Saturday, February 01, 2003

"Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction." -- Thomas Jefferson

Do you remember the story of the Fox and the Scorpion? It seems that the scorpion pursuades the fox to carry him to the other side of the river on his back. Once they make it to safety, the scorpion stings the fox and he dies. What a horrible story!

In real life, the UN is the Scorpion and America is the Fox. Henry Lamb posted a new article at the World Net Daily today that should interest every American. Why does the United States continue to pour millions of dollars into this institution whose goal is a One World Government? The answer is simple. Those in power in our country are part and parcel of the One World scheme. Truth be known, the majority of the United Nations hates all that our country stands for and is seeking to bring us in line with a World System that will make slaves of us all. Will the American people even care about this fact? I doubt it. Here is one of my reasons why.

Many of you know I went to work for the school system in my county. I took the school nursing position where my grandchildren go and it has been quite an experience. One humerous side to this job is my grandaughter Kerrigan. I call her my tornado and she is so full of life that I can hardly keep up with her. Kerrigan is in Pre-K and she so adorable as she marches to her class every morning and stops by the clinic to give me a morning hug. Well it seems as if Kerrigan has told her class that I am Mema and a doctor (she is not concerned with correct titles)! Last week in the cafeteria, I walked by her class and several of the children greeted me with, hello Doctor Mema. I almost fell out but Kerrigan was there smiling proudly as her fellow students greeted her Mema.

There is another side to my job as school nurse and that is dealing with children who are abused, in single families, foster children and children in or going through the divorce of their moms and dads or stepdads. I can tell you from just my little corner, that we are in big trouble. Let me just say that the teachers and Principal of my school are wonderful and really care about the children. However it is the family that is in crisis. I would say that a great many of the homes care nothing for the things of God. Many parents are unemployed and in crisis or are happy to be on the government welfare roles. I have had children in my clinic with 103.8 temperatures and I was unable to find someone to pick them up and when I did, in the majority of cases they did not even take the child to the doctor. Telephones are disconnected and you cannot find Mom when these children need her the most. One child whose mother had no way to come and get him told me that his mom and stepdad were going through "a friendly divorce". You should see the look in the eyes of these kids. It is breaking my heart. The churches must fight back at the territory Satan has gained over the families of this Nation. The church must stand for rightousness and truth again and not bow down to government controls. She must preach truth and reach out to the families in a major way. This is spiritual warfare at the highest level. Satan is literally destroying the family and there is dead silence from most churches.

What does this have to do with the UN? Let me just say that if the family crisis nationwide is reflected by what I have personally observed, we have people who neither have the time nor the will to get informed about what is happening to our beloved country. They are too busy with soap opera lives and trying to survive to worry about the United Nations. The Bible says that in the last days, men (and women) would do what was right in their own eyes. The results is broken homes and damaged kids. When the generation I am describing comes of age, America will fall into the hands of her enemies from within. I believe that we have heard those words before.

Here is the article by Henry Lamb:
Marching Toward Oblivion
Posted: February 1, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern


The League of Nations withered on the vine when the United States refused to join the world government. It is time for the U.N. to follow its predecessor into oblivion. This will happen when the United States finally recognizes that the U.N. has become the breeding ground of hate for American values, and pulls the financial plug.

The most avid supporters of the U.N. must now take another – realistic -- look at this institution. The U.N. Commission on Human Rights has elected Libya as its chair. If that doesn't frost your apples, how about this: Iraq will chair the U.N. Conference on Disarmament. Next, we'll hear that Osama bin Laden has been named to head the U.N.'s anti-terror commission.

The nation that for 12 years, has thumbed its nose at U.N. demands to disarm, will now set the agenda for U.N. disarmament talks. Libya, the nation near the top of every list of human-rights violators, will set the agenda for U.N. human-rights programs.

The Human Rights Commission was prepared to elect Libya by acclamation, but the U.S. insisted on a vote to see where the chips fell. Thirty-three nations voted for Libya; Canada and Guatemala joined the U.S.'s "no" vote; and 17 European nations abstained. This vote speaks volumes about the attitude of our so-called "allies" in Europe.

The European nations that condone this U.N. bureaucratic nonsense are among the same nations that have refused to stand up to Saddam Hussein for the last 12 years. Not only are they unwilling to take a stand now, they bad-mouth the United States, and its president, for not submitting to the "international will."

