this type of thing occur as we see the approaching fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. Remember that there must come a falling away by a portion of the Church before the Rapture and the Man of Sin is revealed.

Satan and his demons hate the cross where our salvation and freedom from their control was purchased by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The apostate churches will hate the cross also and will join hands with anti-christ to put down the True Church. The good news if they fail! We get taken out of here before all hell literally breaks loose.

I have posted a second link to a World Net Daily Article regarding decorations at the White House. You decide for yourself what to think about these events.

God bless you all with a wonderful Christmas and may we all remember the Blessed Assurance that our Lord is in control.


The picture at the bottom of the article shows a pastor throwing his cross into a dumpster. Think the Great Apostasia has begun???? This picture is not a fake. This event really happened.

Bush supports cross-hating movement
President's father also praises work of Rev. Moon-linked clergy group

Posted: December 21, 2004
2:10 p.m. Eastern

© 2004

Both President Bush and his father have expressed their support for a group of mostly black church leaders that endorses the practice of throwing the cross into the trash – literally.
According to an online column by John Gorenfeld, the American Clergy Leadership Conference sponsored a nationwide "Tear Down The Cross" day for Easter 2003 during which pastors led ceremonies where traditional sanctuary crosses were tossed into dumpsters. Over 100 crosses reportedly were trashed.
Writes Gorenfeld, "This [cross removal], movement leaders said, cleared the way for a new age and second messiah."
Last week, the movement's leaders presided over a Washington prayer breakfast featuring messages of thanks from both Bush presidents.
Though ACLC's website says part of its purpose is to "promote through fellowship the unity of the body of Christ," it also aims to "foster cooperation and understanding among all religions." That cooperation is evidenced by the involvement of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church who was dubbed the king of peace at a coronation ceremony in the Dirksen Senate Office Building earlier this year.
The organization also works closely with both Muslim and Jewish clergy.
Two sponsors of last week's breakfast, the International and Interreligious Federation of World Peace and the American Family Coalition, are both affiliated with Moon.

"One series of photos found on Moon's website, but purged after receiving unfavorable attention earlier this year from evangelicals, shows Massachusetts preacher John Kingara taking down the cross from his church, hauling it behind the old brick building and hoisting it into a dumpster," writes Gorenfeld. "Another shows a ritual in Israel disposing of the cross in the earth.

Pastor John Kingara of Worcester, Mass., throws his church's cross in the dumpster.
"Kingara, embracing the ACLC's new gospel, declared in remarks found in the Unification News, 'The fact that the cross is a symbol of division, shame, suffering and bloodshed prove that it is not of God but Satan.' He continued, 'On this 18th day of April 2003, we are beginning a new history. Pastors, please, help me to bring the cross down, because it is not of God but the devil.'"

Moon was the keynote speaker at the Washington breakfast last week.
Writes Gorenfeld: "In Moon's teachings, God himself is shedding tears over mankind's obsession with the cross, which prevents us from recognizing the real 'returning lord': Moon himself. It's no secret. This is something he's patiently explained to many audiences of congressmen and former Republican presidents over the years, in Washington pageants that hardly ever make the news."

The columnist says Bush sent a "warm letter" of support presented at the breakfast by a state senator, in which the president and first lady sent best wishes to the sponsors -- and thanked them for rallying his "armies of compassion."

Pastor John Kingara of Worcester, Mass., throws his church's cross in the dumpster.

Read about the White House Decorations at: World Net Daily


Sunday, December 12, 2004

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas. Yes, it is almost the celebration day for the birth of our Lord. I have always loved Christmas and my family always went out of their way to make it a wonderful time of year.

The only thing more exciting to me that the scriptures telling of the life, death and resurrection of our Lord is the fact that they also tell us he is coming again.

I believe this fact as much as I believe we need air to breathe. He is coming again and I believe it will be in our lifetime!

Jack Van Impe calls it the Terminal Generation. Won't it be an awesome day when we meet our Blessed Savior face to face and celebrate His birthday live and eternally!

Jack Kinsella once again has hit the nail on the head as to what the Bible says about the times in which we live. I pray this article will be a blessing to you and that if you do not already know my Jesus that you will bow your knee and ask him into your heart this very day.

Again, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

God Bless
Elaine Moreland

"If the formation of the European Common Market were an isolated development in the line of Bible prophecy, then it would have no significance for our study."

"However, combined with the other pieces of the prophetic puzzle which we are attempting to develop for you, it takes on immense importance. We believe that the Common Market and the trend toward the unification of Europe may well be the beginning of the ten-nation confederacy predicted by Daniel and the Book of Revelation." (The Late Great Planet Earth, Hal Lindsey, 1969)

Thirty-six years ago, when Hal confidently named an as-yet non-existent ten-nation confederation arising out of the heart of the old Roman Empire, Europe's unification was still only a dream.

It had only been some twenty-one years before that the fledgling Brussels Treaty that created the Benelux Customs Union had been signed on March 17th, 1948.
At the time Hal was writing the Late, Great Planet Earth, the ten nations of Western Europe that form the core of the WEU (and who remain the only nations to hold full membership status) had not yet reached their full number.

The Western European Council was still debating applications for membership from the United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland and Norway. It wasn't until 1995 that the Western European Union's roster of ten full members was filled when Greece was accepted into the fold.
The European Union is NOT the Western European Union, but the Western European Union IS the EU. That sounds confusing -- I'm not even sure I can explain it coherently, but I'll try.

Modern Europe was born OUT of the Western European Union, but the WEU itself continued on as a separate organization.
The requirement for full membership in the Western European Union is membership in both the greater European Union and NATO. The modern European Union was born out of the 1957 Treaty of Rome.

The Western European Union was born out of the 1948 Brussels Treaty as a replacement to the failed European Security and Defense Assembly under the terms of the 'Modified Brussels Treaty' signed in 1954. (NATO was created in 1949)
The EU and WEU formed a partial merger in areas of defense and security. A full merger had been planned by 2000, but as of 2004, the WEU is still very much alive and most European military planning takes place within its constituent cells.
A book published recently by New York University entitled, "Defending Europe" argues that events of the first four years of this century point more toward a revival of the WEU than its absorption into the greater EU.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the WEU is composed of the delegations of the member states to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which, fearful for its future existence with the winding up of the WEU, has been lobbying for itself to be recognized as the "European Security and Defense Assembly".

In a speech delivered to the WEU Assembly gathered in London in February, 1996, by NATO'S Deputy Secretary General, he told the WEU delegates;
"First, the question of NATO's European component. That function is currently fulfilled by the WEU. The WEU, of course, performs a dual role. The Treaty on European Union refers to the WEU as an integral part of the development of the EU and requests the WEU to elaborate and implement decisions and actions of the EU which have defense implications."

Javier Solana's deputy went on to exhort the WEU delegates;
"So let us remind ourselves of one central fact: NATO, the WEU and the EU have the same strategic interests - shaping the security environment of the future for the better and enhancing stability and security throughout the wider Europe."
Hmmm. Sounds almost Biblical -- 'these three are one'.
The fact that the WEU is taking steps to strengthen its existence and power within the framework of the greater EU, instead of allowing itself to be absorbed, is of great significance when trying to understand the whole 'ten toes' of Daniel prophecy.

Simply put, the greater EU, now consisting of 28 member states, needs the WEU to ensure its security.
And since the ten core nations of the WEU are simultaneously the most powerful states in Old Europe, the EU is really an extension of the WEU -- and not the other way around.
The European Union is the administrative and economic arm, but the WEU is the hand that holds the hammer.

King Nebuchadnezzar summoned the prophet Daniel to interpret a dream he had that had baffled all his counselors and sorcerers. The king couldn't even remember the dream, only that it greatly troubled him.
Daniel was tasked with both telling the king what his dream was, and interpreting its meaning.

