Saturday, September 21, 2002

If This Doesn't Shock You,Nothing Will!

Well the truth is out. The Dem's have been fined for illeagal contributions from communist countries in the 1996. This is a Scandal of the first water....Who would vote for these people again? It makes one wonder.....
To read Go To: Democrats Fined For Illeagal Fundraising
"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.

Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~


Thank you Chris Davis for this beautiful email and Thought For The Day! Sometimes in my haste I forget to slow down and realize that God is still in charge of all that is happening in the world and in our lives. I thank Him for that truth and for His steadfast faithfulness. As we see the problems in our government being exposed as well as the world situation, isn't it nice to know that our Heavenly Father keeps all things by the power of His mighty Word and hand. I believe He directed the people that fled to the shores of America throughout history and He still has a special purpose for America. If we stay true to the Lord He will direct our steps in the battle for a return to our foundations in this beautiful country. So, here is Chris's email.
God Bless
Thoughts For The Day!

Proverbs 3:19 The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens. (20 By his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew. (21 My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion: (22 So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck.(23 Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. (24 When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.(25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. (26 For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

As the first flurries of snow fell over Alaska's Copper River Basin this morning, bringing to a close our very short, but very beautiful Autumn season, we are reminded that the laws of God's creation remain in effect despite all the troubles and tribulations mankind has made for himself.

God made it all; from the greatest of galaxies to the most minute of atomic particles. How amazing that non-believers can hold to theories of how it all happened by chance; yet, even their faith in such theories cannot withstand the grandeur of creation and they begin to lean toward theories of "intelligent design" carefully leaving God out of their imaginative speculations.

To most of us though, it is clear that God not only created the universe; but also, that He has not lost control or given it over to His adversaries. It is good to know that the One who made and controls all of creation, is also the one who created you and I in His image and likeness. Greater still is the knowledge that He loves us and is will help and guide us when we yield our paths to Him.

Greatest of all is the sure knowledge that He has provided a path with an open door to His eternal dwelling place for all who come to Him according to His Word.

Ephesians 2:7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. (8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: (9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. (10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Thursday, September 19, 2002

A Night To Pray For Our Nation!!

Good evening everyone! Tonight I will not post an article from the news online. I want to speak from my heart. I believe that the Christians in our blessed nation need to be going to their knees in prayer for our country and Israel. As a believer who has loved the study of prophecy, I believe we are rapidly moving into increasingly dangerous times. We need to pray for President Bush that the Lord will direct his steps and for all the other leaders who are responsible for the safety of this nation. We need to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem because evil forces are even now fighting in that holy place. I believe we are near the time of the rapture and soon the true church will be taken out of this world and then Daniel's 40th Week will begin. We need to pray for this horrible outbreak of Western Nile Virus that is killing Americans that the Lord will intervene and help and we need to pray that America turns back to God. If she doesn't, I believe judgement is at the door.
Thanks for letting me share my heart and tomorrow I will get back to posting news updates. For tonight, Please join me in prayer for these things.
God Bless America,
Please Read:
Matthew 24

"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Former IRS Collection Agents To Speak In Atlanta & Oklahoma

Bob and I will be attending this meeting and hope some of you might be able to make the meeting. I have heard these people before and it will amaze you at the truths you will here from people who use to go into the homes and confiscate property. Come if you can. It will be worth your while.
God Bless

Former IRS Agents to Speak Publicly: There is NO Legal Authority for the Income Tax
Full Day Meetings Scheduled for Atlanta and Oklahoma City

Three former IRS Agents have scheduled two full-day public sessions to expose details of the income tax fraud. At these meetings, the public will get an opportunity to meet with the former agents and to learn intimate details of how the IRS unlawfully misapplies and enforces, without legal jurisdiction, U.S. income tax laws against ordinary Americans.

The agents will tell their personal stories and experiences from inside the IRS about how IRS perpetrates and perpetuates the income tax hoax via the use of deceptive employee training, the unlawful manipulation of IRS computer records, the systemic denial of due process and the use of fear-inducing "enforcement" practices that lack any authority under U.S. law.