The anti-American attitude, so flagrantly displayed by the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, and in the U.N. Security Council, permeates the entire United Nations organization. I've seen it at U.N. meetings in Bonn, in Geneva, in Buenos Aires, in Kyoto and in The Hague. At every U.N. meeting I've ever attended, there is a constant drumbeat of anti-American sentiment.

Despite this anti-American attitude, the U.N. has the audacity to ask the United States for a $1.3 billion interest-free loan to refurbish its New York headquarters. The only money that goes to the U.N. should be to purchase the property, and send the U.N. packing.

There are two ways the U.S. can change this growing anti-American attitude. The shortest route, would be to acquiesce to global governance, and submit to the international scheme to transform the world into a socialist utopia, administered by the United Nations. The rest of the world would love us – instantly. The U.S. would finally be under the control of the U.N.

The other way is to immediately withdraw from the U.N. – lock, stock and barrel. The howls and screams would dominate the international media – and the liberal U.S. press – for a while. For a short while. Individually, outside the U.N. stable, most nations would scramble to establish a relationship with the U.S.

America's strength and prosperity arises from the principles of freedom on which the nation was founded. These same principles offer the same result to all nations that will embrace them. The United States should stop apologizing for our success – and stop compromising the principles of freedom in order to appease the international community. America should assert those principles, in domestic policy, and most definitely, in international policy.

The United Nations has but one, overarching goal: to become the center of global governance through which its socialist philosophy will impose "sustainable development" – the equitable distribution of the earth's resources. What the world needs is not sustainable development, but sustainable freedom. U.S. withdrawal from the U.N. would be a major step in the right direction.

Capitalism cannot survive in a "sustainable" world, nor can individual freedom. Capitalism is the source of evil, according to many U.N. supporters. Individual freedom is characterized as a license to pollute, according to many U.N. supporters. National sovereignty is an obsolete idea held only by xenophobes – according to many U.N. supporters.

Individual freedom, free markets and national sovereignty are the bricks and mortar of the greatest nation the world has ever known. The United Nations is working to replace these values with government control of the economy – and the environment – by controlling every facet of human behavior.

Every dime we give to the U.N. advances the cause of global governance. When we withdraw our support, and stop paying their bills, the U.N. will fade into oblivion, just like the League of Nations.

Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental Conservation Organization and chairman of Sovereignty International.

For More Articles That Tell The Truth visit World Net Daily.

If you have not purchased Joseph Farah's new book, Taking America Back, you can order it at the WND Website. Every American needs to read this book.

*****Note from me: If we do not begin to reach our families and stand up to evil we will loose this nation. Get informed and help turn America around! May God help us in this battle.


Why Vitamins and Mineral Pills Could Be Making You Sick!

Thursday, January 30, 2003

2 Corinthians 6
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.


Sometimes when I get up and read the news I am absolutely astounded at what people are doing! I am so grateful that we have the Word of God to steer us right in this nutty world we live in. Today I am posting an article on the churches in America that should blow you away. If the National Council of Churches was not bad enough, they now want to start another organization that will put all of the churches in America into one big happy group. Who ever said that the church of the Lord Jesus Christ should participate in an organization where some of the other groups deny his Word, His Doctrine and His Salvation through his shed blood on Calvary's Cross? I remember somewhere the Lord told us we would be hated and would not be accepted by the world so why would His Church clamor to get involved in these type of organizations?

Once a church signs on to a program such as this, there is no local control of the leadership. If the battles for control of the Southern Baptist Convention are any example ( they have appeared to remain conservative up until now), I will predict you end up with a liberal leadership that will deny all we believe in. Remember that the New World Order wants a One World Religion. There is no way that a Conservative Bible Believing Local Church would join the National Council so now they are trying to repackage the deal. My thought on this is, "Let the Buyer Beware".

God Bless

Church Leaders Eye 'Christian Alliance'
Church Leaders Propose a Plan to Create the Broadest-Ever U.S. Christian Alliance

The Associated Press

Church leaders from 30 denominations agreed Wednesday on a proposal to create the broadest alliance of Christians ever formed in the United States.

The steering committee of the budding effort, tentatively called Christian Churches Together in the U.S.A., will invite a wide range of national church bodies and agencies over the next several weeks to join them.

The loosely knit alliance would represent five segments of U.S. Christianity, listed in the plan as "Evangelical/Pentecostal, Historic Protestant, Orthodox, Racial/Ethnic and Roman Catholic."