Daniel told the king that he saw, in his dream, a great image of a man, with a head of fine gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, with two legs of iron and his feet part of iron and part of clay. (Daniel 2:28-33)
Daniel went on to describe what troubled the king the most, even though he couldn't recall the details:

"Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth." (Daniel 2:34-35)
The image, as you undoubtedly know, described four successive world empires; the head was Babylon, chest and arms was the Medo-Persian Empire, belly and thighs was Alexander's Greek Empire and the two legs of iron represented Rome, which eventually divided itself into an eastern and western empire.
The Western Empire was ruled from Rome, the Eastern Empire from Constantinople, until both finally collapsed under their own weight.

Insofar as the feet of iron and clay, Daniel told the king:
"And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay." (2:41)
Iron mixed with clay is partly strong and partly weak. So is the revived Roman Empire partly strong, and partly weak.
Without the strength of the member states of the WEU, the greater EU would soon collapse. Without the economic power, infrastructure and participation of the greater EU, the WEU would be just another military alliance.
Donald Rumsfeld divided Europe into two categories; "Old Europe" and "New Europe". So did the prophet Daniel.

"And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." (2:42-43)
Daniel's description could not be more specific. And, as a side observation, its fulfillment is dripping with symbolism.

'Old Europe' came to the foreground as a consequence of its opposition to a war to invade Iraq (ancient Babylon) for the purpose of removing Saddam Hussein, a dictator who claimed to be the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar.
When he was restoring the old city of Babylon during the 1980's, Saddam had bricks struck that superimposed his profile beside that of Nebuchadnezzar. In 1988, he commissioned a coin celebrating himself as the second Nebuchadnezzar.
The removal of the 'second Nebuchadnezzar' split both NATO and Europe down the middle, with most of the newly admitted member states to the East siding with Washington, and the majority of Western Europe opposed.
'Partly strong, and partly weak, but they shall not cleave together' is the way Daniel described it.

The WEU is, as of 2004, a ten-nation core of powerful European states in charge of maintaining Europe's military security. It controls NATO, the world's most powerful military alliance and it insists on retaining a separate identity to keep its voice from being diluted by that of the greater EU.
Often at odds with its own members (as in the Iraq War), it remains, nonetheless, the heart and soul of greater Europe. And it is committed to replacing the United States as the world's only superpower.
And, according to the prophet Daniel, it will be the world's last superpower.

"And in the DAYS OF THESE KINGS shall the God of heaven set up a Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the Kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." (2:44)



Thursday, November 11, 2004

Those people who are not governed by God will be ruled by tyrants. -- William Penn

Today Hal Lindsay says it all. I thank the Lord that President Bush prevailed in this election. I believe the evil may be held back for a little longer. May the good Lord continue to bless us and may He help us prevail against the evil in the Middle East! He is coming soon! Are you ready?


Hal Lindsay
Visit World Net Daily for more information!

Election 2004 wasn't necessarily a victory for conservatives or Republicans. It was a narrow escape for America.

During his second term, President Bush could fill as many as four vacancies on the Supreme Court. Had he lost the presidency, those appointments would have been in the hands of John Kerry. That would have meant the appointment of activist judges who would guarantee partial-birth abortion on demand, same-sex marriage, more criminals on the streets, and the decline of Judeo-Christian values for decades to come.

Thank God we dodged that bullet.

Election 2004 also laid bare the blatant propaganda of the liberal media for all to see. Dan Rather's overt effort to sabotage George Bush's campaign using forged documents was only the tip of the iceberg.

The get-Bush frenzy reached such a fever pitch that no slur was too low, no rumor too thin, and no charge too outrageous to level against him. A recent analysis showed that media coverage favored John Kerry by a factor of more than 2-to-1 over George Bush. For instance, although he campaigned primarily on his military service, no mainstream media organization conducted a serious inquiry into Sen. Kerry's military background. And this despite the numerous legitimate questions raised about it – even questions posed by his own former commanding officers.
But the mainstream media did devote uncounted pages and airtime minutes to whether or not Bush attended every one of his National Guard meetings. This election, the mainstream media launched an all-out propaganda blitz against red-state America.

Thank God we dodged that bullet.

The Democrats had promised – in advance – that if they couldn't win the election, they would try to steal it. The Democratic National Committee issued a 66-page "mobilization plan" to the party faithful in advance of the election.

In it, they were told to claim voter intimidation, whether they saw any or not. In fact, they were told to invent it. The memo said:

If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet ... launch a "pre-emptive strike" (particularly well-suited to states in which these techniques have been tried in the past).

The DNC also mobilized 10,000 lawyers in the various battleground states to challenge the results of any close election. It was a methodical, pre-planned strategy by Terry McAuliffe and the DNC to deliberately disrupt the results of a U.S. presidential election in advance. They hoped to use the liberal courts to steal the results of a close election.

Thank God we dodged that bullet.

By the grace of God, America was granted a fair and decisive election that left the world in no doubt of its resolve or moral vision. President Bush can now implement his doctrine of pursuing terrorists and their sponsors to the ends of the earth without political and special-interest hindrances.

This time, Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida won't be able to dodge that bullet.



Sunday, October 17, 2004

Daniel 7: 24-25
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Wow! What an article I found on the internet today.

As long as I have been studying Bible prophecy, I have been taught that the Revived Roman Empire is to play a leading roll during the Tribulation period. In fact, I have always understood that the the antichrist would be the head of the One World Government. Well, I never had a clue as to how the One World Government would come about especially with our own beloved country being the worlds only Superpower at this time. Here is a fabulous article written by Jack Kinsella that reveals just how close we are to this point in prophecy. His article should excite every person who names the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He is coming soon! What an awesome time to be a Christian.

Have a blessed week.


Globalism - Ecumenism Friday, October 15, 2004

Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan gave an interview in the Irish Times in which he told the paper he was 'excited' at the prospect of a possible deal that would make the EU military the defacto military arm of the United Nations.

Annan said of the proposal, "You may not necessarily even have to fight." Speaking from the rarified atmosphere of the UN's Ivory Tower, Annan explained how THAT works, inadvertently giving away a clue as to why the UN prefers John Kerry.

"You sometimes have to show force in order not to use force." Aha! SCARE the enemy to death? No, no,the paper explained helpfully. In some crisis areas, the inhabitants were intimidated by "local bullies" who would not stand up to an international force.

Let's see if I am understanding this correctly. "Local bullies" will ignore the United States, (whose military power dwarfs the EU), but if confronted by an 'international force' (whose default position is to announce in advance it's a bluff), well, they'd just be so terrified they'd flee at the mere prospect of an EU-backed UN intervention threat.

According to the paper, the UN proposed EU battlegroups or "hit squad" concept is in line with 'new thinking on international military action to prevent genocide, avoiding a repetition of the Rwanda tragedy ten years ago.'

Too late. The Rwanda tragedy is being repeated -- right now -- while the Islamic-dominated UN continues to stonewall until the Islamic forces of the Sudan are finished wiping out the mainly Christian black population in the south.

(On the other hand, it will give the UN ANOTHER tragedy it can avoid repeating later. After all, there are 525,948 minutes in a year. That leaves room for 525,947 more 'moments of silence' for the victims of UN imcompetence)

Kofi Annan has already declared the U.S. invasion of Iraq to be "illegal." Panel member Gareth Evans, a former foreign minister of Australia, told an audience at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars:

"A central reason for our appointment was concern that the U.N., and indeed the whole multilateral security system, was really at a crossroads with the resurgence of unilateralism from You Know Whom, and increasing willingness to bypass the Security Council."

(Note to the uninitiated: 'You Know Whom' is the United States. Evans presumably believed only international scholars like himself would be able to decipher his clever code and figure it out)

To combat the 'unilateralism' of 'you know who', Annan has appointed a 16-member "High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change" to make recommendations for restructuring the UN Security Council.

The ultimate goal is to expand the U.N. Security Council, and to eliminate P-5 - the permanent member status of the five nations that hold veto power over Security Council actions. Annan's High Level Panel isn't expected to recommend the elimination of the veto system immediately -- instead, they will push for the expansion of the Security Council, first.