The agents speaking at these meetings are Joseph Banister, (CPA, ex-IRS CID Special Agent), Sherry Peel Jackson (CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner) and ex-IRS Revenue Agent John Turner (EA, ex-IRS Revenue Officer).

These are the same agents that testified at the Truth-in-Taxation Hearing and appeared in one of the full-page ads run in USA Today by the We The People.

Atlanta, Georgia

Saturday, September 28, 2002 9AM - 4PM

Holiday Inn Airport North

1380 Virginia Avenue

Atlanta, Georgia 30334

(Call the hotel at 404-762-8411 for information and directions)

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Saturday, October 12, 2002 9AM - 4PM

Holiday Inn Oklahoma City Airport

2101 South Meridian

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73108

(Call the hotel at 800-622-7666 for information and directions)

Another Bush Is Helping Us Get To The New World Order!

This weekend when I read that President Bush and his administration had signed us back into UNESCO, (the environmental arm of the UN that will cost American Taxpayers 60 million dollars a year as part of the pledge), I told my husband the true colors of our leaders were peeking thorough again. Our leaders are cowtowing to the UN and this time it is costing the nation a lot of money. We are witnessing the blatent handover of our Constitutionally protected Sovereignty to an organization that for the most part hates everything about us except our money which is extorted from the workers of the country. Rep. Ron Paul writes of this betrayal in an interesting article at the World Net Daily today. Oh that the people of this nation would wake up and demand that the leaders adhere to the Constitution or vote them out!!! If they are all relying on the truth from the Dan Rather's of this country then we are in a lot of trouble. Go to: Entangling Alliances

"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

More Thoughts On Constitution Day

This was taken from an email I just received:
What's Left of the Constitution

This week is Citizenship Week, wherein we
celebrate the 215th Anniversary of the
Constitution of the United States. Now weakened
and tattered, shot full of holes and nearly
shredded by all too many of the very officers
appointed to protect and defend it ~ All Hail
what's left of the Constitution!

It is a glorious document; hammered out by the
best men God ever gave us, the best minds and
spirits of the late 1700's. These revered men
were a happy confluence of high education, a
sacred religious tradition, deep secular wisdom,
and impeccable moral certitude. They created and
passed down to us the freest, most prosperous
society; and the most limited government ever to
have existed.

At the end of the Constitutional Convention,
Benjamin Franklin replied to one who enquired as
to the form of government they had created, "A
Republic madam, if you can keep it." Please note,
this United States of America is not designed to
be a democracy - democracies always quickly
degenerate into tyrannies under simple majority,
then mob, rule. The United States is a Republic;
the difference is enormous, and extremely
important. That is why it has lasted even this
long, and rebuffed the sweep of Fascism,
Socialism, and Communism.

Can we keep it, this Republic? Well, the
generation of Americans of 215 years ago refused
to even ratify the Constitution until it had been
amended to include the Bill of Rights.

Remember your Rights? Think of your rights and
freedoms as they are chipped away by Presidents,
Congresses, Courts, and Bureaucrats - honored
more in the breach than in the upholding. As they
are eroded by "laws" passed in honor of the "war
on poverty", the "war on drugs", the "war on
terror", ever more "Banking Secrecy Acts",
"USAPatriot Acts", and "Counter-Terrorism Acts"
aim more government snooping and suppression
against you and I. Then every "crisis" is used as
a pretext to further oppress us, emasculate us,
herd us...

Well, You and I have a Responsibility, a
Privilege, and a Duty to dust off our copies of
the Constitution - especially the Bill of Rights
- then to get off our couches and reclaim the
unique and precious heritage that is ours. The
great principles of Individual Rights; of
government by the People not by Rulers, limited
and bound down by the "chains of the
Constitution" must be reinvigorated and enforced
by us common folks. The government and its hordes
of agents sure won't. Besides - they can't, they
are but mere servants to us - the sovereign
people, "the owners of the country".