The Catholic church and most evangelicals and Pentecostals do not belong to the National Council of Churches, which is currently the nation's largest ecumenical group. If the new alliance does emerge, it could supplant the National Council or radically alter its role in American Christianity.

Catholic Bishop Tod Brown of Orange, Calif., and Baltimore's Cardinal William Keeler were among the 55 participants who met at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif. Both are members of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' ecumenical committee.

"I don't think there has ever been anything like this attempted before in this country," Brown said.

The Rev. Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, steering committee chair and chief executive of the Reformed Church in America, called the meeting "a remarkable breakthrough. We gathered a wide representation of the Christian churches in the U.S.A. and were able to inspire them into making a deep commitment together."

Brown said the U.S. Catholic hierarchy could decide on the proposal within two years. Granberg-Michaelson said that's the likely timetable to go from the planning stage to formal launch of the organization.

One sticking point: The nation's largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, may be reluctant to join, though it had an observer at the meeting.

The idea of a broad Christian alliance emerged from discussions three years ago within the National Council. The council is not sponsoring the new unity effort, though its chief executive is participating in it.

The organization would gather groups that "believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Savior according to the Scriptures" and "worship and serve One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

The proposal being sent to churches says that, in the early stages, the alliance will exist mostly for common worship, fellowship and dialogue on "commonalities" and "differences." Later, it would become more active in "speaking to society with a common voice, whenever possible," and sponsor forums where Christians could address specific issues.

The Catholic church belongs to similar interdenominational organizations in some other nations.

The National Council and rival National Association of Evangelicals each have faced organizational woes in recent years.

The National Council currently includes 36 Protestant and Orthodox denominations with 100,000 local congregations. The National Association of Evangelicals unites 51 denominations, 45,000 congregations and 250 interchurch agencies. U.S. Catholicism has 65.3 million members in 19,500 parishes.

****My note- It will be interesting to see if the SBC finally joins in with a group such as this.

This article can be found at: ABC News Online

Today More Than Ever The Words Of Adrian Rogers Ring True:

"It is better to be divided by truth than united in error; it is better to speak truth that hurts and then heals than to speak a lie; it is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie; it is better to stand alone with truth than to be wrong with the multitude.


Why Vitamins and Mineral Pills Could Be Making You Sick!

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Adrian Rogers said, "It is better to be divided by truth than united in error; it is better to speak truth that hurts and then heals than to speak a lie; it is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie; it is better to stand alone with truth than to be wrong with the multitude.

Living In America!

Have We The People stuck our proverbial head in the sand? If so, it is time to pull it out!

I believe that when we are right, we must stand on truth even if the whole world hates us. However, when the truth is being covered up with a controlled media and the government wants to control all aspects of our lives, we are in trouble. I honestly believe that if the people in this country do not wake up to what is happening to us, the Great American Experiment is over.

Joseph Farah of World Net Daily has written a new book I just received and it is entitled, Taking America Back. This is not a book to expose the problems. It is a book with answers to the problem. You can go to the World Net Daily Bookstore to order and this is one that every American should read . If you want answers, he has given them. I plan on quoting this new expose in future post.

Today I am posting an article from World Net Daily written by Joan Veon. Ms. Veon is an expert on the New World Order and her article should be a wake up call to us all. I don't think it will touch many people but it is the truth and this is one we better think about. Don't wait on Dan Rather to tell you about this one on television!

God Bless

America was great because America was good

Posted: January 28, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Joan Veon
© 2003

DAVOS, Switzerland – We all know the story of Alexis de Tocqueville who came to America to see what made America great. After exploring all of America's institutions, he finally concluded that America was great because America was good and if she ceased to be good, she would cease to be great.

Here at the 33rd World Economic Forum in Davos, the mood is prevailingly solemn – quite unusual for a group of the world's most powerful businessmen and world leaders. I remember several years ago hearing the CEOs declare how great business was and how the IT revolution was just beginning. In their unbridled arrogance, they could do it all and they had all the answers – that is, until the Nasdaq crash and the unexpected Sept. 11, which was followed by the crash of Enron and WorldCom.

Because the objective of the forum is to give CEOs and world leaders an overall picture of the "state of the world," the major themes centered on the global economy, public-private partnerships, the changing role of business, security, terrorism and America's war with Iraq. In addition, they discussed something a civilized world should never have to discuss: trust and values.