Originally, the Security Council consisted of 11 members, five of which were permanent, each with veto power. The remaining six members served two-year terms, rotated among the member nations. The Council was expanded to 15 members in 1965, with no change in the status of the permanent members.

Four nations - Brazil, Germany, India and Japan - have formed a group to lobby for permanent member status. Germany and Japan were denied permanent status in 1945, since the UN was created by the Allies specifically to prevent a repeat of the Axis aggression that spawned the war in the first place.

Annan's High Level Panel has been deliberating in relative secrecy for nearly a year. Their report may also be kept secret - at Kofi Annan's discretion.

In any case, whatever Kofi's Panel recommends, it can't be implemented without US approval. The US still has its veto until it agrees to repeal the P-5 veto status at the Security Council.

That fact could be the United Nations' undoing. Annan's High Level Panel is expected to draft the rules of engagement which will prevent, or at least provide the basis for international condemnation of 'unilateral' action (by 'you know who') in the future.

The rest of the world has drawn a line in the sand over US willingness to circumvent the United Nations when it is in America's best interests.

If the UN can't implement the reforms, then it will be obvious that the UN cannot contain and control the United States. In that case, there is little to be gained by UN membership for smaller states, and therefore, little reason to allow the UN a role in their own internal affairs.

On the other hand, if the United States allows the reform measures to go forward, it is a signal that the US is willing to be governed by the United Nations -- and its proposed EU military force.

Annan's High Panel will not issue its recommendations until after the US general elections, and probably not until early next year.

All concerned recognize the restructuring proposal is a 'make or break' deal. Depending on how the US votes, the restructuring proposal will either empower the UN to the degree it will have true global governing status, (shared with the European Union) or it will mean its impending demise.

The Bible says that, in the last days, a global government will come to power, headed by the antichrist and made up from the nations of the revived Roman Empire.

According to Scripture, it will govern the Western world directly, and will indirectly influence the other three spheres of global power that will exist during that time -- Gog Magog, (Russian alliance) the Kings of the East (China, etc.) and the Kings of the South (mainly Islamic North Africa)

(That the government of antichrist exerts only 'indirect' influence (in a similar matter to the UN, for example) is implied by the fact that eventually, each of these entities goes to war against him.)

Which is pretty much EXACTLY what Annan's High Level Panel is setting the stage for.

The UN may well collapse, but politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum. The UN's multifaceted global institutions are critical to maintaining the smooth operation of the global economy, human rights, global health issues, international dispute arbitration and so on.

The World Bank, IMF, International Court, etc., etc. just can't disappear without having a devastating effect on international politics. Somebody will have to pick up the pieces.

In inviting the EU 'battlegroups' to take on the role of United Nations' policy enforcer, Kofi Annan has inadvertently (or calculatingly, who knows?) named the UN's successor. The EU already has some 25 individual votes at the UN, plus two vetoes, compared to Russia, China and America's single vote and single veto.

The EU enjoys the confidence of the Arab world, is mending fences with a subdued Russian Federation, has good relations with China and is heavily entrenched, both politically and economically, with Africa.

The United States, with its single vote and single veto, has practically no friends at all in any of these regions. At best, it has 'allies of the moment,like Pakistan or some of the Gulf emirates, allies that would turn on Washington in a heartbeat if it better served their own interests.

America does have important allies and genuine friends, like Australia, or Great Britain, but these alliances flow through Europe and our shared heritage, much more than through a shared ideology.

America's closest friend and ally, Canada, has already proved that its UN membership trumps US friendship when it comes to the hard questions.

Ideologically, America's only genuine ally is Israel, itself the target of global envy and hatred.

Of America's role in the global government during the Tribulation Period, the Bible is silent. If America does play any role, it will be as a subordinate part of a greater European government, not as an overarching superpower.

Of Israel, the Bible says it will be the target of global genocidal hatred during the Tribulation, and there is no mention of Israel having any allies at all, apart from the Lord God of Israel.

The United Nations is preparing a restructuring system that will stand or fall based on the decisions of whoever is in the White House when Annan's High Level Panel issues its recommendations early next year.

That president will have a full term to decide whether to subordinate America to the UN -- giving the UN a temporary reprieve from self-destruction -- or whether to veto the restructuring effort, which will strip away any illusion of UN relevancy and ultimately result in its collapse as a viable institution, and paving the way for the rise of the antichrist.

It is no coincidence that in this election, to the exclusion of all presidential races in living memory, the two positions of the two sides on the issue of globalism could not be more profound.

In one corner is John Kerry, who is running on the platform that George Bush is a unilateralist who should have subordinated US interests to UN oversight and who pledges that, if elected, he will do so in the future.

In the other corner is George W. Bush, who most certainly will not cede US sovereignty to the UN, no matter how it may be restructured.

Waiting in the wings to see how it all turns out is the European Union.

Buckle up!



Tuesday, October 05, 2004

1 John 2
17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

This article should send a chill down the spine of everyone who reads it. This is the group that Mr. Kerry wants us to get along with. This election is the most important in our history as a nation. Will the One World Government be slowed down or will we usher in the New World Order. We need to pray more than ever for our beloved nation. Christians and Conservatives better turn out to vote this time.
May the Lord help us!


UN Signs Pact with New World Court Opposed by U.S.

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations signed a cooperation agreement on Monday with the new International Criminal Court, despite objections to the tribunal from the United States.

The pact that would encourage "greater cooperation and consultation" on administration and judicial matters was signed by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Judge Phillipe Kirsch of Canada, the court's president.

The 191-member U.N. General adopted a resolution last month approving the agreement. But in a nod to the Bush administration, the assembly's resolution says that the world body would be reimbursed by nations supporting the court for any expenses occurred.

Some 97 countries, including the entire European Union, have ratified the 1998 statute creating the court. The last three nations to ratify two weeks ago were Burundi, Liberia and Guyana.

The Bush administration is bitterly opposed to the new court and rescinded former President Bill Clinton's signature to the tribunal's statutes, arguing that it would expose U.S. soldiers and officials to frivolous law suits.

But supporters of the court say the ICC steps in only when a country is unwilling or unable to investigate, making it highly unlikely U.S. citizens would be targeted.

The court, based at The Hague in the Netherlands, is the first permanent world tribunal set up to prosecute individuals for war crimes, genocide and other gross human rights abuses.

Its first investigations involve war crimes in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, where thousands have been killed, raped and tortured.

Another probe centers on leaders of Uganda's rebel Lord's Resistance Army, who have kidnapped and tortured thousands of children in their camps in Sudan.

On Friday, U.S. representative Stuart Holliday warned the Security Council after a vote to increase U.N. peacekeepers in the Congo that "any expenses resulting from the provision of any cooperation or support to the ICC would need to be on a reimbursable basis."

William Pace, head of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, representing 2,000 advocacy groups, said, that "by allowing for crucial cooperation between two of the most powerful global justice institutions, this agreement will play an important role in the fight to end impunity for the perpetrators of the world's most atrocious crimes."

Those people who are not governed by God will be ruled by tyrants. -- William Penn

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Your Papers Please!

Revelation 13
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Today I would like to share with you an article written by Rep. Ron Paul. With all the confusion going on in our world, it is so easy for new laws to be passed without we the people even being aware of what our "leaders" are up to.

The proposal that Rep. Paul speaks about is a fearful one and we all need to be aware that our government is considering the implementation of this dangerous idea.
If we hear of the discussion of this bill in the Congressl, we must get busy and start a campaign to let the politicians know that we oppose such a law.

Let us continue to pray for our beloved country. This election is so important when we consider the positions of both candidates. President Bush is standing for right against a dark and lost world. We must vote and encourage others to do so if we are to continue to try and hold evil at bay.