And it's jolly well high time we started acting
like it. Let's begin to stuff our many government
genies back into their bottles before we are
forever overwhelmed; before the grand experiment
in limited self-government is again buried for a
thousand years under the jackboots of government
sponsored thugs, hog-tied by the silken cords of
bureaucratic red tape, and rendered impossible by
the sly cunning of legislators run amok.

What is the great heritage we will pass on to our
children - Will it be the weak and dependent
cries of Protect us", "Keep us Safe" "Feed us",
Clothe us", "House us", "Save Us" ?

Or, will it be the animating and invigorating
legacy our Grand Fathers gave us: "Give me
Liberty, or Give me Death!" "Don't Tread on Me!"
"We hold these Truths to be self-evident", "Live
Free or Die", "with a firm reliance on the
protection of Divine Providence", "We pledge to
each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our
sacred Honor" ?

We start by enforcing the Constitution against
the interests of the government class who would
otherwise be our masters - and we their safe,
happy slaves... I know not what course others may
take, but as for me and my house, on my watch,
with both money and time, we will serve the Lord
in the righteous cause of the American Freedom.
Thank God for the Constitution of these United
States of America...

"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~

Thank You Chris Davis For This E-MailTo Think About!

Regarding the rumor circulating the internet about Pepsi creating a soft drink can with "One nation, indivisible" on the front, (leaving out "under God") ... it is a rumor. Go to for their statement about it. Go to to see Dr. Pepper's statement.

Note: Dr. Pepper/7-Up is owned by the candy maker, Cadbury-Schweppes of London, England. Their statement says this special edition contains two of our America's greatest symbols of freedom: The Statute of Liberty and the Pledge of Allegiance.

But take note that the Statute of Liberty was a gift from France which has since outlawed religious freedom. And America's Pledge of Allegiance has absolutely no meaning when God isn't in it. So Dr. Pepper's statement is like a lot of the meaningless rhetoric flying around these days.

America is filled with flag-waving fans singing and shouting "God bless America" in stadiums, theatres, and rock concert halls while her (true Bible-believing) churches grow cobwebs. All the flag waving and song singing in the world is not going to return God's blessing to America until He sees us (that's you and I as individuals) in church, on our knees, repenting of sin and worshipping the One who gave America her strength and liberty in the first place.

Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: (17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, (18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, (19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Remember preachers: Judgment begins at the house of God.

1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~


How many of you like me did not know it was Constitution Day? When I read Joseph Farah's article this morning and realized we had a day named to remember our Constitution I was amazed. I was never taught about Constitution Day in the Public Schools and I wonder how many of our children and grandchildren will be taught about it today? Now they learn about global warming and how wonderful the UN is and how they are citizens of the world......and on and on. However, kids are not being taught about the power the Constitution gives to We The People. I hope you enjoy Mr. Farah's article and take a moment to bow and thank the good Lord for that document our forefathers gave us through His inspiration.
To read the article go to: Constitution Day

"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~

Monday, September 16, 2002

Demands Made By The People: Think About It!

I knew it would finally come to this with the government not answering the peoples questions. I just recieved this email and its statements are true. The truth is getting out finally and people are demanding answers. This is a long one but I encourage you to read it and pray for our nation. May God truly Bless America and lead her in the way to freedom.

This page, and all subpages not in the public domain or copyrighted
by others, are Copyright © 1994-2001 Constitution Society. Permission
is hereby granted to copy with attribution for noncommercial
purposes. Visitors are encouraged to download all files so that they
can recreate this site or any part of it should it go down for any

Statement of Grievances and Demands for Redress

We the People of the United States, exercising our natural and
constitutional rights to assemble peaceably and to keep and bear
arms, and met as the Militia assembled, and exercising our
constitutional right to petition for grievances, do hereby present
this statement of grievances and demands for redress thereof:

A. Federal officials have made war on the People, violated their
natural and constitutional rights, exceeded the limited powers
delegated to them under the Constitution, and betrayed their oaths
to faithfully fulfill the provisions of the Constitution and to
execute just treaties, laws and contracts pursuant thereto:

1 - They have adopted and enforced statutes and regulations to
deprive the People of their arms and impair the bearing thereof in
defense of themselves and the State, they have failed to fulfill
the Constitutional requirements that the entire Militia be kept
organized and trained and in a high state of readiness, and they
have persecuted constitutional militias and other groups
exercising their rights to peaceably assemble and to keep and bear
arms, and sought to prevent them from exercising their
constitutional duty to organize and train themselves.

