Thursday, March 27, 2003

2 Timothy 4
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.


Good morning from Georgia USA!

Hal Lindsey has written an article for the World Net Daily that I simply had to post here at Let Freedom Ring today. Have you had a chance to listen to the military updates on television? Americans can now see for themselves that a lot of the world out there hates us. Yesterday, I had an opportunity to observe the most outrageous anti-American bias straight from the mouths of news people from around the world. I became so angry that I had to turn the television off. The scriptures tell us that in the last days people would choose to believe a lie rather than the truth. If you watch the foreign news reporting as well as the "mainstream" press in America, coupled with our wonderful nutty crowd from Hollywood, you will see the truth distorted even when the media have people on the ground with our troops observing what is happening.

Well take a listen to what Hal has to say and think about all of the "tax money"that went to help many of these countries in time of need. Think about the lives of our men and women who went to Europe to save some of this crowd. Even more, watch the UN whining because America has revealed the truth about it to the World.

Do any of you remember the story of the Little Red Hen. Well, she decided to bake some bread one day and asked who would "help her bake her bread". Remember the lines, " not I said the cat, not I said the dog and so on. When the smell of that freshly cooked bread begin to hit the noses of that lazy bunch of "friends", they were all very eager to help her eat the bread. Well, the Little Red Hen did a politically incorrect thing. She and her family ate all the bread themselves. I hope that America will have a long memory after the war and never forget the slander and malicious lies that have been spread about her.

Posted: March 27, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Ignore The Hostile Media

Hal Lindsey

The United States must not fall into the trap of trying to run a war that pleases a hostile world media. It is becoming increasingly obvious that no matter what we do right, the media will focus on the few accidents that always happen in a war.

The Muslim nations have become experts at using the media to reduce Western forces' ineffectiveness. They play upon the well-known conscience of the West concerning causing harm to civilians.

The Muslim media, led by Al-Jazeera, have totally distorted the events of the war. They have blatantly twisted facts into propaganda aimed at inflaming the Arab masses of the Middle East. So has the media of China, Europe and other nations who are opposed to the war.

But what Kofi Annan did this Wednesday is even more outrageous. Staring at the camera with his most somber expression, he warned the United States that he was gravely concerned about the 15 Iraqi civilian casualties in Baghdad reported by Al-Jazeera.

Now here is a man that is supposed to represent impartially the just concerns of all nations. Yet all he focuses on is one accidental incident out of thousands of successful ones that carefully avoided civilians. To the point of endangering of our own troops, no other nation has tried so hard to avoid causing civilian casualties.

Where were Anan's and the world media's concern about Saddam Hussein's war crimes?

Iraqis dressing as civilians and pretending to surrender only to open fire on unsuspecting U.S. troops.

Firing mortars into civilians trying to surrender to Allied troops in Basra.

Iraqi soldiers dressed as Allied troops accepting the surrender of other Iraqi soldiers and then brutally executing them on the spot.

Using hospitals as military fortresses and staging areas.

Using Red Crescent ambulances to carry orders and ammunition to Iraqi military.

Iraqi soldiers marching women and children in front of them while attacking U.S. 3rd Army in the An Najaf area.

Surface-to-surface missiles placed in the middle of homes in Baghdad.

As far as the Muslim media is concerned, the issue is not about Muslims killing Muslims. It is about Western infidels coming into "Muslim territory" and removing a Muslim tyrant from power. Never mind his horrible atrocities. He is a Muslim. Forget about the good intentions of setting them free and setting up a democracy. Islam is threatened by democracy. It is not part of the Muslim religion.

And as for Kofi Annan and his anti-American crowd, nothing the Allies do will be approved. So let's stop imperiling American troops by trying to please the anti-American world media. Who cares? They will never approve of the United States and its allies.

So let's not imperil our valiant soldiers by holding our military back from tactical decisions that must be taken in the light of the enemy's utter disregard for any international rules of war and morality. If Iraqi soldiers use human shields, we have to return fire. If they shoot from hospitals and use ambulances as couriers for orders and ammunition, shoot them and let Allah sort them out.

In the final analysis, the Muslim world understands one thing – power and the will to use it. They may not love us, but they will respect us. And in this present dangerous world brought about by the Muslim terrorists, that is what counts.




Sunday, March 23, 2003

Today please pray that America will once again turn back to the Lord in a great revival! Also pray for our men and women in uniform. I just heard on Fox news that Iraq has captured and summarily shot prisoners of war on camera for the world to see.

Isaiah 59
14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.
15 Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.


Good Sunday morning everyone. It is a cloudy spring day here in Georgia and I just noticed the first azaleas beginning to bloom for another season. It is almost hard to believe that our nation is at war with evil men who want to destroy our way of life and convert the world to Islam. Much is happening as you know and I waited until the war was underway to begin posting here at the site again. I felt that we all needed time to sort out all the happenings and think about what we have seen.