God Bless

Reject the National ID Card
Visit Ron Pauls Website at:

Washington politicians are once again seriously considering imposing a national identification card - and it may well become law before the end of the 108th Congress. The much-hailed 9/11 Commission report released in July recommends a federal identification card and, worse, a "larger network of screening points" inside the United States. Does this mean we are to have "screening points" inside our country where American citizens will be required to "show their papers" to government officials? It certainly sounds that way!

As I have written recently, the 9/11 Commission is nothing more than ex-government officials and lobbyists advising current government officials that we need more government for America to be safe. Yet it was that same government that failed so miserably on September 11, 2001.

Congress has embraced the 9/11 Commission report uncritically since its release in July. Now Congress is rushing to write each 9/11 Commission recommendation into law before the November election. In the same way Congress rushed to pass the PATRIOT Act after the September 11 attacks to be seen "doing something," it looks like Congress is about to make the same mistake again of rushing to pass liberty-destroying legislation without stopping to consider the consequences. Because it is so controversial, we may see legislation mandating a national identification card with biometric identifiers hidden in bills implementing 9/11 Commission recommendations. We have seen this technique used in the past on controversial measures.

A national identification card, in whatever form it may take, will allow the federal government to inappropriately monitor the movements and transactions of every American. History shows that governments inevitably use the power to monitor the actions of people in harmful ways. Claims that the government will protect the privacy of Americans when implementing a national identification card ring hollow. We would do well to remember what happened with the Social Security number. It was introduced with solemn restrictions on how it could be used, but it has become a de facto national identifier.

Those who are willing to allow the government to establish a Soviet-style internal passport system because they think it will make us safer are terribly mistaken. Subjecting every citizen to surveillance and "screening points" will actually make us less safe, not in the least because it will divert resources away from tracking and apprehending terrorists and deploy them against innocent Americans!

The federal government has no constitutional authority to require law-abiding Americans to present any form of identification before they engage in private transactions. Instead of forcing all Americans to prove to law enforcement that they are not terrorists, we should be focusing our resources on measures that really will make us safer. For starters, we should take a look at our dangerously porous and unguarded borders. We have seen already this summer how easy it is for individuals possibly seeking to do us harm to sneak across the border into our country. In July, Pakistani citizen Farida Goolam Mahomed Ahmed, who is on the federal watch list, reportedly crossed illegally into Texas from Mexico. She was later arrested when she tried to board a plane in New York, but she should have never been able to cross our border in the first place!

We must take effective measures to protect ourselves from a terrorist attack. That does not mean rushing to embrace legislation that in the long run will do little to stop terrorism, but will do a great deal to undermine the very way of life we should be protecting. Just as we must not allow terrorists to threaten our lives, we must not allow government to threaten our liberties. We should reject the notion of a national identification card.

Comment From Me:
I would like to thank Rep. Paul for having the courage to let us know about this. I know that it can be fearful to think about what is happening in our country but for we Christians, our faith can stand firm because of who we are and to whom we belong.

God is still in control and when he gets enough of all this mess going on in the world, he will come and take us home. One of my most beloved hymns is "How Firm A Foundation". I happened to find it online in a complete version as it was originally written. These precious words give comfort to all who will put their trust in the "Rock of our Salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you know Him as personal Savior? If not, ask Him into your heart this very minute. He is a wonderful Savior.


How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
You, who unto Jesus for refuge have fled?

In every condition, in sickness, in health;
In poverty’s vale, or abounding in wealth;
At home and abroad, on the land, on the sea,
As thy days may demand, shall thy strength ever be.

Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed,
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid;
I’ll strengthen and help thee, and cause thee to stand
Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.

When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow;
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.

When through fiery trials thy pathways shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.

Even down to old age all My people shall prove
My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love;
And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn,
Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne.

The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose,
I will not, I will not desert to its foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.



Friday, September 03, 2004

I would like to introduce everyone to my new grandog! His name is Tucker and our whole family is in love with this baby. He loves to leap over a stick and chase his toys. We also have to watch him when he is outdoors because he loves to hunt rabbits. I do not know what he would do if he found one:) Posted by Hello

Friday, August 27, 2004

Revelation 13:16
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Hello everyone.

Today, Bill Koening at wrote an article about the Mark of the Beast and studies that are being carried out by the United States and the European Union. The Bible is such an fantastic Book and our Lord told us through His Word that this would happen. This plan is on the agenda for the future but I know that we believers will be gone when the Mark is forced on a lost and dying world.

God Bless

Impact Segment--U.S., “Former Roman Empire” E.U. Nations ID Experiments Reflect Eerie Shadow Of End Time “Mark Of The Beast” Prophecies

The United States and European Union nations, who were once part of the ancient Roman Empire, are conducting experiments with high-tech identification systems that will make it more convenient to travel and to acquire health care, food purchases and other services. These systems are so technologically advanced that they can be administered to millions of people and make services so convenient that people will not think twice about taking the mark of the beast.

The European Union and its member countries are testing new human identification technologies that can be massively distributed and are the key to open a wide variety of convenient services to those who would accept the IDs. The United States, using the war on terrorism as its reason, is also testing new forms of identification that will make it easier to track people and provide services.

These tests run headfast into the prophecies of Daniel and John in that the former Roman Empire would become the one world government of the anti-Christ who would rise to power and require everyone to worship him by receiving his mark in order to travel, trade, receive medical care and to eat.

In Daniel 2, Daniel interprets a dream of King Nebuchadnezzar about an image of a man that related to various kingdoms in history. The fourth kingdom, the Roman Empire, was strong as iron but broke into pieces. Then later, its pieces, represented by the ten toes of the feet of the image, will come together, “And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.(Daniel 2:42)” This is the kingdom that the anti-Christ will unite against Christ in the tribulation. Revelation 13 speaks of the beast (the anti-Christ) who in verses 16 & 17 “causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

The European Union is comprised of the former “kingdoms” of the Roman Empire—Greece, England, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Austria and Belgium, among others. And an identification system that easily can be administered is a type and shadow of the mark of the beast emanating from these kingdoms. The United States, whose mother country is England, may well be included in this group. Certainly, all these nations are rushing toward some sort of technologically advanced ID system.

There are three factors that make an ID system effective: 1) public acceptance, 2) accuracy and security, and 3) ease of distribution and sign up. Public acceptance comes when it is more convenient to accept the ID than it is to continue doing business the old way. Accuracy and Security are technology related, as is distribution.

Convenience is key to a test program at Reagan National Airport by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) where travelers can stare into an iris scan kiosk and in seconds be on their way to the plane. Others have to wait in the regular, longer security lines. Registration is scheduled to continue for about two weeks, until the TSA gets the 2,000 volunteers it seeks at the airport. Their opinions, and the effectiveness of the equipment in identifying them, will guide the agency in developing a similar nationwide registered traveler program. Moreover, the American Airlines customers who signed up as registered travelers Monday, August 23, 2004 had a few concerns about privacy.

In France, there is growing concern over people with stolen passports crossing borders illegally and participating in terrorist acts. There is an effort to stop that by linking Interpol's 181 member countries to a stolen travel documents database that will let immigration officials at any border post screen incoming passports and ensure that they are not among the thousands of such documents reported stolen each year.

The database, which includes information for 1.7 million stolen passports and other travel documents, is available to all member states, though participation has been sluggish. Two months after the database was ready to receive information in June 2002, only two countries had sent Interpol lists of their stolen passports. Even today, only 49 countries have done so.

Advocates of technologies like radio frequency identification tags say their potentially life-saving benefits far outweigh any Orwellian concerns about privacy. RFID tags sewn into clothing or even embedded under people's skin could curb identity theft, help identify disaster victims and improve medical care, they say. Critics, however, say such technologies would make it easier for government agencies to track a person's every movement and allow widespread invasion of privacy. Abuse could take countless other forms, including corporations surreptitiously identifying shoppers for relentless sales pitches. Critics also speculate about a day when people's possessions will be tagged--allowing nosy subway riders with the right technology to examine the contents of nearby purses and backpacks.