2 - They have established a criminal Secret Government, involving
a conspiracy of key officials in all branches and levels of
government, and involving government contractors, financial
institutions, business organizations, the media, educational,
religious, and charitable organizations, labor unions, trade
associations, and political action groups, to operate above the
law and in violation of the Constitution, to defraud and victimize
the People and deprive them of their lives, liberties, and
property. This Secret Government has committed high crimes and
misdemeanors and conspired to conceal them. It has injured or
caused the death of persons who seek to expose its crimes and
bring their perpetrators to justice, and it has assassinated,
prosecuted, financially ruined, or discredited public officials,
candidates for public office, whistleblowers, investigators and
reformers who threaten its rule.

3 - They have adopted legislation such as an amendment to the
Trading with the Enemy Act and various Presidential directives
such as the 1933 War and Emergency Power Order which treat the
People as the enemy of the Government, and orders which illegally
seek to suspend the Constitution under ill-defined "emergencies";
and made preparations to overthrow the Constitution under
circumstances which are either not true emergencies or which are
contrived by a conspiracy of such officials.

4 - They have adopted secret legislation and appropriations of
funds, and kept official activities and documents secret,
ostensibly for the purpose of "national security" but in fact
often for the purpose of concealing their crimes and preventing
the prosecution thereof.

5 - They have established systems for rigging elections and have
used these systems to deprive the People of their right to choose
their elected officials.

6 - They have exceeded their limited authority to regulate
interstate commerce to improperly encompass prohibition thereof,
criminal prosecution for violations, or to regulate or prohibit
activities that are not commercial, or which have not yet crossed
a state boundary, or which once did but have now come to rest, or
which "affect" interstate commerce, or to entities some of whose
activities may involve interstate commerce but which are not
themselves interstate commercial transactions.

7 - They have exceeded their limited authority to impose excise
and import taxes to raise revenues, and have improperly attempted
to prohibit activities by imposing confiscatory taxes on them,
treated items or activities as illegal in themselves when in fact
they have only not had taxes paid on them, and prosecuted persons
criminally for failure to pay.

8 - They have passed statutes not intended to be equally and
impartially enforced, but to be applied at the discretion of
officials, which laws are all too often applied not to their
intended objects but to innocent persons who provide easy targets,
against the poor, the weak, women, and minorities.

9 - They have adopted legislation and regulations ostensibly
intended to achieve worthwhile purposes, such as public health,
occupational safety, environmental protection, or wilderness
conservation, although without constitutional authority, but which
are used by corrupt officials and their cronies to deprive persons
of their property not for a public purpose and without just

10 - They have invented and applied the legal ruse of making
inanimate objects parties to legal proceedings to seize and
forfeit them, in violation of the constitutional principle that
only natural persons or aggregates thereof may be parties to due
process, and to deny those persons who are the owners of the
objects the right to defend their property rights thereto, thereby
depriving them of their property without just compensation and
without having convicted them of a crime or having properly
imposed a tax or fine.

11 - They have illegally prosecuted persons under criminal
statutes and regulations, in Federal courts, for acts not
committed on Federal territory, including acts committed on State
territory over which they have no constitutional jurisdiction
except in cases of treason, counterfeiting, piracies or felonies
on the high seas, or offenses against the laws of nations.