There was complete agreement that the state of the world is very fragile. While the global economic downturn is of concern, the greater concern is over what they perceive as America's loss of values and eroding constitutional freedoms. In this regard, there are more Muslims participating and voicing their opinions than before. Both participants and speakers shared their concerns which were disturbing to me for they see America as having lost her way. It would not be so bad if the white Anglo-Saxon internationalists did not agree with them. There is a majority forming as to our treatment of Muslims and our saber rattling against Iraq. Furthermore, the actions of the Bush administration are sending a great deal of fear into the world.

Now let me tell you some of the things that are being said. We will begin with Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir who said that the United States needs to find out why the terrorists are mad so that we can help them. He used the Palestinian problem as an example. He said, "Israel was created by expelling Palestinians from their land. Every time they fought back, they lost more land. Since they are not able to use conventional forms of attack, they have turned to unconventional attacks." Mahathir concluded by saying fear rules the world.

This was followed by Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, who asserted that basic fundamental human rights of Muslims in America were being violated. He said there is radical distrust as a result of how America has dealt with 9-11: arresting people without trial, torture at U.S. airbases and how prisoners are being treated at Guantanamo Bay.

I interviewed former Australian Foreign Minister Garth Evans, who is now chairman of International Crisisgroup – an independent and international non-profit organization whose goal is to prevent deadly conflict. He said that what the U.S. has done has led to negative reverberations of stereotyping and overkill. While he decries America's go-it-alone approach – as do many other globalists – he said that we still need better evidence as to why we are going to war. I think what hit home is when he said that everyone depends on the U.S. to get it right and that there is great concern when the U.S. is wrong and that the administration was inflaming terrorist sentiment.

Then there was the workshop on "U.S. Omnipotence: What Lies Ahead?" Amre Moussa, secretary-general of the League of Arab States in Cairo, said that we must guard against reshaping the region when the U.S. does not have the consent of the people to do so. He called our actions "arrogant." Grigory Yavlinsky who is a member of the Russian Duma said that terrorism is a new situation for us and that we must avoid war.

However, an American – Lewis Lapham, editor of Harper's Magazine in the U.S. and a member of the Council for Foreign Relations – also lashed out at the Bush administration when he said, "Is the U.S. changing from a democracy to an autocratic empire?" He then went on to state how our country is being changed through the Patriot Act, the reformulation of the FBI and the right to tap phones and mail.

Lastly, the gentlemen who received the applause in this workshop pointed out two concerns: (1) Was America being honest to its own basic principles and founding values as seen in the Declaration which now appears to be hijacked and (2) There is danger with the U.S. going to the U.N. and then saying, "If I don't like what you say, I will do it anyway."

While I could tell you of the pat responses of Congressman Portman, R-Ohio, and of Attorney General John Ashcroft, however, there is growing concern that America is going one way while the world goes in another direction.

While I don't agree with the need for a new paradigm and a new mindset that says the world is one and we all need to be in lockstep, what can I say when the average American is now guilty until proven innocent?

Now, the government has the right to tap our phones without notice. If this were not so bad, retired Adm. John Poindexter is heading up a new department which will consolidate all of the data available about us – credit cards, what we buy in the grocery story, our driving records, airline tickets, tax records, hotel records, etc. to profile us. Americans have no privacy any longer and their freedoms are diminishing while the U.S. Senate will debate this year if they should set up what the British have – a civilian intelligence unit (MI5). People who question if America is still great have ample reason.

Joan Veon is a certified financial planner and is president of Veon Financial Services, Inc., an investment advisory firm. Visit her website,


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Why Vitamins and Mineral Pills Could Be Making You Sick!

Monday, January 27, 2003

Good Monday morning everyone. I found this neat site that touched my heart and I pray it will be a blessing to you? I also pray that you will have a blessed week. Pray for our beloved country. The winds of war are blowing and I believe we are headed into troubling times. In all of this, one truth stands out above all others. Jesus died for us and he is seated at the right hand of God the Father! He will never leave us or forsake us.



Why Vitamins and Mineral Pills Could Be Making You Sick!

Adrian Rogers said, "It is better to be divided by truth than united in error; it is better to speak truth that hurts and then heals than to speak a lie; it is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie; it is better to stand alone with truth than to be wrong with the multitude.