Insider’s Take: It is now no large leap in either technology or acceptance to issue IDs to the populations of nations, paving the way for the anti-Christ to “sensibly” require an ID system for those loyal to him. Even Americans, who are fiercely independent, use a myriad of ID systems from EZ tags on toll roads, to credit card proximity cards at gas stations, to iris scans at airports. The technology and the sensitivity toward personal ID will become so commonplace that most people would never give it a second thought if it were ever required to travel, obtain food, or hospital care. In fact, those are the industries where most of the IDs are currently being accepted—airports, grocery stores and healthcare. Beware!



Monday, August 09, 2004

A Trumpet Has Been Blown!

Titus 2:13-15
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

Hello everyone.

I am thrilled to be able to share with you an article regarding one of the greatest books to be released today. "The American Prophecies" is a book every American should order and read. I have just ordered my copy and cannot wait for it to arrive. Where is America in light of Bible Prophecy? Mike Evans shares with us critical Bible truths which shout forth a warning to all and a hope for every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. He methodically chronicles America's place in history and her future.

I believe with all my heart that we are in a critical time in light of Bible Prophecy and if we are to survive, we must support Israel and her wonderful homeland. If this country turns her back on the Jewish people in the Holy Land, we will go the way of nations of the past. My prayer is that our country will stand with the nation of Israel and with the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.

You can go to World Net Daily to order your copy :

What an exciting time to be a Christian! I pray that all of you have put your faith in the Lord Jesus and are now looking for the blessed hope of His coming.

God Bless

BOOK EXCERPT: The Jews' Christian champion'The American Prophecies' tells how 1 man lobbied 10 presidents for Israel.

Editor's note: Mike Evans' new book, "The American Prophecies," topped best-seller charts even before its release, knocking Bill Clinton's "My Life" off the No. 2 spot on Amazon before ascending to No. 1. In his book, Evans explores current events in the light of ancient Scriptures and America's place in biblical prophecy. Today, WND presents Chapter 4 of "The American Prophecies," which tells the remarkable story of one Christian's persistence in seeing that a Jewish state was re-established in the Middle East.

By Michael D. Evans
© 2004 Michael D. Evans

That there seem to be many evidences to show that we have reached the period in the great roll of the centuries, when the ever-living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is lifting up His hand to the Gentiles. "to bring His sons and His daughters from far, that he may plant them again in their own land". Not for 24 centuries, since the days of Cyrus, King of Persia, has there been offered to any mortal such a privileged opportunity to further the purposes of God concerning His ancient people.
William Eugene Blackstone, in his letter to President Benjamin Harrison that accompanied Blackstone's memorial for the re-establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

Revelation 16:7, Abraham Lincoln's Inaugural Scripture of 1865

Virtually every American president has in some way been impacted by prophecy. From Washington's divine protection, to every other president's decisions concerning the direction of our nation and its relationship to Isaac and Ishmael, our leaders have navigated the murky waters of foreign policy to decide America's role in world affairs. As our domestic conscience has elected men into office, it has also directed how America will account for its stewardship of the power entrusted to us. It seems that though we were prophetically called on to be used of God in the world, we will also have much to answer for because of our sluggishness in responding to that call and taking our appointed place of leadership.

While the American heart seemed dedicated to helping the Jewish people find a place of peace and security on the earth as the second half of the 19th century dawned, its hands were occupied with westward expansion and solving its own greatest internal moral dilemma, namely the end of slavery and maintaining its Union through a bloody Civil War. While Jefferson had warned that God's justice would not sleep forever concerning the issue of slavery, America would still be caught in its bloodiest conflict ever because of its moral relativism. It took a man with great moral resolve to see the U.S. through this time of division. History can only speculate how events may have turned out had it not been Abraham Lincoln who placed his hand on the Bible in 1861 to be sworn in as the 16th president of the United States. It is quite likely that a man of lesser moral fiber would not have seen his country whole again at the conclusion of his presidency.

"My great concern is not whether God is on our side," Lincoln was quoted as saying. "My great concern is to be on God's side."

While Lincoln's hands were full with the issues surrounding the Civil War, he did at least express sympathy concerning the establishment of a Jewish homeland. In fact, Lincoln even received a prophetic appeal from Henry Wentworth Monk in March 1863. When one of the president's public addresses was opened for questions, from the back rows of the room Monk stepped forward, introduced himself as a visitor from Canada, and asked the president:
"Why not follow the emancipation of the Negro by a still more urgent step, the emancipation of the Jew?"

Lincoln faltered at this. "The Jew – why the Jew? Are they not free already?"

"Certainly, Mr. President, the American Jew is free, and so is the English Jew, but not the European. In America we live so far off that we are blinded to what goes on in Russia and Prussia and Turkey. There can be no permanent peace in the world until the civilized nations ... atone for what they have done to the Jews – for their 2,000 years of persecution – by restoring them to their national home in Palestine." "That is a noble dream, Mr. Monk," Lincoln responded, "and one shared by many Americans. I myself have a high regard for the Jews. ... But the United States is at the moment a house divided against itself. We must first bring this dreadful war to a victorious conclusion- and then, Mr. Monk, we may begin again to see visions and dream dreams. Then you will see what leadership America will show the world!"

However, despite what intentions Lincoln may have had in his heart concerning this issue, he was assassinated before he could act on any of them. Yet God still held the U.S. in His hand as a tool to fulfill prophecy. A new call for American support of replanting Israel in its ancient lands would soon come from a Christian businessman of Oak Park, Ill., who would pick up the torch that MacDonald and others had lit.

Again the push toward a Jewish homeland came from a Christian and not a Jew, but given the Jewish perspective of the time, perhaps this is not so remarkable. From 1881 to about 1920, the United States saw the greatest period of immigration, among which were 3 million Jews from Eastern Europe. It was the time of America's Open Door and the Great Melting Pot. It is not surprising that a Jewish poet, Emma Lazarus, would write the words emblazoned in bronze on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty:

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall standA mighty woman with a torchWhose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles "Keep ancient lands your storied pomp," cries sheWith silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Palestine at the time was a desert wasteland in the hands of the unfriendly Turks – America held much greater promise to Jews than returning there. In fact, the Jews in the United States came to view America as their promised land. They were comfortable in America's graces and felt no need to seek peace elsewhere. This great sentiment was not without its repercussions, however. As the poor Jews of Europe flooded to America, it not so much answered "the Jewish Problem" as brought it to America. The United States felt it could not hold them all, and sought some other answer.

As a result, in 1921 Congress passed a quota targeting mostly Europeans who were unskilled workers. Another law was passed in 1921 that limited each country to sending the equivalent of only 3 percent of its nationals already living in America in 1910. This law limited immigration to 357,000 people. Three years later, the Johnson-Reed Immigration Restriction of 1924 lowered this quota to 2 percent, while also lowering the base year to 1890 – when only 150,000 people were allowed in. The government's restrictive immigration policy thus cut immigration from 800,000 in 1921 to 23,000 in 1933. Ellis Island's role quickly changed from a depot to a detention center. In 1915, Ellis Island admitted 178,000 immigrants; by 1919 that number had fallen to 26,000. Something different would have to be done to solve the Jewish problem in Europe rather than shipping Jews to the United States.

However, before any of this even really started, God had appointed someone to step forward with a solution – William Eugene Blackstone. Blackstone was born into a Methodist home in upstate New York in 1841, but followed his fortunes west to Oak Park, Ill., after the Civil War. Though he was not an ordained minister, but rather the founder of a construction and investment company, Blackstone was an ardent student of the Bible from his boyhood. In 1878, he published a book called "Jesus Is Coming," which sold more than a million copies (no small feat in a nation of only about 50 million – roughly a sixth of what America's population is today). While the book was offensive to many who had grown comfortable in their American Christianity and were content to live the American dream, it was welcomed by such men as Dwight L. Moody and Cyrus I. Scofield, who appreciated his more literal interpretation of the Scriptures and welcomed a more active and evangelical, missions-minded Christianity. It so touched the American conscience that it "in a large measure set the tone for this period of history."