12 - They have, in violation of due process and the Constitution,
allowed judges to deny accused persons of the right to a trial by
jury, and deprive such persons of their liberty and property and
the exercise of their civil rights, through such devices as
"contempt of court", the pernicious doctrine that persons may be
incarcerated for up to six months without a jury trial, and
"administrative" courts and proceedings which are declared to be
"civil" even though the penalties include the deprivation of life
or liberty.

13 - They have illegally declared ratified an income tax amendment
which in fact was never ratified by the required number of states,
and erected an illegal agency on such assumed authority which
illegally levies direct taxes on the people without apportionment,
illegally imposes criminal penalties for non-payment, and which
violates the rights of the People to due process, to protection
against warrantless searches, to protection against self-
incrimination, and to trial by jury.

14 - They have made instruments not backed by gold or silver legal
tender for the payment of debts, and illegally allowed the Federal
Reserve, a privately owned corporation, to control the money and
credit system of the country without being properly owned or
controlled by the People.

15 - The President has, on several occasions, ordered the military
to engage in warlike activities in foreign nations without the
consent of Congress or a congressional declaration of war, and
Congress has failed to impeach him therefor, in violation of their
oaths to faithfully enforce the Constitution.

16 - They have conducted dangerous experiments on persons without
their knowledge or informed consent, involving radiological,
chemical, and biological agents, and mind control devices,
resulting in damage to their health and to a shortening of their
lives, they have released dangerous agents into the environment,
and they have used such methods to silence whistleblowers,
investigators, and reformers.

17 - They have, in violation of the constitutional guarantee of
equal application of the laws and the rights of States, used the
threat of withholding Federal funds from States to coerce the
states to violate the rights of their citizens by passing and
enforcing legislation without the consent of their citizens,
without providing the funding to pay the costs thereof, while
still collecting the taxes from their citizens which provide the
funds they threaten to withhold.

18 - They have failed to guarantee to the States a republican form
of government, by failing to insist that each State Constitution
explicitly delegate all powers which that State government shall
be authorized to exercise, and allowing them to exercise powers
not thus delegated.

19 - They have conducted illegal and warrantless searches of
persons and their premises, effects and vehicles, and seizures of
their property, and placed illegal obstacles to the recovery of
such property improperly seized or compensation for damage or

20 - They have, under color of law and without proper presentation
of warrants of search or arrest, assaulted persons in their homes
and places of business, using excessive force, resulting in
unnecessary deaths and injuries, often to innocent persons, and
failed to pay just compensation therefor or to prosecute those

21 - They have violated the rights of Native Americans under
solemn treaties established with them, deprived them of their
property and liberties, caused their death and injury, persecuted
them when they have tried to assert their rights, and established
institutions of religion which operate to suppress their language,
religion and heritage.

22 - They have corrupted the judiciary to interpret the laws in
ways not consistent with the intentions of the Framers, to deny
the rights of persons under the Constitution, including the rights
of defendants in both criminal and civil trials, to manipulate
juries, and to allow officials to exercise powers not delegated to
them under the Constitution.

23 - Judges have failed to inform jurors that they have the power
and duty to judge not only the facts in the case, but the law as

24 - They have used the Military, in violation of the Posse
Comitatus Act, to perform police functions and keep order, instead
of calling up the Militia therefor.

25 - They have illegally and improperly entered the commercial
marketplace. They have used the assets of government agencies to
acquire controlling interests in enterprises on credit not secured
by sufficient collateral, then looted them of their assets, and
declared them bankrupt, with the collusion of corrupt judges and
trustees, to conceal their manipulations. They have gained control
of enterprises, subsidizing them to put their competitors into
financial distress, then acquired those competitors and looted
their assets. They have contrived to cause the collapse of savings
and loans, acquiring or allowing their cronies to acquire the
institutions and their assets at firesale prices, and thereby
deprived the original owners of a trillion dollars of their assets
and imposed a debt on future generations of taxpayers of hundreds
of billions of dollars. They have improperly brought major sectors
of the economy under their control using government assets,
fraudulently acquired enormous funds held in foreign banks,
secretly and illegally, and used that control and those funds for
political purposes and to conceal their activities.

