Thursday, September 12, 2002


This Truth Is Going To Truly Blow You Out Of The Water. I praise the Lord that these things are coming to light for American People. Take your time and read this article slowley. Let it sink in what this really means. No Wonder The 13th Ammendment Disappeared! Click Here and Hold On to Your Seat Belt!
The Missing 13th Ammendment

The Truth Is Going To Set Us Free! May God Bless America Once Again.

"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~

The Truth Sets Us Free & Denial Is Not A River In Egypt!

Good Thursday Morning. Sometimes a Quote says it all and I think this one from Ron Paul does. When did Americans stop questioning their leaders? When did the church take Romans 13 as an excuse not to stand up to the destruction of our Constitutional Rights? To me, that excuse is really a cop out because if our forefathers had used Romans 13 as an excuse not to stand up to England, then we would still be slaves of England. As it is, we have become slaves of a government out of control and our Constitution gives us the God Given Right to stand against it. Will enough Americans have the guts to do it. I pray so or the country I know and love will not be there for my grandchildren. Start Asking Questions! Here is the quote:

"If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U.S. membership in the UN; no gun control; and no foreign aid. We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the "poor"; no American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or "fast-track"; no arrogant federal judges usurping states rights; no attacks on private property; no income tax. We could get rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies, and most of the budget. The government would be small, frugal, and limited."

Congressman Ron Paul (1998)

I pray this prophetic word will not come true!

"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Thanks To Nat Wynn

Guys I just had to post this one to the blog. We stay so serious about what is happening that sometimes we forget that laughter is the best medicine. Proverbs 15:13 states, "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance". So Thank You Nat for reminding me of this quote. Hope all my readers enjoy!

Obituary of Mr. Common Sense

Today we mourn the passing of an old friend, by the name of Common Sense. Common Sense lived a long life but died recently in the United States. No one really knows how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He selflessly devoted his life to service in schools, hospitals, homes, factories helping folks get jobs done without fanfare and foolishness. For decades, petty rules, silly laws, and frivolous lawsuits held no power over Common Sense. He was credited with cultivating such valued lessons as to know when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, and that life isn't always fair.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn), reliable parenting strategies (the adults are in charge, not the kids), and it's okay to come in second. A veteran of the Industrial Revolution, the Great Depression, and the Technological Revolution, Common Sense survived cultural and educational trends including body piercing, whole language, and "new math." But his health declined when he became infected with the "If-it-only-helps-one-person-it's-worth-it" virus.

In recent decades his waning strength proved no match for the ravages of well intentioned but overbearing regulations. He watched in pain as good people became ruled by self-seeking lawyers. His health rapidly deteriorated when schools endlessly implemented zero tolerance policies.

Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate, a teen suspended for taking a swig of mouthwash after lunch, and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student only worsened his condition. It declined even further when schools had to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student but could not inform the parent when a female student was pregnant or wanted an abortion.

Finally, Common Sense lost his will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband, churches became businesses, criminals received better treatment than victims, and federal judges stuck their noses in everything from the Boy Scouts to professional sports.

Finally, when people, too stupid to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, were awarded a huge settlement, Common Sense threw in the towel.

As the end neared, Common Sense drifted in and out of logic but was kept informed of developments regarding questionable regulations such as those for low flow toilets, rocking chairs, and stepladders.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by two stepbrothers: My Rights, and Ima Whiner. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.

A Great Thank You To Paul Fonzo, We The People Cordinator in Forsyth County for linking to the Let Freedom Ring Blog site. I believe this is only the beginning of a viral marketing concept to get the truth of what is happening in America out to the people. I envision the links growing until nothing can stop the truth from getting out! Also great thanks to Doug Kenline, WTP State Cordinator for Georgia for his support. My Husband and I hope we can meet you both as well as many patriots at the Sherry Jackson Peel meeting in Atlanta.

Tonight I will post a new "Think About It Article" so be sure to check back tonight.
God Bless America
Elaine Moreland

"The spirit of the times may alter, will alter.
Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless...
From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill.
It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for

They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and
will never think of uniting to affect a due respect for their rights.

The shackles, therefore...will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights
shall revive or expire in a convulsion."

~Thomas Jefferson~

Monday, September 09, 2002

A Great Lesson Regarding Our Country And Taxation.