Blackstone's book was so well documented that it was actually more Scripture than commentary, listing hundreds of Bible passages for the reader to review on their own because of the limited space. It was a hard book for any true believer to ignore.

Suddenly, once again, an American was becoming a beacon to the world pointing to Bible prophecy. The book was eventually translated into 48 languages, including Hebrew, and is still in print today.

Chapter 15 of the book is titled simply "Israel to Be Restored," and starts with this passage: "Perhaps you say, 'I don't believe the Israelites are to be restored to Canaan, and Jerusalem to be rebuilt.' Have you read the declarations in God's Word about it? Surely nothing is more plainly stated in the Scriptures."

From here he goes on to list 89 different Scripture passages that support this assertion. Later in the chapter he further states: "It would seem that such overwhelming testimony would convince every fair-minded reader that there is a glorious future restoration in store for Israel. "I could fill a book with comments about how Israel will be restored, but all I have desired to do was to show that it is an incontrovertible fact of prophecy, and that it is intimately connected with our Lord's appearing."

Perhaps Blackstone's remarks seem somewhat overstated to us some six and a half decades after the birth of Israel as a state, but to those of his time, some six and a half decades before the event, the confidence of his statements was no less than prophetic. Few in America's churches seemed to give any real credence to the possibility that the Jews would ever again have their own land and state, let alone in their ancient homeland with Jerusalem as their capital. For their part, the Jews overall had little interest in the idea themselves. By the outbreak of World War I, only about 20,000 of the 2.5 million Jews in the U.S. belonged to any type of Zionist organization. American Jews were quite happy where they were.

However, Blackstone looked on Israel as "God's sundial." He even went so far as to say, "If anyone desires to know our place in God's chronology, our position in the march of events, look at Israel." For Blackstone, it was the next milestone along the river of prophecy. In what light did the American churches interpret the Scriptures that Blackstone was quoting? How could they have missed the obviousness of these prophecies concerning the rebirth of Israel? They interpreted them as referring to "spiritual Israel" – as the church of the modern day. Wisely, Blackstone had a few things to say about this as well – a subject that would touch on some of the darkest episodes for the descendants of Isaac in the next century. He saw quite plainly that Israel and the church were separate entities with separate futures as applied to their different covenants. God had not forsaken one for the other, but rather had a unique plan for each.

However, by replacing literal Israel in the Bible with the church, Christians of the time no longer had to feel any responsibility to the Jews as God's chosen people. This "Replacement Theology" would be exactly what would quiet the church in Germany during World War II as the death camps sped into full swing. They had no obligation to the Jews. They were "suffering for their sins of rejection of the Messiah." It was as if Jesus' death cut them free from these people rather than grafted them into their tree. However they saw it, this insidious virus – an invisible anti-Semitism – allowed the mainstream German church to look the other way as the most horrific and ungodly things were done.

As Victor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, wrote: "The gas chambers of Auschwitz were the ultimate consequence of the theory that man is nothing but the product of heredity and environment – or, as the Nazis liked to say, 'of blood and soil.' I'm absolutely convinced that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka and Maidanek were ultimately prepared not in some ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at the desk and in the lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers."
Blackstone's words did not fall on deaf ears in the United States, however. As his popularity rose, so did his activity. In 1888, he and his daughter, Flora, visited Palestine and concluded their trip in London. The trip took about a year.

When he returned, he was more zealous for the cause of re-establishing the state of Israel than ever before. Shortly thereafter, the burden of his heart was to initiate a conference between Jews and Christians to discuss this very topic. The "Conference on the Past, Present and Future of Israel" took place Nov. 24–25, 1890, at the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Chicago. It was attended by some of the best-known Christian and Jewish leaders. The assembly passed resolutions of sympathy for the oppressed Jews living in Russia, and copies were forwarded to the czar and other world leaders. However, Blackstone knew that it was not enough to beg mercy from these leaders – the Jews needed a land to call their own within whose borders they could find peace and security. He wanted these world leaders to grant the Jews permission to return to Palestine and establish just such a state. Out of these meetings came the inspiration for the document that would eventually be known as "The Blackstone Memorial."

On March 5, 1891, Secretary of State James G. Blaine introduced William Blackstone to President Benjamin Harrison. Blackstone personally handed the president his memorial, originally titled "Palestine for the Jews." President Harrison seemed like a man who would favor Israel as well, since he chose Psalm 121:1–6 as the Scripture on which he would place his hand as he took the oath of office as the 26th president of the United States:

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

The first paragraph of Blackstone's memorial began simply, "What shall be done for the Russian Jews?" and the second, "Why not give Palestine back to them again?"
It was signed by 413 prominent Americans including John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, Cyrus McCormick, the chief justice of the Supreme Court, heads of several major newspapers, the Speaker of the House, among other members of Congress, the mayors of Chicago and Philadelphia, and several other businessmen, ministers and clergy. It called for a conference to discuss the possibilities of a Jewish homeland – a first step on the road to a Jewish state – and copies were also sent to the head of every European nation.

The letter that accompanied Blackstone's memorial ended with these words:
That there seem to be many evidences to show that we have reached the period in the great roll of the centuries, when the ever-living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is lifting up His hand to the Gentiles (Isaiah 49:22), to bring His sons and His daughters from far, that he may plant them again in their own land (Ezekiel 34, &c). Not for 24 centuries, since the days of Cyrus, King of Persia, has there been offered to any mortal such a privileged opportunity to further the purposes of God concerning His ancient people.

May it be the high privilege of your Excellency, and the Honorable Secretary, to take a personal interest in this great matter, and secure through the Conference, a home for these wandering millions of Israel, and thereby receive to yourselves the promise of Him, who said to Abraham, "I will bless them that bless thee," Genesis 12:3.

While most Americans have probably never heard of William E. Blackstone, the same could not have been said of American presidents from Harrison through Truman. As Blackstone believed that the church could well be raptured at any moment, he became increasingly preoccupied with "God's sundial" – the Jewish people and their promised return to Palestine. He kept the issue before the eye of every U.S. president until his death in 1935. Blackstone not only handed the memorial to Harrison, but would also see it presented to Presidents William McKinley, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson – William McKinley even signed it. Blackstone's words so saturated these presidents that in 1949, some 14 years after Blackstone's death, Harry Truman, who made the U.S. the first nation to recognize the newborn state of Israel, virtually quoted Blackstone's letter. When he was introduced to some Jewish scholars that year as "the man who helped create the State of Israel," Truman responded with, "What do you mean 'helped create'? I am Cyrus, I am Cyrus!"

Blackstone's memorial was written five years before the father of modern-day Zionism, Theodor Herzl, published his book "The Jewish State" and founded the Zionist movement. In fact, when Blackstone discovered that Herzl's book was practical and political, not prophetic, he marked all the prophecies in the Old Testament concerning Israel's rebirth in a Bible and sent it to Herzl. Blackstone informed Herzl that his proposal to have the Jewish state in Argentina, Uganda, or any other country was unacceptable – it had to be in the promised land of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. Blackstone so greatly influenced Herzl that the Bible containing those marked prophecies is displayed in Herzl's tomb in Israel.

Because of his zeal, Blackstone is perhaps the most famous American in Israel today. While righteous Gentiles such as Corrie ten Boom and Oskar Schindler have a tree dedicated to them for saving lives in the Holocaust, Blackstone has a forest named after him and is mentioned in most textbooks discussing the history of Israel.

Despite his presence before these presidents and his popularity, however, Blackstone would be to these presidents what Moses was to Pharaoh – a voice calling from God, "Let My people go!" but also one that, for the most part, would be unheeded. As Pharaoh vacillated in his decision to release the Jews to go to Canaan (ancient Palestine) after the plagues, so would the American presidents. However, it was not God who hardened presidential hearts as He had done with Pharaoh; it would be the State Department. It was the State Department that incited U.S. protests against the murder of Jews in Damascus in 1840, but now the State Department would silence the U.S.'s response to Blackstone's plea, and eventually welcome America's apathy toward the murder of Jews during the Holocaust.