26 - They have falsely charged innocent persons with crimes,
concealed, altered, or manufactured evidence, committed or
suborned perjury, and corrupted judges and manipulated juries, to
get convictions, often for no better reason than to get promotions
or to be seen as solving the case, but also to silence
whistleblowers, investigators or reformers, to cover up their

27 - They have engaged in the manufacture, import and distribution
of illegal, dangerous, addictive substances, even while pretending
to conduct a "war on drugs", both to enrich themselves personally
and to raise money to conduct unauthorized, covert, and often
illegal activities by their agencies, including the very agencies
charged with enforcing the laws against such substances, which has
contributed to the injury and death of persons and to rising rates
of crime and violence.

28 - They have conspired with the legal profession to defraud the
public, imposing excessive legal costs and causing excessive costs
for insurance coverage, which has raised the prices of all goods
and services and made domestic products and services less
competitive in world markets.

29 - They have established public "authorities" which control vast
assets, but which do so in ways that largely avoid accountability
to the public, and which are the sources of much corruption and

30 - They have corrupted the bankruptcy courts to deprive persons
filing under Chapter 11 of their assets at firesale prices, to the
benefit of the officials, their agencies or their cronies.

31 - They have conspired to subvert the enforcement of safety
standards, resulting in preventable accidents and the loss of
health and life, and have covered up such subversion.

32 - They have exercised unwarranted influence over public policy
debate and the news media.

33 - They have attempted to interpret treaties, which are
necessarily inferior to the Constitution, as though they were
amendments to the Constitution, in violation of Article V thereof.

B. State and local officials have failed to protect the People
from abuses by federal officials, violated their natural and
constitutional rights, exceeded the limited powers delegated to
them under the Federal and State Constitutions, and betrayed their
oaths to faithfully fulfill the provisions of the Federal and
State Constitutions and to execute just compacts, laws and
contracts pursuant thereto:

1 - They have placed unconstitutional restrictions on the rights
of the People to keep and bear arms and to assemble as independent

2 - They have failed to do their duty to support the organizing
and training of local militia units and keep them in a high state
of readiness.

3 - They have violated rights of the People under the Federal and
State Constitutions, and exercised powers not specifically
delegated to them under either constitution.

4 - They have failed to protect the People against abuses of their
rights by federal officials, have failed to prosecute federal
officials for crimes committed under color of law, and have
allowed the People to be prosecuted in federal courts for crimes
over which only the State has jurisdiction.

5 - They have passed statutes and ordinances not intended to be
equally and impartially enforced, but to be applied at the
discretion of officials, which laws are all too often applied not
to their intended objects but to innocent persons who provide easy
targets, against the poor, the weak, women, and minorities.

6 - They have conspired with the legal profession to defraud the
public, imposing excessive legal costs and causing excessive costs
for insurance coverage, which has raised the prices of all goods
and services and made domestic products and services less
competitive in world markets.

7 - They have made instruments not backed by gold or silver legal
tender for the payment of debts.

C. The news media have failed to provide the People with complete,
accurate, and timely information that they need to make important
public decisions:

1 - They have failed to adequately investigate and expose illegal
or improper activities of officials and those doing business with
the government.

2 - They have failed to provide adequate coverage of candidates
for public office and the issues, and treated election campaigns
and the process of government as entertainment or a sporting
event, requiring candidates to spend vast sums for political
advertising and to become unduly dependent on contributors
representing special interests.

3 - They have failed to adequately alert the public to problems
they may face in the future, or to bring important matters to
their attention.

4 - They have allowed officials and special interests to exercise
undue influence over the information provided to the public.

D. Too many of the People have failed to do their duty to
preserve, protect and defend the Federal and State Constitutions
and to participate in the process of republican government:

1 - They have too often delegated to judges, superiors, or legal
advisors their duty to independently interpret and apply the
Federal and State Constitutions and the laws pursuant thereto to
all official acts which they may be involved.