I have just read an awesome article at the NITE (National Institution On Taxation Education) website. Where did America stand on taxation in the beginning of this great country and what happened? Taxation: The Battle's History
is the name of the article and is one that is interesting and very informative. We must get the public informed to the truth about the fraudulent tax system in this country. The Public Schools certainly did not teach any of us this stuff. We are the Sovereigns in this nation and we have to wake up now and begin to turn her around! With Gods help, we can do it. I would appreciate you all letting others know about this blog site in that I hope it will continue to be informative and supply links to websites and news articles that will inform the public of what has and is happening to us. Our country is worth saving for our children and grandchildren's sakes. Hope you enjoy the article. Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions or comments.
God Bless
Elaine Moreland

Go to:
The Beginning: What Happened?
Americans used to roar like lions for liberty. Now we bleat like sheep for security.
-- Norman Vincent Peale

A Time To Remember!

It is hard to believe that a year has past already and here we are at the anniversary of 911. I don't know about many of you but I have been sickened by the world leaders who will not back our country in going to war with Sadaam. These people take our money and then spit on us! Sadaam is an evil man and I received an email from a famous Christian author , Bill Koenig , who is also a reporter living in Jerusalem. His letter made it clear to me how very serious this situation is. For us who study and teach Bible Prophecy of course we know what is happening here. I thought I would print Bill's letter as a blog update today. It is a call to really pray for our nation and to trust in the Lord knowing that He is in control. Hope you enjoy the report.
God Bless

Update from Jerusalem - Bill Koenig

September 9, 2001

Wednesday, September 11, will certainly be a day of reflection for the United States. The major US TV networks will be offering programming all day long to mark the anniversary. (President Bush will be busy; below is his schedule for that day).

As the United States prepares for the 9-11 anniversary event, we are in great expectation of President Bush's planned address on Iraq to the UN General Assembly Thursday morning in New York. Yesterday five members of his administration hit the Sunday news talks shows to explain the Bush position pertaining to Iraq.

On Thursday President Bush will be making a courageous stand on Iraq. In Iraq we have a madman with a barbaric history that will be fully exposed to the world community. This man has a diabolic plan, but the world community has been saying to leave him alone.

Saddam is the person who is establishing a Jerusalem Army to come against Israel. He is the one who has been helping the Palestinians against Israel. He has slaughtered large numbers of his own people and even members of his own family. He has been developing weapons of mass destruction to use on Israel, the United States, and others of his enemies in the world.

The world community is going to hear the facts on Saddam Hussein; how they vote will say a lot about the condition of our world's leaders. The Arab nations stated last week they are against the potential attack by the US on Iraq and that if it happened it would open the "gates of h-ll."

Do you think this position has anything to do with Israel? Absolutely! This is the same group who was part of the ally base for Desert Storm in 1990. They refuse to join the US this time around because they want the pressure exerted on Israel, not Saddam. Ironically, Saddam is a greater threat and menace today than he was in 1990-even, if history is not to be ignored, to his own Arab neighbors.

Many world leaders, especially the leaders of the larger nations, have stated their disapproval of the US plan to eliminate Saddam Hussein. Will Bush's UN address change anything? It is doubtful, but it will be a formal public address on one of the most evil, if not the most evil, man in the world today. Our Lord has provided a situation where the world is going to hear the case against Saddam and see their position publicly.

This situation reminds me of the middle of last year when in 120 days most nations of the world established their position on God's covenant land in. These nations' positions were spoken through the UN, the EU, the Arab League, or directly for themselves, as in the case of Russia, China, France and a few others. Even the Vatican, the World Council of Churches, and the National Council of Churches unfortunately called on Israel to leave the occupied [disputed] land.

The attention Saddam Hussein is receiving is truly unbelievable. It is also becoming a very divisive factor for the world community. It is the top news now. This will likely be a very pivotal week.

Even if the UN and the world community does not stand with the US and Britain in backing the ouster of Saddam Hussein, it appears President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair will go at it alone.


There is a spiritual war going on in Israel and throughout the world. The radical fundamentalist Muslims have declared war on the Christians and Jews throughout the world. Yes, there are some very nice Muslim people, but we are in a war with the bad element of Islam and they are becoming more radical and vile every day. They are out to destroy us and to dominate the world in the name of Islam.