The death knell that sounded over the Blackstone Memorial came in a penciled note from Alvey A. Adee, who was the assistant secretary of state from 1886 to 1924, an incredible 38-year stint in the office that left his fingerprints everywhere in America's foreign policy throughout his tenure and beyond. If Adee felt one way, then it was a good indication of the way any up-and-coming young State Department officers should feel if they hoped for advancement. His note read:
For 30 years and I know not how much longer, Turkey has writhed under the dread of a restoration of the Judean monarchy. Every few months we are asked to negotiate for the cessation of Palestine to the Jewish "nation." The whole project is chimerical [fanciful].

While, in fact, the project was not an impossible and foolish fancy as Adee suggested, his note was enough to infect the State Department with the idea that any action toward helping Israel become a nation again was not only a waste of time, but also not in the interest of peaceful relations with the powers that controlled the region at the time – namely the crumbling Ottoman Empire. A tone was also set in these intellectual halls that the simplistic, black-and-white values and ideas of evangelical Christians such as Blackstone were naive and quixotic. Well-informed diplomats knew more about the values and cultures of the regions involved, so they were in a better place to make policy regarding the issues concerning them.

Slowly the State Department was starting to make its decisions based more on what other nations thought than using the values on which our country was founded. This trend away from the moral clarity of our forefathers and toward the relativism of humanistic secularism is what has turned the State Department into the friend of the United Nations and globalization – more than the friend of their own nation – that it has become today.

A further prophetic insight was realized when William Blackstone's friend Cyrus Scofield published his famous study Bible in 1909. It was greatly inspired by Blackstone's interest in Bible prophecy and his simple, straightforward interpretation of Scripture. In his notes, Scofield interpreted Ezekiel 38 and 39 to mean that Russia would invade Israel during the end times. That interpretation was challenged and even mocked. Many said, "How can you possibly say that? Russia is a Christian Orthodox nation, and Israel doesn't even exist ... nor is there any possibility that Israel will exist." Scofield answered simply, "I don't understand it, and I can't explain it, but the Bible says it, and I believe it." Today no one doubts that Russia would attack Israel – especially since it has been known to regularly target Israeli cities with nuclear missiles – and Scofield's interpretation is almost taken for granted.

William Blackstone was God's voice to a generation. He raised the call for Zionism before the Zionist movement was even founded. Through Blackstone, God was calling on the conscience of America, which had called on Him to save it from the tyranny of the British and from its own divisive internal strife over the issue of slavery. God answered us willingly and faithfully, in both instances keeping America whole through each of these as well as other conflicts.

Now God was calling on America to act on behalf of His chosen people, the Jews – and for more than 50 years, His call went ignored. The fact of the matter was, had any of the presidents who received Blackstone's memorial acted on it – in other words, if they had acted on prophecy instead of disregarding it – it could well have saved the lives of the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust, as well as the lives of those persecuted in Russia and elsewhere in the world. America's inaction during this time is as responsible for the Holocaust as the silence of the German church in the 1930s and 1940s.



Friday, July 30, 2004

2 Timothy 3:13   But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Watch Out America!

This week we have had the opportunity to view a nest of lies spewed forth out of the Democratic Convention.  Today I received a weekly update from Bill Koening and he has told the truth. America must beware of spin and lies as we approach this November election. I think before I cast my vote I will flash back to 911 and think of who I would rather be at the reigns of our great nation. May the Lord continue to grant us wisdom as we travel through these last days.
Have a great weekend.


I have included Bill's view on Prophecy for Today!

Talking Points -- Democrats Mask Extremism With Controlled Propaganda Plan; Exposed Deceptions Threaten To Unravel Presidential Bid

The identity of the Democrat Party was at stake this week at the Democratic National Convention. The media consultants found a little surprise in their polling data that indicated Americans would not vote for a presidential candidate espousing a radical leftist view of abortion rights, homosexual marriage, anti-war, soft on terrorism and hard on men and women of faith.

So they did what any self-respecting political spin doctor would do—they crafted a propaganda campaign like none seen since Hitler’s Third Reich. The Democrats took a hard right turn and reinvented their party for nationwide prime time consumption. Gone were the shrill references to the likeable President George W. Bush that he betrayed the country and lied and made up the reasons for war in Iraq. Gone were the radical feminists screaming about having the right to kill their unborn. The homosexual advocates were locked back in the closet for the week, and the American Civil Liberties Union attack on religion in America was swept under the rug.

In a very carefully managed public relations display, the Democratic National Convention played like a heartland America town meeting held at the local Baptist Church. It all looked pretty good. The right words were said. Chords were struck with the American people. The only problem was that it was a propaganda effort based on lies.

When the balloons settled and the floor demonstrations stopped and the flags and signs put away, we have to ask if the real Democrat Party would stand up. But to the discerning ear and eye, all you had to do was listen to the words that were spoken to understand there is a hard-core agenda to turn the United States of America into a West European Socialist nation by the most liberal presidential ticket in the history of the country.

Presidential nominee John F. Kerry spent over 50 minutes addressing the American people in his acceptance speech. He spent a lot of time trying to convince the people, and possibly himself, that he was as good as if not better than the current president when it comes to national defense and foreign policy. His experience as a Vietnam veteran, as a leader, as an experienced consensus builder among nations…and on and on. But the actual lie is in the truth that he has been a part of weakening our national defenses since he returned from Vietnam. His consensus building consists of yielding to the United Nations, on which he has been clear from the beginning of his campaign.

But the most sinister revelation at the convention was the hydrant spewing forth code words that the Democrats want a socialist secular nation. Former President Clinton, in the only truthful moment of his crowd-pleasing speech said that Democrats and Republicans hold very different views of how to meet America's challenges at home and abroad.  He said, "We Democrats want to build a world and an America of shared responsibilities and shared benefits. We want a world with more global cooperation where we act alone only when we absolutely have to."  Mr. Clinton zeroed in on the basic political tenet of the Democrat Party--that a socialist government should empower the people and that the U.S. government should be a part of a larger one-world order.

Teresa Heinz Kerry, in arguably the most bizarre political speech in history, underscored the secular when delivering the crowning statement of her speech, "Today, the better angels of our nature are just waiting to be summoned. We only require a leader who is willing to call on them, a leader willing to draw again on the mystic chords of our national memory and remind us of all that we, as a people, everyday leaders, can do; of all that we as a nation stand for and of all the immense possibility that still lies ahead. I think I've found just the guy. I'm married to him."

Calling on angels of our nature...drawing on mystic chords of our national memory?  Is this how Mrs. Kerry runs the Heinz Foundation, where she has given millions to leftist organizations?  One such group is the League of Conservation Voters, a radical environmental group that has run commercials against President George W. Bush, where, in essence, Mrs. Kerry paid for the attack ads against her husband's opponent.  Another group Mrs. Kerry gives money to is the Tides Foundation, a socialist oriented donor to organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose leadership has had direct ties with the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah.

A class act, Elizabeth and John Edwards took the high road in the presentation of their vision of America. Still, Mr. Edwards danced upon the floor of socialism. Mr. Edwards stirred the crowd with a "Hope Is On The Way" theme to an America united.  He painted a vision of a strong "One America" where there is no difference between the schools, the healthcare, the childcare, the benefits, the jobs, and the opportunities afforded the wealthy and the rest of America.  He said that those hard working people still in poverty are doing their part and that the government should do its part. He said that the Kerry Administration would destroy terrorists and build a stronger military.  John Edwards would make even conservatives believe in the Democrat Party...until they realized what he was really saying.