2 - They have accepted bribes from government to buy their votes,
instead of insisting that elected officials uphold the
Constitutions and exercise their responsibilities for the good of
the nation as a whole, and thereby laid the foundation for
corruption throughout government and society.

3 - They have failed to demand complete, accurate, and timely
information on candidates for office and the issues, thereby
compelling candidates to become excessively dependent on
contributions from special interests.

4 - They have failed to become involved in the electoral process
to bring forward persons of competence and integrity to become
candidates for public office.

Now, therefore, we demand:

1 - That all statutes, regulations, and orders which are in
violation of their applicable constitutions be immediately
repealed or amended to remove the offending provisions, and

a All statutes which regulate, restrict or otherwise
infringe on the right of the People to purchase, own, possess,
advertise, sell, lease, loan, manufacture, transport, or use arms
and ammunition for the purposes of defense of person, family,
home, property, and liberty, for the defense and safety of the
State, for sport and recreation, or for other peaceful purposes,
especially those arms suited for militia use.

b - All statutes which restrict the right to assemble
peaceably as independent militias.

c - The Trading with the Enemy Act, War and Emergency Power
Order, and all presidential directives prescribing the suspension
of the Constitution or any part thereof in an emergency.

d - All federal statutes defining crimes committed on State
territory and outside of federal territory other than those of
treason, counterfeiting, piracies or felonies on the high seas, or
offenses against the laws of nations, and that all convictions
under such statutes be immediately reversed.

e - All statutes based on the unratified income tax amendment
to the Federal Constitution.

f - All statutes based on the interstate commerce clause of
the Federal Constitution which apply to other than commercial
transactions that cross a state border, or that impose
confiscatory fines or criminal penalties for violation thereof.

g - All statutes based on taxing clauses of the Federal
Constitution which have a prohibitory or confiscatory effect, or
which impose criminal penalties for failure to pay.

h - All statutes that allow for the forfeiture of property
except for payment of a tax or fine judged valid by a court of
competent jurisdiction.

i - All unconstitutional or unfunded mandates on state or
local governments.

2 - That where a consensus exists that a power not delegated to
the government should be exercised thereby, appropriate
constitutional amendments be proposed, debated, and perhaps
adopted, and new legislation adopted based on such amendments.

3 - That officials who have violated their oaths to uphold their
respective constitutions be impeached and removed from office, and

a - The President, for signing legislation containing
unconstitutional provisions, specifically the recent "Violent
Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994", and for sending
U.S. troops to conduct war in foreign lands without the consent of

b - The Attorney-General, for failing to prosecute officials
responsible for the abuse of civil rights, and specifically for
the assaults and killings of people at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and
Mount Carmel, Texas.

c - The Secretary of the Treasury, for the enforcement of
unconstitutional gun control legislation and for illegally
expanding the definitions of prohibited devices, and for allowing
instruments not backed by gold or silver to be used as legal

4 - That an immediate audit be conducted of the Federal Reserve,
that it be prohibited from issuing notes to be used as legal
tender, and that the Treasury replace all Federal Reserve notes
now outstanding with instruments backed by gold or silver; or, if
there is insufficient gold or silver to make this possible, that
the Constitution be amended to allow additional materials having a
stable value to be used to back the currency.

5 - That all secret legislation or budgets and all military or law
enforcement training exercises be fully disclosed and explained to
the public, and all government documents classified at any level
of secrecy be immediately declassified and disclosed to the
public, except only those few whose disclosure would jeopardize
human intelligence assets in the field, reveal military technology
not yet in the possession of any foreign power, jeopardize
criminal investigations, or disclose private personnel

6 - That until such time as a foolproof method can be found for
electronic voting, all elections be conducted using paper ballots,
counted by human beings.

7 - That a system of independent magistrates or prosecutors be
established to investigate and prosecute crimes committed by
officials under color of law, and that grand juries be instructed
and encouraged to investigate and bring indictments for official

8 - That State constitutions be amended as required to enumerate
the powers delegated to the State government by the People, and
that the State be forbidden from exercising any power not thus
specifically delegated.