I believe that almost any American who has kept themselves informed of the happenings in our world, will now agree that the UN is corrupt and truly hates America. I have been sickened at watching this perverted comedy unfold with regards to Iraq. Libya has just been made head of the Human Rights Commission and the United States has been chastised for her stand on Iraq. If that isn't mind boggling I don't know what is! The scriptures tell us that when man forgets the Lord, judgement is perverted and harsh consequences occur. Well that is exactly what is happening here. The New World Order crowd has forgotten the Lord and are even pushing a One World Religion that includes every type of religion that you can think of. This would include witch's, New Ager's, Satanist and whoever else claims that they are a religion.

The United States of America has poured billions of dollars down this sink hole called the United Nations and what have we received in return? Men and women in our military have been forced to don the United Nations uniform and insignias and fight in a multi national "Peace Keeping Force" (Thanks to Bill Clinton) and what are the benefits of that sell out? The United States has led the way in humanitarian causes world wide and what is the results? Why you might ask. Because there are power hungry evil men who truly want to put the peoples of the world into a New World Order. If what we have seen so far is a glimpse of what a New World Order will mean to Americans then we need to GET OUT NOW! Our government needs to invite this crowd out of New York and let them settle elsewhere (perhaps in Iraq). Let the Rockefeller's have their land back as well as their vision of global government. We need to turn back to the Lord and our beloved Constitution that even the courts in our nation are now ignoring.

Note: Tomorrow I will post a couple of stories of people who have been abused by judges to show you how.

Representative Ron Paul has written an article that was posted at World Net Daily today. I like this man and what he is saying is the truth. Take a look at his article and think about it.

God Bless

Note: This article was written prior to the war.

Time to Renounce the United Nations?
Rep. Ron Paul of Texas

Our anticipated war in Iraq has been condemned by many around the world for the worst of all reasons: namely, that America is acting without United Nations approval. The obvious implication is that an invasion of Iraq is illegitimate without such approval, but magically becomes legitimate when UN bureaucrats grant their blessing. Most Americans rightfully resent this arrogant attitude toward our national sovereignty and don’t care what the UN thinks about our war plans. Perhaps our heritage as a nation of people who do not take kindly to being told what to do is intact. Still, only the most ardent war hawks connected with the administration have begun to discuss complete withdrawal from the UN. I have advocated this for twenty years, and have introduced legislation to that effect.

The administration deserves some credit for asserting that we will go to war unilaterally if necessary, without UN authorization. But it sends a mixed message by doing everything it can to obtain such authorization. Efforts to build a “coalition” through the promise of billions in foreign aid dollars only reinforce the perception that we’re trying to buy support for the war. The message seems to be that the UN is credible when we control it and it does what we want, but lacks all credibility when it refuses to do our bidding. The bizarre irony is while we may act unilaterally in Iraq, the very justification for our invasion is that we are enforcing UN resolutions!

Our current situation in Iraq shows that we cannot allow U.S. national security to become a matter of international consensus. We don’t need UN permission to go to war; only Congress can declare war under the Constitution. The Constitution does not permit the delegation of congressional duties to international bodies. It’s bad enough when Congress relinquishes its warmaking authority to the President, but disastrous if we relinquish it to international bureaucrats who don’t care about America.

Those bureaucrats are not satisfied by meddling only in international disputes, however. The UN increasingly wants to influence our domestic environmental, trade, labor, tax, and gun laws. Its global planners fully intend to expand the UN into a true world government, complete with taxes, courts, and a standing army. This is not an alarmist statement; these facts are readily promoted on the UN’s own website. UN planners do not care about national sovereignty; in fact they are actively hostile to it. They correctly view it as an obstacle to their plans. They simply aren’t interested in our Constitution and republican form of government.

The choice is very clear: we either follow the Constitution or submit to UN global governance. American national sovereignty cannot survive if we allow our domestic laws to be crafted by an international body. This needs to be stated publicly more often. If we continue down the UN path, America as we know it will cease to exist.

Noted constitutional scholar Herb Titus has thoroughly researched the United Nations and its purported “authority.” Titus explains that the UN Charter is not a treaty at all, but rather a blueprint for supranational government that directly violates the Constitution. As such, the Charter is neither politically nor legally binding upon the American people or government. The UN has no authority to make “laws” that bind American citizens, because it does not derive its powers from the consent of the American people. We need to stop speaking of UN resolutions and edicts as if they represented legitimate laws or treaties. They do not.

The UN is neither wise nor neutral. All of the member nations have national interests that don’t simply disappear when their representatives enter the UN general assembly hall. Like any government or quasi-government body, the UN is rife with corruption and backroom deals. Worst of all, it serves as a forum for rampant anti-Americanism. Perhaps the time has finally come when more Americans will choose to rethink our participation.

For another interesting article on this subject click here: Undoing The UN