John Edwards was saying that he wanted a society where there is no wealthy or poor--everybody is on the same level.  He said he wanted to reward work not wealth.  He said that the Kerry team would pay for this new society by taxing the rich--a clear intention to redistribute wealth.  John Edwards was painting the picture of a socialist nation, strong because of its government, not because of the rugged individualism of its people, its families, its faith in God.  If anything, this Democratic National Convention has tried to reach out to mainstream America, but it cannot shake the strong socialist leanings of the most liberal Presidential ticket in the history of the United States.

The Democrats bet the farm that the American people would swallow hook, line and sinker the enticing lie of socialism wrapped in fine words and images. But it is all just window dressing. Even the Spielberg-esque movie of Mr. Kerry’s Vietnam experiences shown at the convention had reenactments…the young John Kerry made the home movies to promote imagery that he was a hero, but some of the images taken under his direction during his four month tour in Vietnam, were staged. Draped in the campaign-theme rhetoric of “Take America Back,” the Kerry-Edwards campaign smacks of a bait and switch play for snookering Americans into accepting socialism where everybody is equal, except some are more equal than others. We must not only hear what Mr. Kerry says, but even more importantly, watch what he does and has done.

Insider’s Take: These are very dangerous people. We must remember that no matter how much the spin artists conjure up a centrist illusion of the Democrat Party, in reality it stands on a platform of extremist support for abortion on demand, radical homosexuality in civil unions and same sex marriages, and human secularism.  The Apostle Paul writes in II Timothy 3 that men shall be lovers of their own selves without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, traitors, and high-minded, "Having the form of godliness, but denying the power thereof."  And he warns, "from such turn away."  Weigh all things, discern all things against the word of God as "evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."  No matter how alluring the draw, remember to whom you belong.

Impact Segment — Undocumented Muslims Stream Across U.S.-Mexican Boarder; Prophecies of Jeremiah Coming To Pass?
The Muslim Population in the United States is unknown, but estimates range from 600,000 to six million. Muslim clerics estimate the number on the high end. They should know because they are dealing every day in their respective Muslim communities. Others estimate the number closer to two million.
The number of Muslims entering the U.S. is also a guess at best. But the number of people crossing the Mexican boarder with the U.S. illegally who are of Middle Eastern descent alarms boarder police. These are people of whom we have no idea whether they are friend or foe, are members of terrorist cells or are just looking for a job.
The prophecies of Jeremiah 50-51 speak of a land called Babylon that has a lot of similarities to the U.S. It describes Babylon as the least of nations; a nation that has contended against the Lord; a nation of mixed peoples; a land of carved images; and has powerful seaports. The U.S. is the youngest superpower; it has allowed the removal of the Lord from public places; is often called the “melting pot” for its diverse population; is known for its idols; and has powerful seaports.
The Lord tells Jeremiah in 51:14, “Surely I will fill you with men as with locusts, and they shall lift up a shout against you.” Locust in Hebrew means “Arab.” And considering that the Bible is full of types and shadows, could it be that the Muslim population explosion in the U.S. will lead to an eventual overthrow of the country or attacks from within the nation that render it desolate and impotent as a world power? This possibility is something that most do not want to consider, especially those running the Federal government, but the entire situation bears consideration, serious consideration.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is concerned about attacks within the U.S. from sleeper cells of Muslim extremists. But the federal government downplays a future significant onslaught of Muslims against the nation because it considers them law-abiding citizens. However, even the leadership of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has ties to the terrorist organization Hamas, has said Muslims should take over the United States.

And what of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of Muslims entering the U.S. from its porous boarders? The Arizona Tombstone Tumbleweed newspaper reported during the week of July 18, the presence of Arab-speaking males amid the waves of illegals recently captured. The article is based on separate, first-hand interviews with three U.S. government agents who confirmed that males of possible Syrian and Iranian descent have been detained in the past few weeks.

A Border Patrol spokesman confirmed that since October 1, 2003, 5,510 illegal aliens designated as "Other Than Mexican" (OTM) have been apprehended while crossing the rugged terrain in southern Arizona. The term actually means "other than Mexico or other central and South American countries," the spokesman said. Border Patrol spokesman Andy Adame declined to say what countries the OTM illegals are from, although he admitted detainees include "people from all over the world." Adame added, "We apprehend them, process them, and turn them over to [the U.S. Department of] Homeland Security and the FBI and that is all I can say." 

According to the Tombstone newspaper, on June 13, 2004, Border Patrol agents from the Wilcox, Arizona, patrol station encountered a large group of illegal border crossers in the Chiricaucha Mountain foothills, just east of what is known as The Sanders Ranch. Agents estimated that the group comprised about 100 people. Border Patrol sources who were present at this mass apprehension state that they seized 71 illegal aliens, of whom 53 were males of Middle Eastern decent. The suspects clearly were speaking through an air vent in the transport vehicle. 

Border Patrol sources, at the risk of being in violation of orders and losing their jobs, offered a subsequent chilling revelation. On June 21, 2004, they and their colleagues from the Wilcox Border Patrol station apprehended another 24 Arabic-speaking males in the area of Pierce/Sunsites. These small towns are approximately 25 miles northeast of Tombstone and not far from the Chiricaucha foothills.  Even more worrisome, the agents say, is that the 24 men who were seized were only part of a larger group. At least half of the group apparently escaped capture and remain on the loose in the United States.

Meantime, the Federal government on July 24 reached an agreement with Russia to relocate some 7,000 Ahiska Muslims as U.S. citizens in the Philadelphia area near a mosque. Seems as though Russia would not let them become citizens and the refugees wanted to come to America. Little is known about this group, but that they practice the Sunni brand of Islam, which is one of the conservative sects that is fighting on the wrong side of the war on terror. The Ahiska Muslims are displaced from as far back as the Ottoman Empire and Russia wants to get rid of them. Turkey, where they originate, apparently doesn’t want them. Enter America who wants to improve relations with Turkey and Russia, who is at war with Muslim extremists who practice the Sunni customs.

Insider’s Take: The rising tide of Islam is alarming. Yes, many are peaceful. But for how long? The Koran requires Muslim believers to hunt down and kill infidels, that is, anyone who does not accept Islam. Jesus said in Matthew 24:10, “Then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.” And Genesis 16:11, 12 says, “And the angel of the Lord said unto her, behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” Ishmael is the father of the Arabs, the locusts who are at war with the world. These prophecies are being fulfilled before our very eyes. The hand of judgment is stayed by a praying Christian nation. But if immorality continues in the form of homosexuality, abortion, taking God from the public square and more, judgment can swiftly fall and there are an estimated six million Muslims in the United States who may be happy to assist.

I grew up in Southern Arizona sixty miles from the Mexican border. My father’s cotton and wheat farm was within a few miles of a large Indian reservation that bordered Mexico. Mexicans would come through the reservation frequently looking for work. The very long Mexico/U.S. and Canadian/U.S. borders are very porous so you can’t completely close them off. The federal government announced recently they plan to use Israeli designed drones to help monitor the borders, however, there still are not enough Border Patrol people to stop the traffic.

As we have seen in Israel, the United States, Kenya, Iraq, Bali, Turkey, Indonesia, and other nations that have been targets of terror a few people can create a lot of havoc and public fear. We know the United States is and will remain a target for radical Muslims. Today in Washington D.C. and many other U.S. cities, there are already many Middle Eastern people living in the United States. Many of the taxi drivers, operating in our major U.S. cities are Muslims who tend to be very angry people. Today they are an internal and external security threat. A major terror event or a suicide bombing in America would shake our country to its core. We can only hope and pray that the Lord will intercede, our homeland security comes from the Lord, but as I have stated many times before if we continue to apply pressure on Israel to divide her covenant land, the United States and the international community will continue to experience further judgment for their role in Israel’s internal affairs. Just this week Al Qaeda stated brashly that Europe was a terror target and there will be much blood spilled there, this was stated the very same week E.U. spokesman Javier Solana stated during his trip to Israel whether they [Israel] &ldquolike it or not,” the E.U. was going to be actively involved in the Middle East peace process.


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