The demons of darkness are tormenting the world with their diabolic plan. You can sense it increasing here in Israel and in the United States. Satan knows his time is short, and he is on a path of destruction. His agents, Saddam Hussein, Yassir Arafat and Osama bin Laden, are all targeted by the United States.

As a 30-year veteran of the Defense Department told me last month this is a war we weren't trained for. Our previous conventional war training has a defined enemy in defined borders. This enemy can be on your street, in your town, in your country and only a few can create outright havoc. These people are possessed; we can't even begin to comprehend their thinking or ways because they are totally contrary to our way of thinking. They are liars, they are deceivers, and they are a total manifestation of evil. We can hear their nonsense daily on TV.

America is at war

As we watch attentively the situation with Iraq, we are also watching the forces of darkness in the United States. We have heard before from President Bush that we are good and they [the terrorists] are bad. Yes, the terrorists are evil, but so is a nation who has allowed 40 million children to be eliminated in their mothers' wombs. We are watching the aggressive gay community push their agenda on our schools, government, and communities. The name of Jesus Christ is not accepted in some schools, and, except as a swear word, is mentioned less and less on TV and radio. Many in the church have lost their fear of the Lord. We are also living in the time when good is called bad and bad is called good. Christians are also being persecuted for their belief in Biblical values; we are called intolerant to perverse lifestyles. The American media has their agenda and continues to manipulate public opinion. So what does the Lord have planned for America? We will likely see the darkness get darker and the light brighter and more profound. As Christians, we must continue to look to our only hope, which is in Jesus Christ. He will be with us every step of the way and wants to work through fully yielded vessels. He has exciting and mighty plans and He is looking for those to participate with Him. It is not about us and our agenda; it is all about His plan! It is all about Him and His redemptive plan for our times!

Thoughts from Israel

I have been absorbing a lot in Israel since our arrival two weeks ago. I will have more on my observations later this week. I have experienced the heightened security now prevalent in Israel. We have also visited with many people as we have traveled around Israel. Israelis are resolute people. They are adapting well in a very trying time. They have experienced many tough times in their history since their becoming a nation in 1948. They have also lived through the horror of suicide bombings since the beginning of Madrid. Their neighborhood has become much tougher over the eleven years.

Late last week there was a truck stopped carrying 1400 pounds of explosives that was designed to mar the Rosh Hashana celebration here in Israel.

The Jerusalem Post stated today that the Israeli Security forces arrested twenty Palestinians, including senior members of the Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in a number of operations in the West Band and Gaza since Friday. As usual, a very high percentage of these events are averted. Praise the Lord!

Now Israel is waiting in great expectation of what is ahead with Iraq, Syria, and the Palestinians. Israel's neighbors want their destruction; however, the Bible states it will be the enemies of Israel who will be ultimately destroyed.

Today the Sydney Morning Herald reported that Iraq is pointing their 20 mobile scuds (and other weapons) at Israel in an anticipation of a US attack. The mobile launchers are being deployed in the western deserts of Iraq.

Please continue to pray for President Bush, his family and his staff's protection, and that he seeks the Lord's perfect will and follow it.

Americans used to roar like lions for liberty. Now we bleat like sheep for security.
-- Norman Vincent Peale

Sunday, September 08, 2002

Toil, Taxes and Trouble

Good Sunday Evening To Everyone,
I have a book to recommend to you tonight. It is entitled Toil, Taxes and Trouble and is written by a wonderful lady by the name of Vivien Kellams. I purchased the book online at William Conklin's site. This womans battle began in 1948 the year I was born. I have adopted this wonderful woman as my mentor for the battle against unconstitutional taxation. Ms. Kellam stopped witholding and went to battle with the Infernal Revenue Service. I laughed at the wit and marveled at the intellegence of this one woman who dared to take on that bunch. The outcome will utterly amaze you!!! If you want to begin learning more about the arguments as to why this slave tax is unconstitutional as well as learn a little history about others who have fought the fight, then I encourage you to order this book. You can place your order at: TOIL, TAXES AND TROUBLE and this is through Davidson Press. Every person in the tax honesty movement ought to have a copy of this book.
God Bless

Americans used to roar like lions for liberty. Now we bleat like sheep for security.
-- Norman Vincent Peale