9 - That appropriate federal, state and local legislation be
adopted to implement the provisions of the Federal Constitution to
organize and train the entire Militia and to keep them in a high
state of readiness.

10 - That federal and state laws be passed to require judges to
inform jurors that they have the power and duty to judge not only
the facts in the case, but the law, and that in criminal cases, no
matter how despicable the accused or heinous his act, they are to
find the accused not guilty if the court lacks jurisdiction or the
law is unconstitutional or improperly applied, and that a law is
unconstitutional if it violates a constitutional right, exceeds
powers delegated to the government, or is excessively vague or not
equally applied.

11 - That all government agencies and public authorities be
required to divest themselves of any ownership or control over any
private enterprise not specifically authorized by law, and to
return to the general fund all financial assets not specifically
authorized by law.

12 - That all public authorities and entities receiving government
funds be independently audited and the results reported to the

13 - That any U.S. troops assigned to serve under a foreign
commander do so only under authority delegated to that foreign
commander in accordance with law by a U.S. commander having
supervisory authority over such troops, and that such authority be
subject to revocation at any time.

14 - That the traditional system of Common Law be established in
all jurisdictions.

15 - That all victims of corporate raiding, bank or savings and
loan manipulation, or bankruptcy fraud perpetrated by government
officials or agencies, be fully compensated for their losses.

16 - That all victims of government-sponsored experimentation be
identified and treated or they or their heirs be compensated.

17 - That all treaties made with Native Americans be honored, and
the ancestral lands guaranteed under such treaties and
subsequently taken from them be restored.

18 - That all legislation proposed be reviewed by an independent
panel of constitutional scholars who shall advise on the
constitutionality of the provisions thereof, before it is
submitted to a final vote.

19 - That the rules of court procedure be amended to provide that
on any appeal of a case in which the government is a party to a
multi-judge tribunal on constitutional grounds, the vote of only
one judge is required to establish a right of a person or to deny
a power to an agency of government.

20 - That attorneys be licensed, and their practices reviewed, by
state boards composed of non-lawyers, and that no person shall be
allowed to run for elected office who has practiced law during the
preceding five years, nor shall such person, having held elected
office, be permitted to practice law during his term of office or
during the five years after leaving office.

21 - That large news media conglomerates be broken up into
competing outlets having editorial independence, and charged with
informing the public of what it needs to know to make the right
public decisions, including providing complete and accurate
information on candidates and issues, and alerting them to
potential problems well in advance of needing to make decisions
about them.

22 - That the media open their forums to participation by more
citizens and experts, and not just professional journalists, and
provide more exposure for neglected issues and ideas.

23 - That citizens be educated from childhood to independently
interpret and apply their constitutions to all official acts with
which they may be involved, and not to delegate that
responsibility to judges, superiors, or legal advisors.

24 - That citizens be educated to demand complete and accurate
information from public officials and the media on all issues, to
participate in the political process, and not to allow their votes
to be bought by bribes from government.

Constitution Society, 6900 San Pedro #147-230, San Antonio, TX
78216, 210/224-2868

"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~
"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~

Sunday, September 15, 2002

Ron Paul Ask For The Abolishment Of The Federal Reserve

Will this Congress who is determined to do their own thing and ignore the People, do anything about this issue? I do not know the answer except to say they will probably ignore the truth just as they have the illegal graduated income tax issue. At least this article lets the people know that there is something really wrong in Washington. These politicians know the truth about the Fed and the illegal income tax and how it destroying America and yet refuse to act. I believe the old term "he who owns the gold rules", applies here. Many of our government officials I fear are owned by this bunch of International Bankers who own the Fed! Maybe as the truth comes to light more and more, the people will rise up and demand a change. If it is not too late! By the way if the government printed it's own money, backed by gold, there would be no need for the graduated (unconstitutional) income tax.
Go to: Ron Paul On Abolishing The Fed

"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~